Earth's Twin - Gloria - Alternative View

Earth's Twin - Gloria - Alternative View
Earth's Twin - Gloria - Alternative View

Video: Earth's Twin - Gloria - Alternative View

Video: Earth's Twin - Gloria - Alternative View
Video: Biblically Accurate - Ezekiel's ASTONISHING Vision of GOD & CHERUBIM. Ezekiel 1 & 10. Not UFO or UAP 2024, September

According to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, at birth, people are endowed with BA - "Soul" and KA - "Double". The "double" is like a second instance of a being, something like a patron genius, this body is material in appearance, spiritual in nature, it is similar to the human body, but invisible to the bodily eyes. When a person dies, BA and KA are separated from him. In order for the "Double" to be resurrected again, it needs a support, and this is nothing but a body or an undead corpse, as well as an image (statue, bas-relief, painting) of a living body.

For life to continue, in spite of all appearances of death, it is necessary that a mummy or statue - similar images - attract the "Double" to itself, as a living body did by virtue of the law of magic: similarity causes similarity.

The "double" seems to be the oldest and most widespread concept of the soul in Egypt. Hence the first theory of immortality, which led to the construction of countless tombs, where in all eras they tried to provide the deceased with eternal life. This life is entirely material and human. A person who has outlived himself in his "Twin" will lead an existence in the next world similar to the earthly one.

It seems to us that this idea of the Egyptians about the world of "Twins" found a later expression in the cosmogony of the Neopythagorean Philolaus, who placed not the Earth at the center of the universe, as other philosophers had done before him, but the so-called central fire - "Hestna". According to Philolaus' cosmogony, all the planets, including the Earth, revolved around "Hestna", the central fire, and the Sun, making the same path, played the role of a mirror, reflecting its brilliance. At the same time, according to Philolaus, in the orbit of the Earth at a diametrically opposite point behind the "Hystnaya" a body like the Earth moved - Anti-Earth, where, apparently, the world of "Doubles" of man was located!

But what if we look at the hypothesis of the existence of Anti-Earth from the standpoint of modern knowledge? What does modern astronomy say about this? We seem to have no direct evidence of the presence of any massive body behind the Sun, but we also have no right to deny such a possibility with all certainty.

Does the sun on the other side of the earth's orbit block a large area from our eyes? Yes very! Its diameter, taking into account the solar corona, is ten diameters of the lunar orbit, or 600 diameters of the Earth. Therefore, there is more than enough space for a body like the Earth to hide. “Well,” the skeptics will object, “and spacecraft, they would certainly have discovered this body!” Alas, not everything is so simple. The field of view of space stations is very small, and they are aimed with their "eyes" on specific space objects used for orientation purposes, for example, the star Canopus. And they simply cannot "stare" around, and no one has yet set the task of searching for an unknown body behind the Sun for them. As for the American astronauts, then they would not be able to see anything, since the moon they visited is too close,and in order to find this body, it is necessary to fly away from the Earth at least 10-15 times further.

Astronomy predicts the possibility of accumulation of matter in the so-called libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but, unfortunately, the position of the body at this point is unstable. True, the Earth itself will be at the libration point of this body, and then the question of their mutual position will no longer be so simple.

Let's remember that the system of Saturn is similar to the Solar one and that each satellite of Saturn has its own planet - the satellite of the Sun. So, in the Saturn system, in almost the same orbit, corresponding to the Earth's orbit, there are two (!) Satellites - Epimetius and Janus, playing amazing games with each other. Periodically (once every four years) they approach each other and, due to the gravitational interaction, "exchange" their orbits. If at first Epimetius moved faster in the inner orbit, and Janus was slower in the outer, then after Epimetius caught up with Janus (but did not collide with him), he switched to an outer orbit and began to slow down, and Janus, having switched to an inner orbit, accelerated and moved away from Epimethy.

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In the same way as Epimetius and Janus, Earth and Anti-Earth can behave. Only the Earth travels its way around the Sun many times slower than they do around Saturn, and the Earth's meeting with its "Twin", a hypothetical body, would happen just as many times less frequently.

We conditionally named this hypothetical body Gloria. What are the considerations in favor of the fact that it really can be? There are several of them …

First. The Earth's orbit is special, the orbits of other terrestrial planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars - are symmetric relative to it in some characteristics. A similar pattern is observed for the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant, exceeding the mass of its neighbor, Saturn, by more than three times. And the mass of our closest neighbor, Venus, is only 18 percent less than Earth's. In short, the Earth's orbit cannot, should not be special, and yet it is. This means that there is a reason, for example, the presence in this orbit of a hidden mass, which increases the total mass of matter at least twice. Second. The theory of the motion of Venus was not given to scientists for a very long time. They could not understand the quirks of the planet's behavior,which in its movement in orbit is either ahead of the estimated time, then lagging behind it. It turns out that some unknown forces act on Venus, but where do they come from in the terrestrial group of planets? To match Venus, Mars is also "naughty". Moreover, in those moments when Venus is ahead of the calculated orbital run schedule. Mars is behind its schedule and vice versa. This can only be explained by some common cause, a single disturbing factor acting oppositely on Venus and Mars. Such a factor may be the presence in the Earth's orbit of not one body, but two - the Earth and Gloria. This can only be explained by some common cause, a single disturbing factor acting oppositely on Venus and Mars. Such a factor may be the presence in the Earth's orbit of not one body, but two - the Earth and Gloria. This can only be explained by some common cause, a single disturbing factor acting oppositely on Venus and Mars. Such a factor may be the presence in the Earth's orbit of not one body, but two - the Earth and Gloria.

