Strange Hypotheses: Where Do Aliens Live, Where Do They Come From? - Alternative View

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Strange Hypotheses: Where Do Aliens Live, Where Do They Come From? - Alternative View
Strange Hypotheses: Where Do Aliens Live, Where Do They Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Strange Hypotheses: Where Do Aliens Live, Where Do They Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Strange Hypotheses: Where Do Aliens Live, Where Do They Come From? - Alternative View
Video: Is Alien ‘Life’ Weirder Than We Imagine: Who Is Out There? 2024, September

The topic of contact with alien civilizations has always been considered one of the most pressing. And it continues to remain so to this day. Indeed, how can you remain indifferent to the message, and even confirmed by photo and video materials, about contact with aliens? Here even the most inveterate skeptic, as they say, will skip …

A figurine of our ancient ancestors who once tamed dinosaurs


However, let's look at the problem soberly and we will reason as the hero of the famous TV movie said "based on facts and common sense." Where can aliens come from? Of course, fly from another planet!

Modern scientists have practically no doubts that there are no intelligent beings suitable for habitation in the solar system. With a certain degree of confidence, Mars is suitable for this role, where in a very distant past there was a way and an opportunity to support life.

Thus, if extraterrestrial civilizations can live anywhere, it is exclusively near other stars. But the stars are very far from us. Even the closest ones: Centauri - more than four light years, Sirius - eight and a half, Portion - eleven.

Hypothesis 1. Deep space - myth or reality?

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If we assume that a planet revolves around some of the stars on which life arose and then a civilization developed capable of building an interstellar ship, then moving at a speed close to the speed of light, this spaceship would fly to us for years - and the same amount would take the return journey … Well, of course you can fly to see it once, but to wander back and forth and make contact with earthlings is hardly. Don't forget, we are talking about the nearest stars! What if these systems are not inhabited, and aliens come from even more distant worlds?

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Proponents of contact with aliens believe that technologies are available to our brothers in mind that allow us to travel between the stars much faster than light. But does not this statement contradict reality? In ordinary so-called Einstein space, it is impossible to exceed the speed of light - this truth has been proven and there is no need to dispute it. This means that it is required to circumvent this prohibition by finding a way to "travel" faster than light, much faster.

Modern science sees one opportunity to achieve this goal - the curvature of space, up to a break in the metric and exit into hyperspace, where three-dimensional space is likely to fold into a "string". The problem is that these manipulations will require such an amount of energy that it will be extremely wasteful, perhaps even disastrous, to make regular travel to the planets of other galaxies. So it turns out that, although the Cosmos exists, free movement from star to star is more a myth than a real possibility.

Hypothesis 2. UFOs - they are real

And yet, simply brushing off the UFO problem will not work. If we were talking about isolated cases, everything could be attributed to spontaneous hallucinations, mental illness, and finally, simply to alcohol and drugs. However, dozens of UFO sightings are recorded in the world every year. Often, as already mentioned, there is evidence in the form of photo and video documents.

Yes, something can be explained by ordinary reasons - natural phenomena, terrestrial aircraft (secret developments of military engineering), or finally, optical illusion. But there are a lot of episodes that do not fall under these explanations. It is impossible, for example, to confuse a disk-shaped UFO with an airplane, making a clearly controlled flight along a mind-boggling trajectory inaccessible to any human technical means. No matter how we doubt it, someone or something often appears on Earth, and this clearly comes from the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Hypothesis 3. It is probably worth looking for aliens nearby

At first glance, the hypotheses presented in the first and second parts of this article contradict each other. In fact, they only force us to seek a more rational explanation for the incomprehensible phenomena that occur from time to time in our world.

So, intelligent beings - those whom we consider aliens, representatives of extraterrestrial civilization periodically (moreover, quite often) visit the Earth and contact humanity. In doing so, they demonstrate their very advanced technologies. Who are they? If we exclude the assumption of aliens as immigrants from other galaxies, then one thing remains, they are real earthlings!

Tell me this can't be, is this a crazy idea? Take your time to jump to conclusions and look at the problem without any prejudice. Our planet has existed for billions of years. Several tens of millions of years ago, it was quite suitable for life. And not only fit - it was Paradise. A humid tropical climate, a lot of oxygen, well, maybe the animal world made up a somewhat frightening picture (dinosaurs), but you could live here comfortably, right?

The development of biological species is much faster than geological processes. It is possible that Tyrannosaurus rex (Latin for the royal tyrant lizard) was not at all the crown of creation in the era of lizards. It may well be that then a new biological branch appeared - reptilian primates, which turned into intelligent dinosaurs and created their own civilization.

Then, as you know, there was an asteroid catastrophe that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. However, sentient lizards are unlikely to follow their giant counterparts. The Lizard Sapiens survived, although for this they had to leave the surface of the planet. They either took refuge in protected cities at the bottom of the world's oceans, or went deep underground, where they continued their development.

Now, of course, they have reached unprecedented technological heights, and it is not at all difficult for them to hide from human eyes. They are watching us closely, waiting for us to “get sick with childhood illnesses” and become worthy of a real Contact with another civilization. (T-rex, today this is the most popular type of intelligent dinosaur, a participant in many films and a lot of hypotheses).
