Cosmopolitan - Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Women - Alternative View

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Cosmopolitan - Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Women - Alternative View
Cosmopolitan - Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Women - Alternative View

Video: Cosmopolitan - Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Women - Alternative View

Video: Cosmopolitan - Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Women - Alternative View
Video: The most powerful weapons of mass destruction of 2021 2024, September

Another video review of the Teach Good project is devoted to the analysis of Cosmopolitan magazine, which positions itself as a publication for stylish, confident and beautiful women. Content includes articles on relationships, health, career, self-help, celebrities, and fashion and beauty.

The cover of Cosmopolitan usually features famous women from the show business: actresses, singers, and photo models. The appearance of these girls in most cases can be characterized by such words: vulgarity, immodesty, licentiousness, fornication, frivolity, complacency. Most of the photos located inside the magazine fit this description. Apparently, according to Cosmopolitan, this is the image of a “modern and beautiful woman” that the magazine offers its readers as a model of behavior.

In addition, several articles about sex are a mandatory attribute of each issue, and the inscription SEX is present on all covers of the publication. The "Sex and Love" rubrics are combined into one.


This indicates that the sphere of relations between a man and a woman, and the concept of "love", is viewed in the publication through the prism of sex, or rather, even perverted sex.

Note that the publication positions itself as a youth publication and belongs to the 16+ category. However, despite the official age limit, this magazine can often be seen in the hands of schoolgirls who are attracted by the bright appearance of the publication.

As the analysis of the content of the standard issue of the magazine Cosmo has shown, 20 percent of the materials in the publication are somehow connected with the topic of sex. The rest of the articles can be divided into the following categories: 25 percent of the content is aimed at creating and developing a “cult of clothes and looks”; 23 percent advocate stupidity and life for the sake of pleasure using examples from the life of show business stars; 10 percent can be grouped under the heading “Think about yourself,” and 22 percent remains on other topics. We add that the number of advertisements in the magazine is simply off scale.

Promotional video:

Analysis of the content of the magazine:

  • Appearance - 25%
  • Stars' life - 23%
  • Sex - 20%
  • Think about yourself - 10%
  • Other topics - 22%

And now the time has come to give the floor to Polina Sakharova, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine, and to understand what examples she offers to readers as a role model.


These are the idols of the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine: they look on the brink of a foul, promote free relationships and same-sex love, live for pleasure on the principle of “take everything from life” and do not look back at anyone. I have a question for the men who will watch this video review: this is how you want your daughters, wives and mothers to be - vulgar, narcissistic, reckless and vulgar?

If not, pay attention to what your loved ones are reading.