The Most Forbidden Topic - Alternative View

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The Most Forbidden Topic - Alternative View
The Most Forbidden Topic - Alternative View

Not only on children, but also on a grown-up person living today, the system brings down streams of information supposedly significant, in fact, the purpose of almost all messages is to distract a person from information.

For example, you are watching TV, and each program tells how one official met with another official or one ruler met with another ruler. Their meetings are presented as news. But you think for yourself and you will understand, there is absolutely no news in this.

Officials have been meeting for millennia. Meet hourly. For thousands of years, negotiations have been ongoing between the rulers of different countries. But from these negotiations nothing, absolutely nothing in the main changes.

It does not change because they never talk about the main thing. They never talk about the real reason for the war. They only talk about the consequence.

But you are misled by presenting every meeting as news.

Can you imagine the passengers of an airplane flying in the sky, who are absolutely indifferent to where the plane flies and whether it can land?

You thought that there are no such passengers. Everyone imagines in advance how many planes will be on the way and in which city they should land. But ask one, two, a thousand people living on planet Earth, ask a million, and no one will tell you what humanity is striving for.

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The system created by the priests blocked human thought

All the rulers you know on earth actually do not rule anything, absolutely nothing significant. In no country in the world will you see a clearly stated plan for the development of the state. It cannot be done without clearly and distinctly defining the path of development of all mankind on planet Earth.

As a result of the simple combination of priests in building their system, all rulers are overseers of the functioning of their system.

Thinking speed! Oh, how I want you or someone reading your books not only to realize with a cold mind, but also to feel with every cell of your body how important the speed of thinking is for the entire Universe.

It is not easy to find the right words, to give the examples necessary for understanding. Examples! Anastasia compared a modern computer to a brain prosthesis. Hence, with a prosthesis for thought. Probably, those people who know the properties of a computer well will not only understand, but also feel the importance of the speed of thinking faster than others. You too, Vladimir, can work on a computer. And, perhaps, through the computer, you can quickly imagine the catastrophic consequences of the inhibition of human thinking.

Anyone familiar with a computer knows that the amount of memory and the speed of its operation are of great importance for a computer. Note - the speed of work!

Now imagine what might happen if you slow down the speed of a computer that controls a flying plane or monitors the operation of a nuclear system. The computer can allow an emergency and a disaster will occur.

A living biological computer possessed by every person born on earth is incomparably more perfect than a man-made one. It is designed to help in the management of an immeasurably more perfect and large-scale mechanism - the universal planets.

Management is possible if its speed is closer to the original or increased. But it is reduced. It continues to decrease. Everyone can see it for themselves by looking at the situation a little more closely.

Even if even the most perfect man-made computer is daily, hourly loaded with all kinds of information, no matter what information, just to load, it will eventually work slower, but it may not even perceive the incoming information.

This will happen if the available memory capacity is loaded so much that it will no longer be able to receive information.

Most people have experienced this. And the system created by the priests got out of hand. She began to work on her own

When you heard about the child-eating beast, it was a system out of control. Look carefully:

The priests lose control over the life order system of the earthly community, but they know the laws by which it works, and still can influence the life of the planet. They can even today slow down or intensify the development of individual situations.

When the first book with Anastasia's statements came out, the priests became interested in her. Still would! After all, these statements sounded from the lips of the priest's granddaughter, familiar with the secret levers of control, besides a young woman leading a lifestyle that allows her to speed up the work of thought.

They realized that Anastasia set herself the task of transferring people through the period of time of the dark forces. This is theoretically possible. Transfer in time is a change in consciousness. This can be done with one person.

Significant changes in the consciousness of mankind are a process stretched over millennia, many generations take part in it. But the process stretched over millennia cannot be called transfer through a period of time.

To transfer through a period of time meant to change the consciousness of people who already live today, to the consciousness that was in them or will be under the condition of the Divine paradise existence.

The priests tried to determine the plan according to which Anastasia would act. They identified and considered it naive, containing a lot of wrong decisions. They considered the method of communicating information only through a book to be clearly insufficient. For a modern person to perceive information, it needs to be repeated many times.

They also learned that the author of the book is an entrepreneur who does not enjoy not only minimal authority among spiritually minded people, but is generally unknown to anyone in these circles.

Consequently, the Siberian hermit will not be able to create anything significant in the human community by the chosen path, the priests decided. My father also thought so.

The first surprise and alertness of the priests was caused by the fact that the events predicted in the first book began to come true.

She said: "I will bring to you many people who will explain you incomprehensible things." And people began to come to you who could not only explain something. People began to act.

She said: "Artists will paint pictures, poets will compose poetry." And there were pictures and many poems about the new beautiful reality of human existence.

She said: "The book you wrote will be published in different countries." And the book was published in many languages.

The priests did not know with the help of what force, what mechanisms, what Anastasia had planned to come true. Come true in front of everyone.

They understood that she was starting to implement her plans, but they could not recognize how she achieved her goals.

This could mean only one thing - the speed of thinking of Anastasia significantly exceeds the speed of thinking of the priests. The multi-pass combinations built by her thought are incomprehensible. This means that the ability of the priests to influence the human community may be completely lost.

The priests could not allow such a thing.

While comprehending the combinations of opposition, even more incredible things came to light. Her new statements were made public. A lot of people rushed to create the estates that she talked about.

And then all methods of counteraction were directed at Anastasia. One of the most effective was disinformation with the help of the magic word-symbol "sect".

There were publications in your press that told about various terrible sects and immediately said that among others there is the sect "Anastasia", used such words-symbols as "totalitarian", "destructive".

This method of counteraction has been used by the priests since ancient times. And in Russia, with his help, they changed religion.

This method has always worked flawlessly. And this time, as the priests counted, it worked. You and many readers, communicating with each other and not knowing each other, were surprised to find that they are called sectarians.

False rumors were spread skillfully and intensively. Because of this, the administration did not resolve the issue.

The lower-ranking priests considered that Anastasia was finished. The high priest was the first to understand that this was not so … He understood: the thought of Anastasia, who modeled the future, not only took into account the system's oppositions, but also redirected them for good.

The following happened. Estates based on the principles expressed by Anastasia cannot be created in the traditional way. A detailed design is required. It is necessary to develop a long-term program, on which someone needs to work for at least a year, someone for a much longer period. Rise in action can lead to discrediting ideas.

But by slowing down the process of obtaining land, they thereby prevented the haste of action.

An excerpt from the book "Energy of Life" series Ringing Cedars of Russia, V. Megre