IPM "AllatRa". Part 1. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Alternative View

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IPM "AllatRa". Part 1. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Alternative View
IPM "AllatRa". Part 1. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Alternative View

Video: IPM "AllatRa". Part 1. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Alternative View

Video: IPM
Video: Creative Society 2024, September

Today mankind knows a lot of narcotic drugs. Their main meaning is the clouding of the mind. And now you ask how it relates to the topic of the article - yes directly. After all, the AllatRa social movement is doing just that - lulling vigilance, diverting from common sense and immersing the consciousness that has decided to wake up into sleep. And I want to warn you and your children about this danger.

At the end of the article, the order of actions from the "Algorithm" Project will be posted, which will help the authorities check this international public movement for safety for the population living in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Followers of AllatRa will either pity me as an unhappy woman who does not know “what I am doing”, or they will be angry with me. But it is not important. The important thing is that perhaps they did not know something about the society in which they are members, and I will help them look at AllatRa from the other side. Deprived of mysticism and mystery.


For the first time, I came across the mention of AllatRa in September 2018. Then my second article from the series "Through the Looking Glass" was published. Followers of this movement began to appear in the comments to it, persistently offering to read their book. It reminded me of the dashing 90s and their Jehovah's Witnesses. But for erudition, I still looked for information about this organization. They write about themselves on their website:


Promotional video:


Then I got the feeling that this is another sect and therefore my study stopped.

After some time, I came across the AllatRa book in a bookstore. Outwardly it resembles the Bible and this social movement considers it sacred. The cost was surprising. Photographed her. I thought: “However. This is "Good in Action" "and again forgot about AllatRa.


But when quite recently, a year after meeting with the book, I came across information that there is also AllatRaTV, I decided to analyze the information about this international social movement that had emerged from nowhere.

I want to note that I will not duplicate information from the network. A lot has been written about AllatRa. There are investigations on the topic of a sect or not. And mostly articles of this kind. I still want to take a more down-to-earth and sober look at this movement by analyzing the facts about it.

The scale of AllatRA

Naturally, my study began with their website. Position themselves as an international social movement outside of politics and religion. They declare that among their participants there are government agencies, intergovernmental organizations, religious organizations (although they write about themselves that they are outside of politics and religion), the media and many others.

A screenshot of the full list is below:


It is also interesting that among the participants they represent almost the whole world:


Impressive, huh? Immediately there was a feeling that the company is large and has significant support. They also write about themselves:

If you remove all the “water” from it, then allatRa is a movement that deals with projects in different areas for the benefit of humanity.

Further on the website there is an explanation of the goals and objectives of the AllatRA International Public Movement (IPM):

And then there is an explanation of what kind of tasks the members of the organization have:

If we remove all the “water” again, the essence remains that the AllatRa participants make projects and programs aimed at educating society based on the knowledge of this organization.

Analytics of AllatRa projects

I analyzed the information about their projects that they post on their AllatRa Crown Funding by Conscience website.

Going to the site, you are impressed. The layout is good, a lot of things. The essence is as follows - money is collected from the AllatRa participants and simply from everyone who wishes to implement this or that project. And this is voluntary.


We go to the projects tab. Here on the right are indicated projects that have been implemented or completed. That is all. It looks good too.


But as it turned out, in fact, everything is not very good with their projects, or rather with their "real actions to improve the lives of people and the world in general." The fact is that analytics showed:

In support of my words, I present screenshots of the tabs with projects. You can also independently analyze which projects are many, and which ones you can count on your fingers.


In my understanding, good and useful deeds are actions on the part of a person, which here and now can really help another person. For example, feed, cure, help financially, help solve a problem, etc.

“Good in action” from AllatRa is aimed only at taking care of their movement

And in general, where did they get the idea that the knowledge that they spread is true? And those who have already got there - are you sure of the truthfulness of what they fill your consciousness with? All this "tinsel of virtue" is a bait, a hook for those who are looking for truth, understanding, support.

