Are We From Outer Space? - Alternative View

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Are We From Outer Space? - Alternative View
Are We From Outer Space? - Alternative View

Video: Are We From Outer Space? - Alternative View

Video: Are We From Outer Space? - Alternative View
Video: Does time exist? - Andrew Zimmerman Jones 2024, September

A lot of information comes to us about how the aliens show the abducted earthlings "incubators" where children are kept - "half-earths-half-aliens". It would seem that this is complete nonsense: such a coincidence of chromosomes between them and ours is impossible, because even close terrestrial species with similar chromosomes, for example, foxes and dogs, are not capable of producing joint offspring. However…

Gods who created man

American astronomer Gobert Rigton, studying the disturbances of Uranus and Neptune, suggested the existence of another one in the solar system. 10th planet. Its orbit is farther than all other planets from the Sun, beyond the orbit of Pluto, moreover, it is strongly elongated - a full revolution of the invisible planet completes in 3600 years.

In 1945, in Upper Egypt, archaeologists found several papyrus manuscripts, one of which was dedicated to a celestial body, which the Sumerians called Nibiru, Papyrus said that Nibiru only once in several thousand years approaches the Earth. The manuscript also tells how the first man appeared on Earth. 450 thousand years ago, the inhabitants of Nibiru flew to Earth on their spaceships with a very prosaic goal - to find oil and gold, which the inhabitants of Nibiru were in great need.

Large reserves of gold-bearing ore have been discovered in southern Africa. For its extraction, the aliens built deep mines. But soon the work stopped - from overwork on the planet unsuitable for their organisms, the mountain workers rebelled.

The riot was suppressed, and so that it does not repeat itself. the leaders of the expedition decided that in order to work in the mines, it was necessary to create an intelligent terrestrial creature for which the conditions of the planet would be suitable. To do this, with the help of advanced technologies, the genes of the aliens were combined with the genes of humanoid creatures that already existed on Earth. As a result of experiments, an intermediate type arose, in the Egyptian manuscripts it is called lulu. Lulu turned out to be quick-witted, hardy and unquestioningly carried out the orders of the aliens. It was he who became the ancestor of Homo sapiens, whose appearance on Earth still cannot be accurately explained by modern anthropologists.

And the aliens were the gods that man worshiped at all times. “Parents” taught Lulu how to use fire, farm and livestock. instilled in him certain concepts of morality. One thing the aliens did not take into account - that the creature they created will begin to develop rapidly, improve, and conflicts will soon arise between Lulu and the "gods" who flew from Nibiru.

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The high morale of the aliens did not allow to destroy the intelligent creature they had created. The experiment was interrupted and the aliens left Earth.

According to the famous American ufologist Brion Levens, who devoted much effort to the analysis of the translations of the Sumerian records, echoes of what happened can be found in the Bible.

The alien creation of lulu became the Bible's creation of the first man. Lulu's quick introduction to the knowledge of god-like space aliens and the expulsion of the first people from the cities of the Nibiruan - into the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise for that. that they ate the apple of the tree of knowledge. There are also testimonies in the Bible about the envy of angels, that is, aliens, to a rapidly developing man, and descriptions of how angels began to take women of the human race as their wives. All these. seemingly strange and illogical actions become understandable if we assume that they were committed by aliens.

Did El Greco paint aliens?

Well, how did our respected "parents" look like? There are many descriptions of aliens, but most often eyewitness accounts mention creatures with a skinny figure, underdeveloped muscles, pale grayish skin, long thin fingers, a pear-shaped head and huge eyes. This is how the aliens appear in the paintings of the famous ufologist artist Valentin Korolev.

And there is a completely logical explanation for this "exterior". To get to Earth, the Nibiruans had to cross vast spaces of space in zero gravity. And how does a prolonged stay in a state of weightlessness affect a person's appearance? This question was asked to the founder of space medicine, academician Oleg Georgievich Gazenko.

“Do you remember El Greco's paintings?

- Asked, in turn, the academician.

- Well, people who have been in space for a long time should look something like this. as depicted in the paintings of this artist. They will have long fingers, skinny arms, an elongated, lean face."

The people in the reproductions of the great Spanish artist and the aliens in the paintings of the ufologist Valentin Korolev are remarkably similar. Even the greenish-brown tones of the images match.

The way back is longer

Weightlessness changes not only the external appearance of a creature. Much more significant changes are taking place in its physiology: the number of red blood cells decreases, excess water is removed from it. from bones - calcium, muscles "lose weight". And this is functional, since in a state of weightlessness, an extra volume of blood rushes to the head, the strength of the bones is unnecessary, and muscle efforts are minimized.

But here's what is interesting: it is precisely the same physical changes that occur with a person in old age. Why? There can be many answers, and one of them is the following. After 60-65 years in the body, the protective reactions of adaptation to the external environment weaken, and it begins to return to its original state. And this condition is caused by the life of several generations in zero gravity. And here is another interesting feature noticed by doctors responsible for the health of those who fly into space. According to Dr. Gennady Seleznev, who has been meeting the landed cosmonauts for many years, the human body very quickly adjusts to the conditions of weightlessness. Within a day or two, their digestive system begins to function normally, excess fluid is removed from the blood, and the vestibular apparatus, which has formed under conditions of constant gravity, also adapts. But the reverse process of adaptation to earthly life is delayed for weeks.

Connect to space information

And the last, absolutely incredible thing that happens to a person during long space flights. According to test cosmonaut Sergei Krichevsky, almost all people who have been in space are, as it were, connected to incomprehensible, incredible information that transforms consciousness. An astronaut, for example, feels like a supernatural animal: huge blue claws grow, scales and membranes appear between the fingers, he wanders around some unknown planet, and so on. It is not clear where the earthlings can get the ability to virtually migrate to unseen worlds. And in the process of conversations between the astronauts, they found out. that sometimes these worlds coincided with them.

But not only such strange things happen to a person far from Earth. For example, in some incredible way, he may receive a warning about the danger that threatens him. There was a case when one of the cosmonauts suddenly realized that there was a technical malfunction on board the spacecraft. He examined the "indicated" place and fixed the breakage. If not for this miracle, the crew could have died.

We all come from space

Now let's summarize. The birth of viable children from "marriages" with aliens, an unusually fast adaptation of people to space conditions and slow - to earthly conditions, the coincidence of signs of aging and physiological changes in the body of astronauts, the similarity of the alleged appearance of aliens with the appearance of people changing as a result of a long stay in space, fast and full connection of cosmonauts to the flow of information permeating outer space …

All these facts can be explained by only one thing: man came to Earth from space and created a new civilization here. Flying away into space. he again returns to his familiar, "native" environment.

Ivan Reshetnikov. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 48 2010