Lake Lochness. Scotland - Alternative View

Lake Lochness. Scotland - Alternative View
Lake Lochness. Scotland - Alternative View

Video: Lake Lochness. Scotland - Alternative View

Video: Lake Lochness. Scotland - Alternative View
Video: LOCH NESS: Beautiful scenic 🏞️ and nature views all around 😲 (Scotland) 2024, September

The mysterious Loch Ness is located in the highlands of Scotland and is surrounded by vertical cliffs that rise two thousand feet. Loch Ness is one of the three lakes that saturate the Great Valley - a huge rift that separates the North of Scotland from the rest of the British Isle.

Loch Ness is sometimes as deep as nine hundred feet. This truly huge lake hides tremendous secrets within itself. In its gloomy waters, hidden due to the fault of the peat bottom, many times they encountered an unusual monster, reminiscent of those that lived on our planet millions of years before the appearance of man.


Today, the Loch Ness monster is one of the most talked about and popular monsters, among other things, very often seen, but it was not mentioned in the press until 1933.

In the late spring of this year, A. Shau and his son observed divorces on the water surface of Loch Ness from a distance of 500 yards, then something like the ridge of an ancient lizard appeared. Eyewitnesses said they were looking at an elongated body wagging from side to side, after which a fountain of spray rose and silence reigned.

The huge monster of Loch Ness was seen by the Clement family. The head of the family, T. Clement, described the monster as follows: 40 feet in length, has 4 fins, the body smoothly merges into an elongated neck with small tubercles.

Soon, the monster again made itself felt near the island of Cherry. The witness followed the unknown creature from about 50 feet for ten minutes, after which the creature disappeared into the depths of the lake.

In the same summer, D. Spacer, the head of a large English company, was driving with his wife near the coast in Foyers. Then a large monster with a long neck emerged from the bushes to their left. It crossed the road and disappeared into the lake. Witnesses to this rare sight completely abandoned the assumption that the monster could simply be seen by them, or was confused with someone else.

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By the amount of similar evidence, when people saw the monster not only in the waters of Loch Ness, but also in different places on land, the conclusion was that it had an impressive habitat. A reward of twenty thousand pounds was even offered for the capture of the monster safe and sound.

Finally, the first real evidence of its existence was found - Mr. Heo Gray managed to photograph the monster on the banks of Loch Ness. The authenticity of the pictures was certified by an expert examination.


Later, there was even a video of how the monster moved through the shallow waters of the lake. More than a thousand feet away from the camera, it turned right, swam deeper, and disappeared from view. Presumably, the creature lives a significant part of its life underwater and is a reptile - this is indicated by stories about a long neck.

But many researchers reacted to the rumors about a new animal with extreme distrust. Some of the photographs of Gray said that they did not prove that they captured a living creature. For others, they were sharks, whales and just garbage. The head of the aquarium of the London Zoo, E. Bowlinger, is sure that the history of the Loch Ness monster is interesting at most as an amazing and rare example of a general hallucination.

Despite all the statements of scientists that the Loch Ness monster is a fiction specially created for a wide mass of people by charlatans and journalists eager for hot sensations, it did not even think to disappear.

By the time R. Guth, a retired naval officer, released a story about a personal encounter with a mysterious monster in the summer of 34, more than forty different stories had already been collected from many witnesses.

Since the first appearance of the monster in the vicinity of Loch Ness, the excitement around him not only did not fall, on the contrary - it increased with incredible force. This legend is constantly supplemented with some details, eyewitness accounts and pictures. At the moment, more than three thousand certificates have been recorded. In addition, there is a very high chance to finally bring undeniable evidence of the reality of the presence of a mysterious monster in the impenetrable waters of the lake.


Forty years ago, a British television news service, using sonar, noted a stable signal lasting a couple of minutes. The object resembled a giant beast.

In 1970, a marine scanner, created by engineer M. Klein, discovered moving objects deep in the lake, their dimensions many times larger than even the largest fish found in Loch Ness.

In 1972, an underwater camera was able to view a fragment of the scaly body of a strange animal at least 9 feet in size.

A little later, in 1975, with a similar camera, the monster hunter R. Raines received a picture of the elongated arched neck and rounded body of the creature.

In 1987, the clearest signal was recorded in Loch Ness. Many boats installed a sweeping sonar system for several days. This system scanned the bottom of the lake without interruption. Suddenly, something massive appeared on the screen, quietly moving in the water. Even engineers who did not believe in the existence of the monster, hired by the hunter squad, did not argue that the received signals came from a living creature.

With the development of technology, the list of certificates is growing. In the summer of 1992, a topography survey of the bottom of Loch Ness showed an unnaturally large object floating 50 feet from the surface. According to the captain of the Norwegian ship where the equipment was installed, it certainly could not have been a school of fish, just as any error in the interpretation of the received signal is excluded.

Soon, some publications printed a colorful image of an elongated neck related to a lizard-type creature that rose over the lake. Despite the fact that the photo taken by the chauffeur from the road near Fort Augustus turned out to be very unclear and it was impossible to make a reliable conclusion that it was a living being at all, experts considered the picture to be genuine.

Despite the fact that now the feverish interest in the lake has subsided, scientists continue to explore the bottom for underwater depressions and caves that connect Loch Ness with other bodies of water. Perhaps someday we will find out the truth about this mystical monster.