Do not forget that under the "pretty wrapper" there may be a very unedible candy.

“Why can't you” - you ask? Elementary because we are already divided into countries. Each of them has quite a few problems. And you can come to peace in the whole world by establishing this peace, in a single country. And only then unite the countries. After all, if I am not mistaken in this movement, they “fantasize” on this topic.

BUT it is not possible to improve the situation in the country if the society is illiterate in the legal field. If the society is elementary not versed in payments for housing and communal services. If people do not understand what kind of poisons they are feeding their bodies, etc. If people in general do not live consciously.

Kindness, honesty, mutual assistance are certainly good and healthy. But the fact that you will be "blissful" will not make life in your country more prosperous, more comfortable and safer.

In total, throughout the article we will consider two points on which AllatRa works:

- their financial profit;

- intoxicating the consciousness of people.

AllatRa information distribution channels

They broadcast their "knowledge" through books, their own Internet television, radio, their subsidiary sites, various events around the world:


Please note that they have a great impact on the consciousness of people through the media.


It is worth noting that books of movement can be downloaded for free, or you can buy them in the store. This, in my opinion, is one of the methods of "pseudo-goodness". They say “We are so disinterested that a book worth 1000r. can download for free. Look how good we are. " And it's really captivating. Especially people who are limited in funds, but want to get answers to questions about the secret and unknown. And the AllatRa book, according to the movement of the same name, is the key to all this.

Among the books are the following:


You are probably tired of flipping screenshots. I specially left them large so that you could get acquainted with the essence of each book and draw conclusions about the direction of the AllatRa movement's judgments.

Please note that the topics of the books are based on questions of the occult plan, mystical, unprovable, and most importantly, not amenable to independent verification of the reader. Like, take our word for it, friends, because we are for world peace, which means we SHOULD BE BELIEVED.

In addition, they have about 200 communities and VKontakte groups, as well as 20 social information portals on the Internet:


How the trap of this movement works:

1. In a person, sooner or later, a craving for cognition of the World awakens (in recent years, there are more and more of them).

2. He begins to be pursued by questions from where the person appeared, for what purpose, etc.

3. He begins to search for information on the net, on YouTube channels, in esoteric and religious books.

4. Then the person subconsciously processes the information, analyzes it.

And then, if he has not yet had time to delve into knowledge, figure out what's what and he comes across some book of the AllatRa movement, or he stumbles upon their website, then everything is “a bird in a cage”.

Because AllatRa intentionally mixes everything that a person found himself in the search for truth in different sources, namely:

- all kinds of mystical symbols;

- mysterious images on the walls of ancient temples;

- religious information;

- history of ancient civilizations;

- teachings about the secret nature of man, etc.

I present below screenshots from the AllatRa book by Anastasia Novykh:


The book also touches upon the symbols of both Christianity and Islam:


Why do you think?


1) at first to win over people of these religious confessions to their community;

2) and then drag them into it.

And the person will "drag" himself. Nobody will force him. People in search of truth, truth are very open and trusting. Therefore, this movement has brought together “everything” in order to involve absolutely everyone in its ranks.

And even, attention - the Anunnaki! (a humanoid race of aliens from the planet Nibiru). The fact is that one well-known YouTube channel reported:

And at first I thought - "Well, hollow delirium." But later in the video it was told and shown by the Allatrovites themselves. Watch the video and listen to it carefully here from 08.45 to 12.00:

Without hesitation, I wrote to my friend, an editor-in-chief from the TV channel, about what I had seen and asked to check the material with "Anunnaki pupils" for editing. They say it's true or not purely technical.

As his answer, I will give you the video below:

By the way, my colleague spent no more than 10 minutes on this.

I suppose that the people from AllatRa are simply hyping competently, because the topic of reptilians is very relevant today. I do not deny their existence, but I am not talking about the fact that they really are. Well, what, the Anunnaki "in the ranks" of the movement - this is "+1000 points" to the level of mystification and mystery of "AllatRa".

