Practical Application Of Techno - Magic Through The Metaphysics Of Time - Alternative View

Practical Application Of Techno - Magic Through The Metaphysics Of Time - Alternative View
Practical Application Of Techno - Magic Through The Metaphysics Of Time - Alternative View

Video: Practical Application Of Techno - Magic Through The Metaphysics Of Time - Alternative View

Video: Practical Application Of Techno - Magic Through The Metaphysics Of Time - Alternative View
Video: Humanity+Technology Lecture Series | Technology Versus the Humanities: Critiquing the Critics 2024, September


What is techno magic: "Techno magic is magic that requires a complex technological object of the material world."

First, there will be a few abbreviated articles on what techno magic is. And then a possible technique for applying the author's techno-magic will be given.

1. The above article: “So, let's see what kind of techno magic is? That word is intuitively familiar to many, especially young people who automatically associate it with computers, games and modern science fiction. But what is really hidden under this concept? From the very moment of his appearance in this world, a person seeks to equip the surrounding space for his life for himself. To do this, he uses all the available achievements of civilization, literally changing the physical picture of the world to suit his needs. At the same time, a person tries to influence the surrounding space in non-verbal, magical ways - to comprehend and learn to control the surrounding elements, energies. And it is at the junction of these two trends that techno magic is born. A combination of mechanismsthe achievements of civilization, together with the development of the abilities of the magical, spiritual and mental orders, gradually led to the emergence of this amazing direction. Already in ancient times, many objects, weapons, mechanisms, through special rituals, spells and blessings were endowed with magical power. Basically, they made amulets and amulets, less often tools for magical work. This can already be called the prerequisites for the emergence of techno magic. With the gradual development of society, mechanisms and technologies have changed and improved, which ultimately led to the emergence of such devices that are able to influence not only the matter around us, but also create this matter themselves, modify and generate energy, work and simulate information fields. Brilliant examples of techno magic include the emergence of electricity, which literally breathes life energy into machines, the command of programming and the Internet. The Internet is now a miniature copy of the global Information field of the Universe. It is created, expanded and used by people for their day to day needs. Techno magic is a combination of technology and magic in one form or another, since science and magic are inextricably linked and transform into each other. Techno magic can also be magic to which the principles of mass industrial production are applied. And scientific criteria (verifiability, repeatability, validity), and technology, in which mystical elements or magical sciences are interspersed. Link to the author of the article Techno magic:at the junction of magic and modern technologies by Ivan Vlasov.

2. Cited article: Techno magic. Features of techno magic

From the very beginning, man has perfected himself, striving to study, change and create. Everything around succumbed to these three processes. And the more a person developed, the more techniques and means for this appeared. By creating and improving his instruments of labor, man learned to change the physical, material part of nature around him. And by improving his will and connection with the world of energy and information, he was able to change the information field around him and control the energy flowing around. Both did not happen immediately. At first, a person learned to use his abilities only in narrow and simple directions, and only over the years, magicians self-perfecting, developed many directions, magic. They managed to learn how to interact and subdue the creatures of the astral world. Look beyond the edge of timecreate complex rituals, magic items and spells that help in a variety of areas of life. We studied the properties of various materials and were able to learn how to make compounds from them that have wonderful magical properties and much more. The same thing happened with technology, having mastered the secrets of fire, creating a wheel, man began to develop, learned how to process metals, gradually began to create complex mechanisms, iron weapons, and later switched to gunpowder. Of course, magic and technology have often been used in combination over the centuries. It was from these combinations that techno magic came about. In the old days, many objects created by man: swords, staves, amulets and much more were endowed with magical power by means of special rituals, spells, rituals and other techniques. These items were not techno magic,but in a certain measure they became her ancestors. Time passed, the world changed, people began to create complex technical devices and various machines. Naturally, energy also flows in each such machine; over time, it acquires its own information base, changes and develops. By means of certain methods, any mechanism can be given special magical properties, influence them, use them to obtain information and energy, and produce a number of other interactions.use them to obtain information and energy and to produce a number of other interactions.use them to obtain information and energy and to produce a number of other interactions.

