Phantom Earthlings Or How To Fill An Illusion With Players - Alternative View

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Phantom Earthlings Or How To Fill An Illusion With Players - Alternative View
Phantom Earthlings Or How To Fill An Illusion With Players - Alternative View

Video: Phantom Earthlings Or How To Fill An Illusion With Players - Alternative View

Video: Phantom Earthlings Or How To Fill An Illusion With Players - Alternative View
Video: Psychological Illusion Model in Depth Q and A 2024, September

The question is often raised: why do some people strive for development, while others do not?

The answer is extremely simple: everything is fractal and similar. There are trees that have been growing for thousands of years, and there are grass, leaves and cells that each year undergo apoptosis in the fall and revive again in the spring. Everyone has their own programs that determine development.

In our world there are a lot of people whose energy system is significantly different from the "standard" one. They are called biorobots, clones, phantoms, sprites, souls of material worlds, sometimes zombies.

They exist for multiple purposes, mainly to create the illusion of a large population, extras, and to protect the matrix. The development program is absent or minimized, therefore there is no interest in it. The series "Westworld" tells exactly about phantoms, although, unlike the film, there is not one, but a whole series of experiments conducted by different civilizations to introduce, develop and apply these technologies in different worlds. Many civilizations make their own crops and leave entire villages in the jungle, sometimes coming to visit their children / creations, to experience earthly life for themselves, without living on the planet. Some tribes and races are then forgotten or abandoned (parents are too far away, are involved in a war, etc.), so many begin to social decay. In some tribal peoples, shamans perform the function of a biorobot technician, supporting the community's energy resource, otherwise it dies. At the global level, this role is played by religions and states, although their leaders themselves are often phantoms.

It should be understood that any civilization seeks to create offspring for itself. So, our entire civilization was "seeded" here with dozens of basic and thousands of helping cosmic primordial civilizations that took part in the development of the platform and human bodies, as well as animals, plants, elements, nature spirits, etc. Usually bodies are created in image and likeness. The same thing happens with souls, although they come from higher planes, where there are simply no bodies (the Earth itself can also create souls).

If many of us lie on the boards in dream capsules and shoot our rays of attention on Earth in human bodies, then we can also be considered phantoms to some extent, the only question is the height of the bell tower, the exact definition, embedded programs and the ability to evolve further. Article on the topic:

In the standard sense, a phantom is an image of something from the past (human soul, being, object). In esoteric knowledge, phantoms are people who are not endowed with a Soul, but are only software modules for ensuring the passage of eventfulness for people endowed with a Soul. Phantoms do not have the ability to evolve and increase their vibration frequency. It is believed that at the moment on Earth the ratio of people to phantoms is 50/50 (according to my information, there are fewer people)

Promotional video:

Who are the Phantoms?

Essences without the presence of a Soul, you very often call them biorobots. They come to these worlds and they must be here, because the freedom of expression of your world is such that in order to get the most powerful experience, a quality experience, various components of this experience must be present. Therefore, it is necessary, and there is nothing terrible or exaggerated here that distorts this space. You cannot distinguish between people or essences, "beings" now. You cannot determine beings by their presence, whether there is a Soul or not, because your mind sharply separates those who are with a Soul and those who are without a Soul, because you are used to the fact that the purest vibration is the vibration of the Soul. But this is only in your world, because you must maintain a standard of purity as for beings immersed in a very dense world. There must be a standard of purity, light,for which he reaches out, and in your case it is the Soul.

What is the peculiarity of the phantom energy system?

She is fixated on herself. They have a certain energy potential, which was given initially. It practically does not change, it immediately begins to work by 90 percent, and 10% - the basic, energy supply remains. All the energy of the phantom is fixated on the phantom itself, it does not give. He does not give up energy, his energy goes in a circle. There are phantoms with horizontal energy fields, but these energy fields are of very short action. If the Soul's energy field spreads depending on the vibration frequency, for some it is up to 1500 km. There are Souls among you that work at an even greater distance, they can really reach with their energy almost any person who is inside the earthly matrix, then the phantom reaches no further than a maximum of 2-3 meters. These are those phantoms that have horizontal inserts.

Do phantoms have a chakra system?

The phantoms have a chakra system assembled, only the energy cords go in a loop from the seventh to the first, and it spins with such an egg. There are practically no built-in horizontal lines in chakra systems. Also, phantoms have practically no luminous eighth chakra, that is, this program is not created for phantoms. It is completely absent, there is a slight thickening in the energy channel, but if you look at it, then this is just a thickening.