But the fact that AllatRa added aliens to its “occult vinaigrette” is even a little funny. No alien intelligence would want to work with modern humanity. In my opinion. Let's go further.


In fact, the AllatRa IPM is the creation of a very, very powerful egregor, which has absorbed the rest. And what it will be aimed at as a result is not clear.

There is information that today the AllatRa book by Anastasia Novykh is downloaded via the Internet by about 6,000 tons of people per day. That is, about 180,000 times a month. And about 2,000,000 million people a year. When the traffic just "came out" there were about 20,000 downloads a day.

Four publishing houses. Eight prints. A dozen youtube channels. But that is not all.

Seventeen AllatRa TV channels:


The scale of the influence of their media, as you now understand, is enormous. Studying the information, I got the feeling that I have a whole state in front of me. They have healthcare, radio, geocentre, academy of sciences, pharmaceutical holding:


In addition to the scale of this dubious organization, I was worried that the movement has a YouTube channel for children: Allatrushka, where they broadcast in a cartoon format about:


It seems to be nothing like that, there is, of course, strange information about the “Temple of All People,“7 Foundations of AllatRa”, etc., but the most important thing is that information is provided exclusively from the worldview of the movement's creators.

Children is our future. And these are not trivial words, but the truth. And what feeds the consciousness of our children is reflected in general on the development of the World. Is it normal that a movement, whose goals are not fully known, took up not only the minds of the adult population of the planet, but also the consciousness of the smallest?

Promoting I. M. Danilov's business through AllatRa

The key figures of AllatRa are:

- Anastasia Novykh (creative pseudonym).

Danilov Igor Mikhailovich

I'll tell you a little about the AllatRa leader. There is an opinion on the network that the participants in the movement consider Danilov an incarnation on Earth, attention - the Archangel Gabriel, Agppit of Pechersky, the ruler of Shambhala Rigden Djappo.

Danilov Igor Mikhailovich
Danilov Igor Mikhailovich

Danilov Igor Mikhailovich.

From open sources of information, it is only known that he was born on February 25, 1968, in the Donetsk region , Makeevka. He is the owner of the clinic for vertebrorevitology in Kiev.

At the institute, I was taught to read by the facial expressions and gestures of a person his intentions and mood. I watched some of the programs with Danilov and let me express my guess. Danilov is cold-blooded, restrained. His often pursed lips and lack of facial expressions on his forehead speak of contempt. The position of the brushes is almost everywhere in the closed position + his eyes constantly dart around. Someone will say that he is just "a guy from the people and does not know how to work for the camera", but no. If a person understands what he is talking about, is sure that he is right, and does not lie, then all these “covers” will not exist. It closes, which means it is not telling the truth. It's elementary. I also noticed his narrowed eyes almost everywhere. This is a sign of an unfriendly attitude towards the interlocutor - in our case, towards the viewer.

And now I’ll tell you about Anastasia Novykh and the books “Sensei”, which prepared the people for the “coming” of Danilov.

First, Anastasia Novykh and her books about Sensei appear in the world. It is important to tell you what they are about, as it is directly related to the Appearance of Danilov. I will highlight the words to which you should pay attention.

Then, after some time, I. M. Danilov is a professor, academician of the Academy of Manualology and later the “heart” of the AllatRa IPM.

And in the book of Anastasia Novykh Sensei was just the same doctor-chiropractor. Chiropractor = chiropractor. Coincidence? I don't think so, Danilov has his own clinic for vertebrorevitology. For those who do not know, this is the effect directly on the joints and ligaments of the spine. Again, a reference to the story of the chiropractor.


That is, the picture is as follows:

If we omit the mystical image of all this, then this is what actually happens. A large marketing campaign of a group of people is launched for:

There is an assumption that “Sensei Danilov” planned his coming almost 5 years before the appearance of his “PR agent” Anastasia Novykh with her AllatRa.

