3 Stories About The Disappearance Of People - Alternative View

3 Stories About The Disappearance Of People - Alternative View
3 Stories About The Disappearance Of People - Alternative View

Video: 3 Stories About The Disappearance Of People - Alternative View

Video: 3 Stories About The Disappearance Of People - Alternative View
Video: 10 People Who Disappeared and Left Behind Creepy Recordings 2024, September

History remembers many cases of disappearance of people, which remain unsolved and not clarified.

A girl named Annette Sagers disappeared suddenly. It all happened in November 1987. The girl did not come to work, and her car was parked in front of the Mount Holly plantation. The search was not crowned with success.

A year has passed. Corrine's daughter, eight years old, left the house and headed towards the bus stop where the school bus was to pick her up. It should be noted that the bus stop was opposite Mount Holly. The girl disappeared before the bus arrived. At the bus stop they found a note saying that my mother had returned and asked to hug the brothers. The handwriting really belonged to the missing girl. The note was not written under pressure. The case of the missing girl is still ongoing and is not considered closed.

Another story of the disappearance of children happened in West Virginia around Christmas 1945.

The mother of the Solder family was awakened at 1 am by loud sounds on the roof. It turns out that the house was on fire. The parents tried to save the children who were sleeping on the second floor. It was too late when the fire engine arrived, but the bodies of the children could not be found. The mother felt that the children were kidnapped and the house was set on fire, thereby hiding the crime scene. Four years later, 6 small bones were found near the house. They were not damaged by fire. After 23 years, the couple received a photograph of a young man. On the back was the signature "Louis Sodder", but the guy was not identified by the police.

It happens that a person disappears without leaving any traces behind, but it happens when people dissolve in the air in front of eyewitnesses. A strange disappearance occurred in the 19th century. Someone Didericus put on the costume of his boss, who died of a stroke. The guy went to the bank to withdraw the money that was on the account of the deceased man. The plan did not come true. The sly guy was caught and imprisoned. Strange things began to happen while walking in the prison. His body became transparent, then completely dissolved. All this was observed by other prisoners and guards. Nobody saw the man again.