The US Government's Plan To Conquer Russia - Alternative View

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The US Government's Plan To Conquer Russia - Alternative View
The US Government's Plan To Conquer Russia - Alternative View

Video: The US Government's Plan To Conquer Russia - Alternative View

Video: The US Government's Plan To Conquer Russia - Alternative View
Video: The Insane Russian Plan to Conquer the World 2024, September

The following combination of articles explains - and they link with irrefutable evidence - that the United States government is in fact developing its nuclear forces with the intention of winning a nuclear war against Russia.

The US government is definitely determined to win World War III, not avoid World War III. Thus, the US government builds and deploys nuclear weapons with the intention of conquering Russia, and this goal has become NATO's mission and its only remaining primary function, although this fact is not publicly acknowledged. Here are these articles and their key quotes showing it:


“Back in 2011, before the development program B61-12 reached no return, the FAS sent a letter to the White House and the Office of the Minister of Defense, pointing out the contradiction with the administration's policy and the consequences for the nuclear strategy. They never answered.


“From March 2020, the United States will begin deploying in Italy, Germany, Belgium and Holland (where the B-61 nuclear bombs are already based), as well as possibly other European countries, the first precision-guided nuclear bomb in their arsenal, the B61 -12. Its function is primarily anti-Russian. This new bomb is designed with a penetrating ability that allows it to explode underground to destroy the central command bunkers with its first strike. How would the United States react if Russia placed nuclear bombs in Mexico, close to its territory?"


“The US nuclear modernization program was presented to the public as an attempt to ensure the reliability and safety of warheads in the US nuclear arsenal, and not to increase their military capabilities. In reality, however, this program has introduced revolutionary new technologies that will significantly improve the guidance capabilities of the American ballistic missile arsenal. This capacity building is astounding - an increase in the total destruction capacity of existing U. S. ballistic missile forces by about three times - and it creates exactly what one would expect if a nuclear armed state planned to have the capability to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with unexpected firsts. blow."

Promotional video:


"The US government's plan to conquer Russia is based on faith and a fundamental plan for establishing a 'nuclear primacy' against Russia - America's ability to win a nuclear war against Russia and thus defeat it."


The US government's public statements claiming that Russia is an "aggressor" and that the US government is developing its nuclear program only to "protect" against Russia and other countries is just as much a lie as the US government's statement in 2002. that Iraq had to be invaded because the IAEA discovered (which it never did) that Iraq would have a nuclear bomb for six months. The US government cannot be trusted - no more than it was then. And also the US regime invaded and destroyed Libya, Syria and Yemen based on lies. Such a serial liar cannot be trusted.

The true goal of the US regime is to conquer and control the entire world, including, in particular, Russia. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and its communism, and its military alliance in the Warsaw Pact, which was created to defend against America's military alliance with NATO, there is no excuse. The American regime's sense of guilt is especially outrageous towards Russia, because an invasion of Russia would destroy the entire world.

The desire of the American regime to control the entire world is a clear evil and is completely “justified” by lies (such as the lie that Putin “captured” Crimea is supposedly a “justification” for the NATO troop and missile build-up). near the borders of Russia). One of these lies is that "Putin wants to conquer Ukraine." Only the grossest fools could believe it. But this is not only a question of Crimea and Ukraine, where the US regime lies: all US sanctions against Russia are based on clearly proven lies.

In addition, the increasing steps of the American regime towards a police state, if not ultimately military law for Americans, sharply curtail the Americans' own freedoms, which is very bad for the American people. In the increasing percentage of US government spending that goes to the military also spreading poverty and concentrating wealth in the aristocracy; Thus, only America's billionaires benefit from this imperialism, even within the United States.

The United States government is not a "democracy" and now it has become the enemy of the whole world, except for the regimes that rule its allied countries, but even their allied countries will be engulfed in such a war, which the rulers of America are preparing, on behalf of the owners of Lockheed Martin and others. corporations.

The US regime is the enemy of peoples everywhere. This is the biggest threat to peace in the entire history of mankind if it were not for the Hitler regime. And it will be even worse than Hitler's regime if its military bases and personnel are not expelled from each country before the secretly planned blitz invasion of Russia ultimately takes place. Only by doing this can such an attack be prevented. If this is not done, then the NATO invasion of Russia will occur. It came down to this choice for every nation.

On October 20, 2016, NBC News banned "Filipino Leader Duterte Throws US for China, Says America Lost."

On May 1, 2017, Global Studies headlined the article More Crimes Against Peace: Why Canada Should Leave NATO Now.

Europe's budding rival, US NATO, has been called “permanent structured cooperation,” a boring name to avoid the scrutiny of the US public. It was announced on 8 September 2017 and then drafted on 11 December 2017 with a list of “Ambitious and more binding general commitments” and with 25 EU member states (all of the 28 EU members except: UK, Denmark and Malta), signing these obligations. Its creation was the beginning of the end of NATO. This has been inevitable since the US coup d'état in Ukraine in February 2014 and the establishment of the Nazi regime there, which the American regime planned to become a member of both NATO and the EU.

On November 9, 2018, US President Donald Trump tweeted: “French President Macron has just invited Europe to create its own military to defend itself against the United States, China and Russia. Very disappointing, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which is heavily subsidized by the US! “Perhaps Macron wants to prevent France from entering the third world war. Perhaps Macron also wants France to be free to define its own international policy without having to comply with the demands of American billionaires, especially demands that American billionaires share with the Saudi royal family and Israeli billionaires, for example, to conquer Syria by installing a leader there who will be chosen by King Saud and will partner with American billionaires,For example: On December 7, the Al-Masdar newspaper reported that "Syria accuses the US Coalition of completely destroying the hospital in Deir Ezzor." Deir Ezzor is the oil-producing region of Syria, and the US regime and its allies want to steal Syrian oil, and therefore they have been trying for years to destroy the government's infrastructure and seize control there.

NOTE. There is a possibility that Ukraine could invade its former Donbas region on December 14 and provoke a Russian response there, which the American regime could use as a pretext to invade Russia, but I doubt the American regime still feels confident enough that he has "nuclear primacy" to invade Russia at the present time. Thus, if such a Ukrainian invasion occurs, the Ukrainian regime established by the American regime may be disappointed.

Eric Suesse