Someone will say: “Nonsense!”, Especially those who have already fallen into their trap. But do not rush to draw conclusions. The next chapter is for you.

Analytics of domains, ip-addresses of AllatRa websites and IM Danilova

I decided to analyze the domain names and ip-addresses of the site of the clinic I. M. Danilov and the site of the AllatRa public movement. I used this service, you can check the data yourself.

Analytics showed that these two sites are registered:

- on the same servers;

- on the same cloud network platform Cloudflare. (USA)

First, Danilov's website was created on November 20, 2008, then the AllatRa website was created on June 25, 2013.


Such a platform is still used by "many who", but here is one "but" - why, back in 2008, when Danilov was not "famous and respected", he had no relation to the social movement, he settled there, and 5 years later, AllatRa »With all of its subsidiaries.

By the way, the expiration of these two domains, despite the difference in opening in 5 years, they have the same - 2020. When I saw this expiration date for domain registration, I decided to check all AllatRa sites - they also have a single expiration date, namely 2020.

It is interesting that this social movement has a major event scheduled for 2020 called “Society. Last Chance”and the date of May 9, 2020. There is an assumption that unfavorable actions with the consciousness of people may occur on it, after which Allatra will “cut off” all communication channels. Please note that the event will be in May and the domain expires in June.

Further. I want you to understand that Cloudflare is a kind of web proxy. That is, the gasket is such that it stands between your site and the users who visit it. It is important that the pad is not simple, but cloudy, that is, the visitor always turns to the pad nearest to him, which reduces the time of access to the site. And the wide channels of these same gaskets protect DDoS attacks. Using such a network platform significantly reduces the load on the server.

And now the question: why in 2008 Danilov needs such network "bells and whistles" for the clinic's website? Agree - it's strange. He does not have a website for a news channel, but only a business card of the enterprise.

It is also interesting that they have different URL registrars. Danilov has an American hosting provider enom.com, while AllatRa has Ukrainian ukrnames.com. If you think logically. Two companies have one server, one network platform, which means they most likely purchased the domain from the same reseller who recommends just such a choice. But here for some reason it is not so. Most likely, AllatRa chose the same way of registration in the network on the instructions or advice of I. M. Danilov.

This simple analytic shows the fact that there was a relationship between the clinic and the social movement before Danilov's “sudden” appearance after the Sensei series of books. No mysticism. Just marketing.

Anastasia Novykh is essentially a PR agent of IM Danilov. By the way, did you know that Anastasia Novykh is supposedly 99% Yablochkina Galina Aleksandrovna (1% is left for the role of co-author). But more on that later. Let's go back to Danilov and his business.

The fact is that after the popular AllatRa movement appeared on the Internet (2013), Anastasia Novykh's books about Sensei finally began to be in demand. The movement took three years to develop. At the same time, the AllatRaTV channel appeared. And here's a coincidence - in 2016, profits began at the Danilov clinic.


And how not to make money here if the location of the clinic is also in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra:


What else is known about Danilov? There is very little information on the web.

I read various medical forums where people looked for live reviews before seeking his treatment services. And I personally have not found such. The network writes:

In general, on the Internet about him there is only his full name, date of birth, place of birth and occupation.

By the way, about the place of birth. Remember, earlier I expressed the assumption that Anastasia Novykh is actually Yablochkina Galina Aleksandrovna and is an accomplice, or rather a PR agent of Danilov? THEM. Danilov and G. A. Yablochkina BOTH comes from the city of Makeevka. It is also interesting that in the books of Anastasia Novykh the action takes place in the days of the Soviet Union "in a mining region fragrant with roses", in the Donetsk region. And the village of Makeevka, where these two people come from, is also located in the Donetsk region. Coincidence again? So who is Danilov's ally, let's look further.

Gray cardinal "AllatRa" - Yablochkina Galina Alexandrovna

I have analyzed the EDRPOU codes (This is the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in Ukraine) of AllatRa legal entities. It became known that the founder of the Sensei publishing house, which publishes the books by Anastasia Novykh, and the founder of the AllatRa public movement in Ukraine, is a certain Yablochkina Galina Aleksandrovna, who comes from the same place as Danilov.


