Who Is Modeling The History Of The Earth? - Alternative View

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Who Is Modeling The History Of The Earth? - Alternative View
Who Is Modeling The History Of The Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Modeling The History Of The Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Modeling The History Of The Earth? - Alternative View
Video: Models of the Universe [Geocentric to Heliocentric] 2024, September

For centuries, the world's top politicians, cultural figures and businessmen have been killed - President Kennedy, Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Swedish leader Olof Palme …

The mayor of Turin, Italy, recently received a bullet in an envelope in the mail, and this is quite a common case for the world elite. The mayors of French cities received bullets in envelopes the other day.

These are not random acts of terror, but an explicit system. Why and who wants to stop the development of our civilization, or is it simply a matter of total control over the development of mankind?


For centuries, terror against the great figures of history has only grown. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, is assassinated in 1865. Soon in 1881, the great Russian reformer Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in St. Petersburg.

In 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was killed, and in November 1963, US President John F. Kennedy was shot dead. For some reason, the crime of the century has not yet been solved. And this clearly cannot be the individual terror of madmen. What can these events from different eras have in common?

- The world mafia is getting stronger century after century and constantly reminds of itself. In the previous year alone, the Chinese police alone had uncovered nearly 1,700 mafia groups in the country, seized tens of thousands of suspects. And how many bloody feats on account of the Italian, Russian, Colombian mafia, yakuza and triads? Who will eventually get all the cream from the common table of humanity? Is it possible that someone is standing over the mafia and pulling the strings?

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Why, for example, a California state court recently stopped curbing the flow of Mexican migrants, many of whom are members of the MS-13 Latin American mafia? Who benefits from undermining the power of the United States with waves of mafia migration? - says Andrey Kruglov, expert on paranormal historical phenomena. “We often hear the words“mafia”,“shadow state”,“organized crime”and“world behind the scenes”. Could they be a protection mechanism against the Earth's civilization not being too successful in its development?

Let's remember our alien competitors. If they control the Earth, then they obviously do not want to admit the forthcoming 10-20th technological stage in the development of earthlings in the foreseeable future, we must rise no higher than the current, fifth.


But how can extraterrestrial forces regulate human history in the direction they need? Wherever there is a lot of money, the entrance for the mafia is open. Many of us are rightly convinced that mafia clans have long infiltrated the largest transnational corporations and devour them from the inside like tapeworms.

Remember the scandalous story of the Lockheed corporation, Madoff's scam, the collapse of the world's largest banks and firms, the current scandal with the death of billionaire Epstein. Mafia bosses send their people under the guise of decent politicians to state governments, they corrupt leading politicians. Mafia bosses are omnipresent and omnipotent. They add drugs to entire nations.

But is it only huge money - the goal of the actions of the mafia in different countries? Do the largest mafiosi of our planet have more global planetary and even space goals? And if so, who set, who formulated these goals?


In early June 323 BC, Alexander the Great, the conqueror and ruler of half the world, unexpectedly dies in Babylon.

The stories that a healthy 33-year-old warrior tsar died from a common cold fever are for the naive. Historians talk about the deliberate poisoning of the conqueror, who redrew the map of the world. Who needed it, was it only his enemy conspirator, or was there something more important behind this death?

- The famous murder of Julius Caesar in March 44 BC is indicative. Behind a handful of pitiful killers was clearly the desire of the secret and powerful forces of world history to turn back time in someone's interests. The same can be traced in a number of famous murders: the murder of the great French king Henry IV, the poisoning of Napoleon with arsenic, slow and painful, on the island of St. Helena, so that this genius would not redraw the world map again … - says Andrey Kruglov. - Terrifying clans of super-organized crime are increasingly ordering to die as individuals and organizations, and entire regions, to perish industries and even states.

According to the most conservative estimates, the annual proceeds from organized crime are at least $ 300 billion from the drug trade alone. But if you estimate in money the ability to simulate the greatest historical events and planetary natural disasters - this is trillions of dollars.

But are they interested in those who are above the world mafia …

Are the obvious cases of alien intervention in the series of space catastrophes in Russia in recent years accidental? Is the interest of the mafia and aliens in the same Japanese, Chinese and other commercial space launches, in the development of the project of the same Elon Musk, incidental?

They need to launch their tentacles everywhere, participate in everything technologically important and dangerous, and periodically remind us of our vulnerability and subordination through disasters like the Chernobyl disaster or the recent one in Nenoksa near Arkhangelsk.


Many paranormal experts are sounding the alarm: on Earth, preparations have long been underway not for the Third World War, but for an interplanetary war. And before the war, the opposing sides usually send as many scouts and agents of influence to the enemy's camp as possible.

So, what is the "fifth column of aliens" doing on our Earth? How and when did the reasons for unleashing an interplanetary war arise? Why are the leading countries of the world amassing mountains of obviously superfluous nuclear missile weapons? And who can be an agent of influence on that alien side, from us earthlings? Who are the double agents?


- The first thing that comes to mind: judging by their strange behavior, these double agents are some US presidents working for their country, but pretending for aliens to work for them in order to survive on their own in the coming catastrophe.

Let us recall how Ronald Reagan openly spoke to the leader of the USSR about the possibility that aliens live among us and solve their problems. And this is what Richard Nixon, US President said: "I still have no right to discuss information about UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence that the government has." The discussion of this issue continues, - continues Andrei Kruglov - We cannot exclude cases of outright betrayal, when some of the world's most powerful financiers and mafiosi were promised honorable conditions after the surrender of the Earth. Life and the preservation of wealth are promised. Will these promises be kept - we'll see …

It seems that preparations for the final interplanetary war are going on in the strictest secrecy, when all means of silence and disinformation, double and triple agents are involved. And even the demigod Noah himself can no longer figure out the intricacies of the preparation of the final war, Armageddon. And this is very dangerous, because the situation seems to be getting out of control.

Perhaps very soon we will be announced about the creation of a new world defensive state on a totalitarian basis. Say, this is an inevitable transformation of earthly civilization on the verge of an alien threat! A new form of the world state will be established as a result of this transformation. Is space fascism awaiting us?

Which of these theories is closest to the truth, we still have to figure out.

Valery Nazarov