And finally, the most interesting, in our opinion, consideration in favor of the existence of Gloria is the discovery in the 17th century by D. Cassini, director of the Paris Observatory, of an unknown object near Venus. The object was sickle-shaped, meaning it was a heavenly body, but not a star. Venus was also crescent at that moment, which allowed Cassini to assume that he had discovered the satellite of Venus. In addition, the size of the body was very large. Cassini estimated its diameter to be a quarter that of the moon.

In 1740, the object was seen by Short, in 1759 - by Mayer, in 1761 - by Montaigne, in 1764 - by Rotkier. Then the body disappeared somewhere, disappeared. So even doubts arose that it looked like a satellite. Maybe they were some kind of faint stars? New? But no, the crescent shape of the object indicated its large size. According to estimates of various observers, they were from a quarter to a third the size of Venus. What can I say here? Only that at a certain relative position of the planets, a body located behind the Sun and swaying near the libration point can come out from behind the star, and in favorable cases it can be seen from the Earth.

If Gloria really is there, it would be of great interest to us earthlings! After all, it is in the same conditions as the Earth, receives the same solar radiation as the Earth. So, the existence of civilization is possible on Gloria! Moreover, it is there that the base civilization can be located, and our Earth is a "settlement" … By the way, this can explain the increased interest of UFOs in events on Earth. It is firmly established that all nuclear tests, wherever they are carried out, always attract the close attention of "flying saucers". So, a UFO appeared over Hiroshima an hour after the explosion.

What would attract UFOs to these hot spots of the Earth if they were Gloria's ships? Danger to Gloria. Let us recall that the Earth and its "Twin" are located at libration points relative to each other and relative to the Sun, that is, their position is unstable. Therefore, nuclear explosions, causing strong shocks, can move the Earth from the libration point and throw towards Gloria. The counter movement of celestial bodies can lead to a monstrous catastrophe. The orbits of the planets are extremely close, and although a straight, head-on collision is unlikely to occur, the tidal waves will be so great that they will cause terrible devastation on both Earth and Gloria.

If the civilization of Gloria is far ahead of the earthly one, then, of course, it will not allow this and will take measures so that the Earth does not "roll" towards. So far, UFO interference in earthly affairs is insignificant, but this does not mean that neutrality will continue forever.

Let's summarize. There is some indirect evidence in favor of the existence of an undiscovered celestial body located behind the Sun. The evidence, of course, is not absolute, not very reliable, but it makes one think about the very possibility of the existence of the Earth's "double", and about the promising consequences of this fact.

According to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, people at birth are endowed with BA - "Soul" and KA - "Double". The "double" is like a second instance of a being, something like a patron genius, this body is material in appearance, spiritual in nature, it is similar to the human body, but invisible to the bodily eyes. When a person dies, BA and KA are separated from him. In order for the "Double" to be resurrected again, it needs a support, and this is nothing but a body or an undead corpse, as well as an image (statue, bas-relief, painting) of a living body. For life to continue, in spite of all appearances of death, it is necessary that a mummy or a statue of similar images attract the "Double" to itself, as a living body did by virtue of the law of magic: similarity causes similarity.

The "double" seems to be the oldest and most widespread concept of the soul in Egypt. Hence the first theory of immortality, which led to the construction of countless tombs, where in all eras they tried to provide the deceased with eternal life. This life is entirely material and human. A person who has outlived himself in his "Twin" will lead an existence in the next world similar to the earthly one. It seems to us that this idea of the Egyptians about the world of "Doubles" found a later expression in the cosmogony of the Neo-Pythagorean Philolaus, who placed not the Earth at the center of the universe, as other philosophers had done before him, but the so-called central fire - "Hestnu". According to Philolaus' cosmogony, all the planets, including the Earth, revolved around "Hestna", the central fire, and the Sun, making the same path, played the role of a mirror, reflecting its brilliance. Wherein,according to Philolaus, in the orbit of the Earth at a diametrically opposite point behind the "Hestna" a body like the Earth moved - Anti-Earth, where, apparently, the world of "Doubles" of man was located!

But what if we look at the hypothesis of the existence of Anti-Earth from the standpoint of modern knowledge? What does modern astronomy say about this? We seem to have no direct evidence of the presence of any massive body behind the Sun, but we also have no right to deny such a possibility with all certainty.

Does the sun on the other side of the earth's orbit block a large area from our eyes? Yes very! Its diameter, taking into account the solar corona, is ten diameters of the lunar orbit, or 600 diameters of the Earth. Therefore, there is more than enough space for a body like the Earth to hide. “Well,” the skeptics will object, “and spacecraft, they certainly would have found this body!” Alas, not everything is so simple. The field of view of space stations is very small, and they are aimed with their "eyes" on specific space objects used for orientation purposes, for example, the star Canopus. And they simply cannot "stare" around, and no one has yet set the task of searching for an unknown body behind the Sun for them. As for the American astronauts, then they would not be able to see anything, since the moon they visited is too close,and in order to find this body, it is necessary to fly away from the Earth at least 10-15 times further.

Astronomy predicts the possibility of accumulation of matter in the so-called libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but, unfortunately, the position of the body at this point is unstable. True, the Earth itself will be at the libration point of this body, and then the question of their mutual position will no longer be so simple. Let's remember that the system of Saturn is similar to the Solar one, and that each satellite of Saturn has its own planet - the satellite of the Sun. So, in the Saturn system, in almost the same orbit, corresponding to the Earth's orbit, there are two (!) Satellites - Epimetius and Janus, playing amazing games with each other. Periodically (once every four years) they approach each other and, due to the gravitational interaction, "exchange" their orbits. If at first Epimetius moved faster in the inner orbit, and Janus moved slower in the outer,then after Epimetius caught up with Janus (but did not collide with him), he went into an outer orbit and began to slow down, and Janus, having switched to an inner orbit, accelerated and moved away from Epimetius.

K. P. Butusov