Another coincidence in the relationship between the founders of AllatRa and the clinic of I. M. Danilov. That sites on the same servers, now also a thread connecting them from the past "pre-AllatRavskoy" life.

Or maybe just long before AllatRa they walked together and thought about how to start living better, more comfortable, more interesting? After all, it was in this city that Igor Danilov began his healing career.

As a result, they created a cult, divided the roles - Yablochkina was the manager of financial flows, and Danilov the messiah, and having realized his dream of goodness and comfort, now broadcast their "truth" to the whole world.

There is an interesting article on the Internet about their relationship, but only of an intimate nature. Next, I will quote from it, but before that I will explain what is there in general. I don't give you a link publicly, because there are pornographic details and I can't post this on my own.

The bottom line is this: a former member of the movement gave an interview to one Internet resource. She told that women's group orgies are taking place in AllatRa. Sometimes Danilov takes part in them. What for? Here's a little about the goals:

Interesting, isn't it? Here's a little more about Danilov:

Here is a little about Galina Aleksandrovna, who also did not miss erotic events:

“Worked” means you took part in an orgy and gained energy to save the world.

By the way, for those who are not aware of the meaning of the word "geliars", AllatRa will tell you:


This movement also has its own warriors.

I cannot prove to you whether the article about orgies is true. But according to my feelings - this is a very real scenario of development in sects. Satanists, for example, also have sex in their rituals.

And now let's move on from the lyrical part to the factual. To numbers and profits.

It is unlikely that any of the participants in this movement was interested in this topic, but AllatRa has several legal entities. The main profit comes from publishing houses.

I will show you the legal entity. persons in Ukraine and legal entities person in the Russian Federation. There is also a legal entity. person in Belarus, but no factual data can be found for him. More specifically, I will consider the publishing house "Sensei", which until June this year was founded by Galina Aleksandrovna Yablochkina.

So. MOD " AllatRa" was established in Ukraine and has a number of legal entities:

1) Public Association “International Public Movement“AllatRa”was registered in 2014.


2) AllatRa Limited Liability Company. Registered in 2011. Founder Yablochkina G. A.


3) Public organization "International organization" Lagoda "was registered in 2011. They write that the founders were: Semochko Andriy Oleksiyovich, Mikhalchuk Andriy Volodimirovich, Kovtunov Andriy Sergiyovich. As many as 15 companies are registered on Mikhalchuk.


4) AllatRa Benefactor Charitable Society

Registered in 2015.


5) Limited Liability Company "Sensei Publishing House" was registered in 2009.

It is interesting that literally until recently, namely until June 2019, Yablochkina was the founder. Now she, most likely, has left this post purely legally, as people's attention to the material part of the AllatRa IPM is growing, and the Sensei publishing house is directly related to making money on the books of this movement. And the connection with Danilov can be opened.

This is a new founder since August 2019
This is a new founder since August 2019

This is a new founder since August 2019.

Proof that even before June 2019, G. A. Yablochkina was the founder
Proof that even before June 2019, G. A. Yablochkina was the founder

Proof that even before June 2019, G. A. Yablochkina was the founder.

The above legal entities persons are in Ukraine.

In our country, AllatRa has been Allatra RUS since 2013. This is a legal entity. the person was created to trade in books.


Now let's see what AllatRa RUS has in terms of profit:


Please note that the peak of profit from book sales is in 2016, it is at this time that the messiah, the leader of Sensei, Danilov, appears in the world in AllatRa. It also coincides with the rise in profits at the Danilov clinic. Coincidence?

What can I say, marketing is a whole science and it works.

Political side of AllatRa

The AllatRa social movement claims that it is outside of politics and outside of religion. Let me remind you that they have written about this on the home page of the site.