Based on materials from Sofoos' channeling:

What are phantoms?

The word phantom was chosen as a kind of prototype of human creativity, which created a semblance of himself, a semblance of his own behavior, a semblance of a certain coincidence with his own hypostasis, or information fields. This was done a long time ago, back in the Middle Ages, and the word phantom is an association of some kind of coincidence, some kind of backup. From the point of view of a true understanding of the phantom, this is not entirely true, since even with the same external appearance, the energy fields inside are completely differently arranged.

The very construction, in fact, its internal and external conscience with higher Intelligences. Therefore, we will assume that a phantom is a common name for a completely different model, a prototype of development, a prototype of a conditional observer. In fact, a phantom, if you correctly translate it in the words of your understanding, is an indirect source of observation of a higher system for the development of a scenario plan, for determining a system for understanding the human field of information, a human field of development, a field of definition in space.

To put it even more precisely, a phantom is a kind of structure, a complex, combined into a unified meaning that performs several functions: the first task is to fill the space of illusion, the second task is to determine an indirect or direct source of observation, and the third task is to fill energy fields of structures and space, which must be supported, which must be correlated as a whole as a field understood for a person as his worldview, the external world.

What is the role of phantoms in terms of the scenario plan?

As the most frequently used functional of the scenario design, phantoms play a very important role, in fact, they create more than 80-90% of the space of the illusion that is associated with human life, with his understanding of the external environment, with his understanding of the space of the city, streets, populated points, etc. All these chaotic movements, people who go out and enter shops, drive cars, for the most part seem to be phantoms, since the assembly of events carried out by the Peacekeepers system does not allow to collect full-fledged observers of the states of human determination, observation, vision of space into a single understandable space … This is due to the fact that each person has his own conscience of the spatial field, algorithm, vector, chord of the temporal state.

This temporary state is very difficult for the scenario to be layered on the fields of other people and it is almost impossible to fully combine those pictures that you observe in the form of large demonstrations of a crowd of people in a certain area or standing in traffic jams. This is due to various reasons, mainly due to the technical characteristics of those fields that are collected by the Peacekeepers system. It is more convenient to collect the scenario plan, this is how the illusion looks more complete. Therefore, from the point of view of convenience, from the point of view of filling the substantive plan of external space, external worldview, phantoms are used most often as fullness, as scenarios, as a kind of visible picture of the world.

What role does the Higher Self play in controlling phantoms?

First of all, it orders the number of phantoms, their characteristics and even a certain phraseology, their accent or speech features. The fact is that there is a single database of people that defines phantoms, and this database copies a certain person, transferring him to your space, defining him in this state, defining in those modalities and angles that are necessary for a conversation, for a necessary meeting … Very often, a person, talking with another, can flare up, quarrel, but in fact the other person will not have this state, he will not even remember this meeting, he will not know that he was rude to someone, rude or did something unpleasant thing.

Unfortunately, this happens very often, but this regret can only be at the level of your moral norms and rules. The fact is that from the point of view of the script plan, this is the usual way of filling the script and the usual way of conscience of people. From the point of view of the understanding of the picture of the world, this allows you to create a lot of possible, different options for choosing, different options for the scenario plan. In this case, phantoms work out this category as well as possible, since it is quite difficult for a person to make a person perform a particular role in order to pass the experience directly to the observer.

What is the classification of phantoms?

There are certain types of phantoms that you visualize in space. These are one-day phantoms that disappear or appear when observing space; phantom observers who live in this space and fill it in the form of your neighbors, acquaintances, or just people. These are phantoms that play the role of supporting functional systems that play a role not so much to fill space, but as a supporting system for certain types of scenario plans: these are the army, the police, and part of agriculture.

According to the classification, these are short-term phantoms. These are phantoms that live with full functionality and are defined by people as acquaintances, relatives, as a meaningful part of their full-fledged field, and phantoms that exist outside their meaningful beginning, outside their field, which exists in the form of entire cities, for example, in China, and look like an industrial unit, a military unit, etc. This is a different content, a different functionality, there is a slightly different functioning system. From the point of view of the observer, this is really so, from the point of view of the fullness of the phantom there is another classification depending on how functional the phantom is, it can be functional without contact, i.e. without contact with the human body, i.e. not filled with a monadic characteristic.

There are phantoms that are not filled with the characteristics of the Monad, and there are phantoms that are filled with the characteristics of the Monad. There are phantoms filled with the frequency of consciousness, there are phantoms filled with even emotional frameworks. This is the so-called classification of energy filling, it is similar to people, but the only thing that differs from the human body is that the cell does not exist, and there are only signs that are fed into the human observation system.