How it works

Based on the foregoing, we can define techno magic in a broad sense as a complex of magical actions aimed at endowing certain technical devices with special magical properties, the use of such items in magical rituals and other practices, as well as their use as a separate unique source of energy. In a narrow sense, techno magic is magic, for the use of which a complex technological object of the material world is required. As a techno branch, magic is just emerging and has not yet revealed even a small fraction of its potential. Magic is inextricably linked with the processes of thinking and controlling the mind and will of the surrounding world, by influencing it with information and energy. If earlier techno magic was limited only to giving one or another machine special properties and their subsequent use,but now, with the transition to electronics and the emergence of thinking (albeit so far primitive) machines, it acquires a completely different level. For example, you can enchant a car so that it is protected from negative magical effects, as well as its passengers while they are in it. And to do, so that this protection is powered directly from the accumulated energy machine. In fact, this type of magical effect can be attributed to techno magic very superficially, because the spell is created using ritual applied or other types of magic. And the technique is the subject of casting a spell. At the same time, the installation in this car of a part that will serve as a storage device - for example, in the engine to absorb the energy of the elements of fire. And after holding a material guide from her,through which energy will flow to different parts of the car. Each of which will use it to perform their specific magical functions. And already a completely different type of techno magic, in which its action depends on the location and interaction of material objects. But now the third most promising type of techno magic is emerging. It's not a secret for anyone that every object in this world has its own information base, a kind of soul. It can be very simple or very complex, depending on a number of parameters. The regularity has long been replaced, the more complex the apparatus, the more often and longer its use, the more perfect its energy structure becomes. Let us add to this that many modern devices began to think. And you can confidently think about the possibility that over time they will be able not only to think, but also to influence the information around them. It was then that a new type of techno magic would emerge. The magic of machines, which will no longer depend on human will and not on the intervention of other astral or earthly beings. No, this will be the magic of the will of the machines themselves. However, before its formation, most likely, a lot of time will pass. And many adepts of magic are still debating the possibility of such a existence. sorcerer Rossii.rf / stati / tekhnomagiya /most likely, a lot of time will pass. And many adepts of magic are still debating the possibility of such a existence. sorcerer Rossii.rf / stati / tekhnomagiya /most likely, a lot of time will pass. And many adepts of magic are still debating the possibility of such a existence. sorcerer Rossii.rf / stati / tekhnomagiya /

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3. The cited article: Another small piece from the site: In science and technology, breakthroughs are made by "dreamers and crazy", those who have the courage to think outside the box, generate "crazy ideas" and implement them. For example, Nikola Tesla believed in the theory of physical ether - and created cars that did not require refueling and before charging, and many others, even today, "miracles". But you just need more confidence in your own desires and dreams. And then the brain starts looking for and finds solutions to any problems! For our desires are our future possibilities. I WANT - it means MAGU! And techno magic is a great science, behind which the undoubted future! … May the Force be with us!

Author: Techno magic was widely used in ancient civilizations, and these technologies have been lost, but in the modern world they were still used, partially by Nikolai Tesla and the owners of the Coral Castle. Therefore, the author offers his probably possible method, the author certainly cannot give 100% guarantees, but with a 70-80% probability it can give an opportunity to master techno - magic. For this it is necessary (from the point of view of the author) to understand dynamic temporal physics, especially in the part that all the laws of the real - material world must be considered from the point of view of virtual - software. This is what plays a big role in the correct understanding of all science, and its application in practice. You also need to study the Metaphysics of time and the higher laws. Understand how the Higher Laws work, especially the Law of Acceptance. And the work "Characteristics of objects",which shows what is imaginative thinking, and working with images. It is also necessary to do the finger exercises from the book “Healer's Guide. First steps”in order to be able to operate with energy flows. As well as magical exercises for interacting with the elements, which are indicated there, and exercises for telekinesis and teleportation. Only after complete mastering of all this, you can choose the section for the manufacture and use of techno-magical items. Only after complete mastering of all this, you can choose the section for the manufacture and use of techno-magical items. Only after complete mastering of all this, you can choose the section for the manufacture and use of techno-magical items.

Suggested methodology of the author: First you need to choose a technological (energy, electronic, physical) device, and then choose the most appropriate magic device for it, or runes, or a pantacle or a spell, or all together. Then all this together must be connected and fixed magically, and then energetic force must be infused into it. The author does not give examples for only one reason, because the author and creator of this techno - magical device must do it all himself personally and without any hints from the outside, and if otherwise, then nothing may come of it. An example of creating one techno - magical device is given on my channel - this is a wand - Svarog's gloves. But we must well remember that techno - magic devices are very powerful,and therefore for the creation and use of man will have and bear a very serious responsibility before Our Lord!

From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races"