Anunnaki Or The Theory Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View

Anunnaki Or The Theory Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View
Anunnaki Or The Theory Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Anunnaki Or The Theory Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Anunnaki Or The Theory Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: A Short History of Sumer and the Sumerian Civilization from Mesopotamia 2024, September

Many secret societies profess myths about the origin of the earth and mankind, even different from the Judeo-Christian version that can be found in ancient copies of the Bible. One of these myths speaks of the Anunnaki - a group of creatures that the ancient Sumerians, the authors of the first recorded myth of the origin of mankind, believed to be travelers who descended from heaven to direct and control human life.

According to the scientist Zechariah Sitchin: “All ancient peoples believed in gods who came down from heaven and who could and wanted to return there. But these stories were never taken seriously because scholars have always treated them … as myths."

It is believed that in the Old Testament the Anunnaki are called the Nephilim, which means "thrown down." The Nephilim are also called giants (Genesis 6: 4).

From the translations of the Sumerian texts it follows that the earth was formed a billion years ago, when the planet Nibiru, which revolves around our Sun in an elliptical orbit like comets, passed too close to the planet called Tiamat. Gravity storms tore Tiamat apart, and from them the Earth and the asteroid belt were subsequently formed. During this catastrophe, one of the moons of Nibiru left its orbit and became a satellite of the Earth.

The Sumerians believed that the Anunnaki arrived on Earth 450 thousand years ago during the second ice age. Nibiru, which is 3 times the size of Earth, has such an elongated orbit that it is out of the orbits of the most distant planets of the solar system most of the time, but every time it passes by the Earth, it causes severe climate changes.

According to legend, it was at a time when the two planets were close to each other that the Anunnaki flew to Earth in spaceships and chose Mesopotamia as the center of their invasion. Legend has it that the leader of Nibiru, Anu, stayed on his home planet, but sent his two sons, Enlil and Enki, to Earth. It was they who directed the colonization of the Earth. Due to the large difference in the size of the orbits of the two planets, what people perceived to be several centuries was only a year for the Anunnaki. The aliens used the labor of ordinary members of their society to mine gold. (In favor of the assumption that in prehistoric times gold was mined on the earth, discoveries made by the Anglo - American Corporation in 1970 speak. In South Africa, this organization discovered mines that are at least 100 thousand years old.)

Dr. David Horn, a former professor of biological anthropology at the University of Colorado, in his book "The Extraterrestrial Origins of Humanity" writes that the Anunnaki were mining gold on Earth for 100 thousand years, until, about 300 thousand years ago, ordinary members of their society did not rebel.

Horn writes: “Enlil, their commander-in-chief, wanted to severely punish them and convened the Council of the Great Anunnaki, which included his father Anu. Anu, however, was very sympathetic to the plight of the Anunnaki miners. He understood that the rioters were working in difficult conditions, and decided that their dissatisfaction was quite logical. Anu began to think about another way to get gold. It was then that Enki proposed to create a primitive worker, Adam, to do the difficult work. Enki proposed to take as a basis the primitive humanoids, which we now call Homo Erectus, or a species close to him, then in abundance inhabiting [Africa] where the Anunnaki worked.

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So, the ovum of a female humanoid was fertilized with the sperm of an Anunnaki male, and as a result, the first humanoid creature was born. The first humans were created and raised as slaves for hard work.

The Sumerians wrote: “When the first people appeared, they did not know what bread was and what clothes were for. They ate plants like sheep [and] drank water straight from the river."

In the beginning, since they were the descendants of interspecies crossing, people could not have offspring. According to legend, a female form was obtained from a male human, Adam, by cloning, so that people could reproduce themselves. Perhaps this is the basis of the biblical story that Eve was created from the rib of Adam.

Ordinary Anunnaki found human women very attractive and did not deny themselves in connection with them.

The King James translation of the Bible (Genesis 6: 2) says: "The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married those they chose."

Dr. Horn writes: “The Anunnaki mistreated the robes they created. They treated them the same way we treat pets that we just use, i.e. like draft animals. Slavery was widespread everywhere, starting with the first human civilizations and up to very recent times in terms of history.

