Fire In Notre Dame De Paris: The Day Of The Beginning Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Fire In Notre Dame De Paris: The Day Of The Beginning Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View
Fire In Notre Dame De Paris: The Day Of The Beginning Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Video: Fire In Notre Dame De Paris: The Day Of The Beginning Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Video: Fire In Notre Dame De Paris: The Day Of The Beginning Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View
Video: Notre-Dame Cathedral fire: Paris landmark ablaze as spire collapses 2024, September

From the evening of April 15, the theme of Notre Dame Cathedral occupies all the front pages of newspapers, all news releases of all media in the world. And this is quite understandable, since the event was significant, foreshadowing at least the end of French history.

Naturally, the entire world community of conspiracy theorists and citizens, for some reason considering themselves as such, joined in attempts to comprehend the situation. As a result, after just a few hours after the fire, whole mountains of numerological calculations and other secret signs appeared in the network, as if embedded in this event.

So, the first conspiracy discovery was the discovery of Notre Dame de Paris in the cartoon I, Pet Goat II.

However, as you can see, in the cathedral from I, Pet Goat II, there are two spiers, not one, so from the moment the cartoon was released, all conspiracy theorists know that it is either about St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York.


or about the Cologne Cathedral.


Promotional video:

In addition, one of these cathedrals will collapse before the curtain, since its collapse is shown at the very end of the cartoon - before either meteorites or nuclear warheads begin to cut the pyramids in Giza.

In the meantime, the situation in the world does not look like a curtain, since the only thing that has been reliably realized to date is the epic around North Korea, so the rest of the events from I, Pet Goat II are still coming.


If the Cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Paris caught fire by someone's intent, as a landmark event of the 9/11 type, then we immediately note that the calculation of the entire numerology of the event will be very, very long, since there are a lot of options that should be enumerated in search of the correct one …

To date, it seems the most correct so far, as it were, one - an interesting find of Mr. Brother Berg, who drew attention to the fact that the date of the fire in the cathedral is exactly 30,069 days from the date of birth of Pope Francis, which is already a direct reference to Mr. Tesla, who once said: "If you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe."


What does the pope have to do with the cathedral? Mr. Brother Berg is silent about this, but we explain.

On May 6, 1312, Pope Clement V issued the bull Considerantes dudum, which officially initiated the persecution of the Templar Order, after which the last Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake on March 11, 1314 (about March 18, Wikipedia is written incorrectly) … Before his execution, Jacques de Molay cursed both the Pope and the French King Philip IV, saying that they would outlive him for no more than a year. And so it happened. And the place of execution of Jacques de Molay was just somewhere opposite the cathedral.

Notre-Dame-de-Paris stands on the Ile de la Cité, which was previously a group of islands, on one of which executions were carried out, allowing the chief priests to admire the process from the balconies of the cathedral:


Since the Templars are considered, as it were, the founders of all Freemasonry, then if the Freemasons wanted to convey greetings to the Vatican, the burning of Notre Dame de Paris in turn would be a very symbolic event. At the same time, the time interval of 30,069 days between the date of the fire in the cathedral and the birthday of Francis is, as it were, the binding of the event to the Vatican.

It is difficult to say how correct this approach is now, since people still have to re-read a lot of historical documents and calculate a lot. Nevertheless, today we also have our own exclusive conspiracy theory about all this and how correct it is - the near future will show, namely, on May 2, 2019. Why?

For starters, remember the cover of The Economist for 2019:


With the pictures there, everything is still not very clear, so we look at the letters for now - that is, what is also written there:


Thus, the editorial staff of the magazine explains that the style of the cover “a la Leonardo” was chosen because in 2019 it will be 500 years since the artist's death. More precisely, the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci will be on May 2, 2019. But, the reader will ask, what does Notre Dame de Paris have to do with it? And Notre-Dame-de-Paris is here despite the fact that Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, and he was born on April 15, so the fire in the cathedral somehow fell right on his name day.

In addition, from April 19 to May 2, there will be a special period for all sorts of "fire rituals" traditionally practiced by some occult societies. The cathedral caught fire on 15/4, that is, 15 + 4 = 19, which is also a rather strange coincidence.

Finally, remember The Economist for 2018, where, as The End Times Forecaster convincingly showed, each picture illustrates a time interval of a week:


The 62nd week is the well-recognized Brexit, that is, Britain's exit from the EU, which was initially postponed until April 12. And then comes the 63rd week, which is symbolized by a traveler with a staff - that is, the end of the cycle, which for some reason falls just on the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, in the style of which the next cover is made.

Thus, it seems that April 15, 2019 is, as it were, the starting point for the events depicted on the cover of The Economist for 2019. Well, so that no one had any doubts - Notre-Dame-de-Paris lit up, as if illuminating with a huge torch and symbolizing the beginning of the apocalyptic cycle.