So why, then, during the revolution on the Maidan in 2013, they modestly hung their symbol under the photo of Yulia Tymoshenko:


Does this act mean that they are OUT of politics? Or maybe he says that AllatRa is UNDER someone's political protection ?

Indeed, once, on the streets of almost all cities of Ukraine, billboards appeared with calls for unity and symbols of the AllatRa International Public Movement. Simultaneously. And funds were needed for this. But where can you get money for such a high-quality launch of a PR company of the AllatRa brand? Indeed, at that time the company was only two years old. By the way, the main website of this movement was also launched online in 2013, which means that a group of people promoting AllatRu took care of the recognition of the symbol and the name of the movement among the people in advance. Everything is thought out. Do you understand?

And what is interesting is that on February 13, 2016, in the AllatRa office, a meeting of members of this movement with deputies of the Batkivshchyna VO was held, at which they discussed the creation of the Public National Assembly, and a day earlier Yulia Tymoshenko together with the former Chairman of the SBU V. A. Nalyvaichenko made an appeal to the citizens of Ukraine, stating the need to unite on the basis of morality and dignity in order to build in Ukraine a legal European state on the basis of peace and not violence. Are you catching a logical chain?

Roughly speaking, at first the persons of the same policy “outside of which” AllatRa declares the need to unite on the basis of morality, and the next day AllatRa declares its support for this venture.

To your attention, a quote from the video from the AllatRa website confirming the fact

holding this meeting:

And here is the video of this meeting:

And here is one more "overlapping" of Allatra with Yulia Timoshenko:


The corporate colors of the Yulia Timoshenko Bloc and AllatRa's logos are red and black.

It should be noted that the AllatRa IPM made a strong leap in the information field after Tymoshenko was released from prison (2014). I drew attention to the year of the beginning of the implementation of AllatRa projects - 2014. Before that, they had a whole year since the launch of the site and not a single project. Don't you think this is strange?

You say "outside politics"?

#Checkallatra algorithm

The Algorithm project launched a new algorithm on its website:

It is located on the project site algorithm-radar.rf in the "Urgent algorithms" tab, algorithm # 3 # check the pallatra.

It appeared because the AllatRa public movement has too many channels for disseminating unverified and possibly unreliable information.

It raises serious concerns that this social movement is gaining momentum in our country and one of their goals is to educate children on the basis of the information they considered to be true.

Our children are Russia's golden strategic resource. And the fact that the social movement is involved in relations with the Ukrainian political party of Yulia Tymoshenko, as well as in the scandalous articles about sexual interaction within the movement, is telling children about the truth is a very dubious idea.

Therefore, the #checkallatra algorithm calls on the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation to check this public movement for its safety for our society.

The algorithm is also aimed at alerting President V. V. Putin and Patriarch Kirill about the presence of such a large social movement in our country.


The analysis of factual data showed that a social movement that preaches the suppression of the "animal nature" of man (the one that desires material wealth) and calls for spiritual development, renunciation of material values, is itself not ashamed to make money.

It also turned out that the spirituality and good goals of the AllatRa social movement are just a cover for manipulating people's consciousness, stupefying a person's common sense.

Those who seek the truth will find it on their own. A person does not need another "crutches" in the form of "AllatRa".


AllatRa is also outside of religion as well as outside of politics. I wonder why Islam is so vehemently promoted on their website?


Isn't it because the accounts of this movement are in PJSC "First Ukrainian International Bank"? The owner is Rinat Akhmetov, who, in turn, professes Islam.

By the way, Danilov talks in his 2, 3, 6 hour sermons: about God, angels, paradise, prophets, the devil, Satan, the spiritual world and so on. This is apparently also "Out of Religion".

And here are his winged "non-religious" statements:

Phrases of this kind, in conjunction with its mysterious appearance and a clear hint of possession of some kind of secret knowledge, look very mystical and spectacular.

Another reason to think about the honesty of intentions of the AllatRa public movement.

Continued: Part 2. Brand of the opium of the people

Author: Alena Namlieva