Based on Irina's channeling materials:

Why did people create a phantom series?

The soul must fulfill certain systems of filling the cells. It fills it through events, emotions - no matter whether this base is destructive or constructive. To do this, they create an ether system, give phantoms - develop emotions, replenish the base, fill your cell, replenish the Gaia system and execute program modules according to the energy carrier system. Everything is ether, everything is in consciousness.

How are Souls and phantoms distributed across countries, regions?

There is a distribution of Souls by territorial districts, of course, and basically they are distributed as active fields. In Russia, these are Siberia and Altai. These are higher vibrations, segmented in this particular asset. If you take America, there is basically a phantom series working in the asset. In Europe, it is 35% to 65%.

Yes, we select assets. Why are we matching these assets according to the fields? The fact is that on each territory there are certain egregors for supplying energy resources for Gaia, for the Earth as a whole. And where structures are built, we build up human reserves there. Somewhere more active, somewhere passive. But here it is in the territorial district that the division is taking place, and Souls are distributed according to these assets.

What is the ratio of Souls and phantoms on Earth?

The Earth's balance system is kept precisely against the background of the fact that balance should be maintained, as well as constructive, destructive, Souls, phantoms. Generally speaking about the Earth, 50/50% is in the field system.

Each source has different systems. If in America this is the active part of phantoms, there are very few Souls, in Russia there are more Souls than phantoms. Europe is also the predominance of phantoms in the system of this move.

Do phantoms have larvae?

They have a greater degree of finding, since their software carriers are low in vibration frequency, they have even more reserves for suppressing the system of active formulas. This system is unmanageable, they are like programs. You can cope with these entities, but the software does not at all, since the frequency of the vibration fields of the standard support, finding, has a more active form in the field, higher fields that are not entered into the system.

What percentage of phantoms will be in fourth density?

They will gradually leave the base system, and will be replaced by Soul systems according to time. There is no distribution in the segment as a percentage. Phantoms are just an illusion, they will be accompanied by a field, then Souls will come and replace these resources.

The system of the phantommental row will be in the projection as well as in the third use, when visualized, you will more actively experience these segments as a system, that it is empty - a soulless being. Your program will be more active in this segment. The exact distribution of minds will be in the asset. Your mind will understand that this is the base of a low segment, or a phantom, or a segment of a low frequency level. Phantoms do not have a development system program, they are just an illusion of your move.

Now a program is being actively promoted on the phantom series, which is a system of illusions, phantoms that are in the everyday life of your field. The system of consciousness of the fourth field will be clearly structured to understand that this is a phantom, and this is a human reserve. This visualization, as a program, will manifest itself in the field and system of the emotional background.

The program will work identically as well as the workforce and management team. It will also be applied in the phantom creation system and the Soul program.

Basically, the system for determining the power controlling systems is software media. They drive the structure and these are the programs that drive the main fields.


To avoid strong disagreements, you need to understand that everyone has their own understanding of the term "soul". For example, in shamanic traditions it is believed that the soul consists of several components:

Siberians and Mongols believe that each person is a fusion of at least three different spiritual entities. Comprehension of these three components within oneself and those around them provides an important diagnostic tool for healing and other shamanic work. In Buryat, as well as in other languages, these three parts bear names that have no correspondences in English. For convenience, I will refer to them as “soul,” but referring to them separately, I will use their Mongolian names. The origins of each of the three souls are in one of the three worlds - upper, middle or lower. They can be represented as follows:

1) ami - the upper world - is reborn;

2) sunesu - the lower world - is reborn;

3) sulde - the middle world - is not reborn, but becomes a natural spirit.

And more on the topic:

Q: In the shamanic tradition, it is believed that a person has 3 souls - the soul of the clan / karmic, the soul of the cosmos and the soul of the body (personality). The first two are eternal, and the soul of the body lives one life and then dies, or joins other cells of consciousness. Is it so? Which of these souls changes upon initiation into shamans?

A: Nothing dies. This memory / experience, according to certain laws, will influence and work further. This whole process can be described as joining other cells of consciousness, however, how this will work and what to influence is a multivariate story. The soul of the body changes, transforms into a new quality, adapts. However, other souls, when this time comes, also become "wider".

It should be remembered that VYs can divide their attention to the rays almost indefinitely. One ray can be a great musician, and the other - a phantom, a blade of grass or a stone, each has its own tasks, but they refer to a single organism, so there is no question of any racial division here.