It probably shouldn't surprise us that the Anunnaki were narcissistic, petty, cruel, depraved, full of hatred - almost every negative definition that we can remember can define them. Legend has it that they forced their slaves to work to the point of exhaustion and this situation of people did not arouse their sympathy. However, it was the Anunnaki who unwittingly became the reason for the birth of the first human civilization - the civilization of the Sumerians."

12 thousand years ago, Nibiru again passed through the solar system. The Anunnaki who lived on Earth flew away in their spaceships to avoid the climatic disasters that Nibiru was supposed to cause. They left people on Earth, where they inevitably had to die. But Sumerian legends say that before returning to his home planet, Enki revealed a "divine secret" to one of his people assistants, Utnapishtim. He ordered him to build a ship. The very same "divine secret" was clearly related to genetic engineering. Utnapishtim survived natural disasters and, when the climate returned to normal, recreated people and animals anew.

Obviously, in the Old Testament, Utnapishtim is known as Noah, and the catastrophe caused by the fact that Nibiru passed near the Earth (legend says that the Antarctic ice cover slipped into the ocean, which led to a rise in the level of the World Ocean) is the Great Flood. Before the flood, those people who were not slaves to the Anunnaki lived by hunting and gathering. After the flood, people also became herders. How exactly they learned the secrets of cattle breeding is unknown. When the flood ended, the Anunnaki returned to Earth and decided to divide humanity, so that people would be easier to manage. The Anunnaki themselves selected the people who ruled each of the three groups. This is how the first rulers appeared among people. The legend says about them that they were chosen by the gods. Different groups of people have been given different languages to make it harder for them to unite.

The Bible (Genesis 11: 6 - 7) says: "Beware, for now people are one and they all speak the same language … Let's go down and mix all languages so that they do not understand each other's words."

Some were sent to Lower Mesopotamia, some to the Nile and Indus valleys. The Anunnaki kept the Sinai peninsula for themselves. Runways in Sumeria (present-day Iraq) were still under water after the Flood, so new ones were built on the Sinai Peninsula. Since the landscape was flat and there were few natural landmarks, the Anunnaki built two giant pyramids in Gaza and a control center for their starships on Mount Moriah (translated as Guiding Mountain) on the spot where Jerusalem now stands. Enlil's son, Ishku, communicated with his chosen assistants from among the people using a device that would now be called a walkie-talkie. Perhaps this particular device is referred to in the Bible as the Ark of the Covenant.

According to the last lines of the Sumerian texts, the end of the Sumerian civilization and the rule of the Anunnaki on Earth came because of the war that broke out among the aliens themselves. In the course of this battle, some kind of weapon was used that could now be defined as nuclear.

The Sumerians wrote: “Calamities have fallen on the earth, which people still did not know and from which there was no salvation. A terrible wind from the sky … a wind destroying the earth … a murderous wind, followed by a scorching heat."

Perhaps it was these events that became the basis for the biblical myth of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed by an explosion that turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt. Sumerian texts say that people "disappeared" and "turned into steam." Archaeologists have found in the Middle East the remains of settlements that were abandoned around 2040 BC, and some streams near the Dead Sea are still at dangerous levels.

Jim Marrs in his book "The Secret Rule" writes: "The idea that the origin of man is still largely hidden from us by time and someone's intent is not particularly popular with those who have made a name for themselves most of their lives, representing the history of mankind. in the form of a long evolution from savages to modern man. However, the evidence we have attests that modern man is only now beginning to re-establish knowledge that was lost thousands of years ago. It turned out that fragmentary fragments of knowledge from the prehistoric period to the present day are preserved by some secret societies in various esoteric forms.

These groups, to which someone rarely listens, pass from generation to generation not only a system of religious beliefs, which include such as reincarnation or transmigration of souls, but also real knowledge about architecture, construction, astronomy, agriculture and history."

Excerpt from the book "Secret Societies, Sects and Cults" by Michael Benson, translated into Russian by Oksana Skorobogatskaya.