How The Global Mafia Is Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

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How The Global Mafia Is Destroying Humanity - Alternative View
How The Global Mafia Is Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

Video: How The Global Mafia Is Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

Video: How The Global Mafia Is Destroying Humanity - Alternative View
Video: What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary (neo-Nazi documentary) 2024, September

The cosmopolitan, supranational and global "elite" - mafia, realizing the inevitability of a catastrophe due to overpopulation of the planet and the domination of the consumer society, set the task of massive extermination of humanity. As a result, over several decades, states from the defenders and facilitators of their peoples were very quickly transformed into fighters, into active and consistent destroyers of both their own citizens and citizens of other states. This process is especially noticeable in the West (global North).

The main methods of mass extermination of humanity

Direct physical destruction of people; using old hotbeds of war (like the Balkans and Afghanistan) and creating new ones like Libya, Syria and Iraq. These conflicts can be completely resolved using the tools available to the UN and the world community. But this requires good will. However, everything happens the other way around, the United States, NATO, the collective West not only does not allow the old, historical conflicts to be resolved, but also creates new ones from scratch, as happened in Libya or Syria, where stable countries with relatively prosperous populations were thrown far into the past by force of arms, chaos and archaic. That has already led to the death of millions of people, and there is no end in sight to these wars.

Such conflicts are an excellent tool for the constant extermination of people, real "meat grinders" for the elimination of mature men, often young people, of reproductive age. The division of profits from the extraction of oil, gas and other natural resources, the production and transit of drugs, the theft of national, cultural and historical values, the laundering of capital - all this is part of the moloch for the systematic and mass extermination of people.

Among the weapons of genocide, one can single out the massive drug addiction on a planetary scale, artificially introduced from youth. Drugs lead to rapid physical, intellectual and spiritual degradation of a person, the extinction of people. Drugs are exterminating millions of people, turning tens of millions into a dull, easily manageable herd. On the other hand, this is one of the fastest and most powerful ways to enrich the global mafia.

In the same row, the total alcoholization of humanity. It is also one of the most powerful and effective weapons of genocide. It is worth remembering that alcohol is a type of drug. The threshold for drinking and getting used to alcohol has already been lowered to 10-12 years. Heavy beer alcoholism (suppressing masculinity) and female alcoholism have been introduced massively and at an accelerated pace, that is, a blow is struck at youth and women - the future of mankind. At the same time, mainly the white race, Caucasians, who lack an enzyme in their blood that processes and removes alcohol, are sitting on alcohol. That is, alcohol can be viewed as an ethnic weapon of mass destruction. This is a racial, ethnic genocide. For example, we can recall the total drinking of Russians in the 1990s, which became one of the main reasons for the rapid extinction of the Russian people.

Pharmaceuticals and the introduction through the media of an almost religious belief in the "saving" effect of drugs. As a result, a significant part of humanity is hooked on the constant use of various drugs. In fact, this is part of the total drug addiction of humanity. In particular, in the United States, opioid drugs that are used for pain relief, have led to massive drug addiction and a number of side effects. Thus, the total imposition by medicine of tranquilizers, antidepressants, etc. suppresses the normal activity of the human psyche. The normal balance and self-regulation of the body, its immunity are disturbed. In fact, tens of millions of people are becoming drug addicts who cannot live without a constant dose of drugs.

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The widespread introduction of artificial food and drinks, with various "food", "vitamin", "genetic" additives, taste improvers, etc. The "elite" itself prefers not to eat such food, preferring natural products (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish products, etc.).d.). All this leads to the destruction of the immune system, the development of severe chronic diseases that are inherited, that is, whole generations are exterminated. A person's life is shortened by 10-20 years due to poor, poor-quality nutrition. Artificial food and its propaganda have caused a massive spread of obesity, and it leads to a whole bunch of serious diseases, in particular, cardiovascular diseases, to premature death.

With the aim of accelerating the extinction of mankind, a sexual revolution was organized, propaganda and legalization of various kinds of perversion began. Moreover, now the perverts in the West are considered the "elite", the "advanced and advanced" part of humanity. Being a pervert has become "progressive", fashionable and profitable. The traditional family is being replaced by "same-sex" marriages, pederasty, lesbianism have become quite normal and even encouraged phenomena. Sadists, masochists, zoophiles, swingers, shemales are almost the norm. Next in line is pedophilia. Colossal funds are spent on promoting "sex education" in schools, which only shortens the period of childhood and increases the number of perversions and venereal diseases. The world's leading media, the Internet, all the world's propaganda, fashion and degraded art work for this. The main task of this "blue revolution" is to deprive people of their offspring, to suppress the basic instinct of reproduction ("be fruitful and multiply") and thereby reduce the human race.

Massive, total distribution of pornography, sex shops, strip clubs, sex dolls (more and more perfect), virtual sex. On the example of Japan, one can see how virtual-digital “sex” and “relationships” are replacing the real ones. In Japan, up to a third of men of reproductive age prefer virtual "brides" and "girlfriends" to real, living ones. This leads to more and more self-satisfaction - masturbation, to refusal to have a normal relationship, to have a family and children. This quickly leads to the destruction of the traditional family, the extinction of the country's population. The ancient and highly developed Japanese civilization is already on the verge of irreversible extinction.

In general, across the planet, people are immersed in the virtual-digital world, people are immersed in a virtual darkness, giving up real life and its joys. This is a kind of virtual drug, a person runs away from the problems of the real world into the digital world, spends more and more time there. This is very beneficial for the global “elite” mafia. First, a person gets a new addiction. His energy is channeled into the virtual world, he is excluded from the struggle for a real garden-world on Earth itself. Secondly, such people are easier to control and program in the right direction. In particular, in this way, the propaganda of violence, sexual perversion, etc.

The sexual revolution also leads to the prostitution of children, girls, boys, women and men. A fashion has been introduced for a "beautiful, model" appearance and appropriate behavior. By all means, an attractive image of a corrupt woman, an escort model, an Instagram woman, a heterosexual prostitute, a bisexual pederast prostitute is created. They lead an "independent", luxurious, beautiful lifestyle, the sea, yachts, clubs, beautiful clothes, delicacies, etc. In fact, this is a delusion, an illusion of death. The result is alcoholization, drug addiction, slavery and participation in the slave trade, illness, including mental illness, suicide, and premature death. It's a beautiful wrap of death. But millions, tens of millions of people peck at it. The process intensified especially during the digitalization of society, when people were hooked on electronic devices. Now all schoolchildren and youth can see at any momenthow well, richly and beautifully live "human models", prostitutes of both sexes (or "third sex").

The general propaganda of abortion (the legalized possibility of killing a person) and contraceptives is acting in the same direction. Since ancient times, the killing of human embryos has been a grave crime and grave sin, since living children, the future of mankind, were killed (the only exception can be medical indicators - a serious illness of a child, a threat to the life of a mother). In recent decades, states themselves began to impose a policy of total abortion (killing children) and contraception.

Feminization is artificially imposed on women, that is, incitement to hatred of men in women, pushing them onto absolutely false and fatal paths of the “struggle” of the sexes, playing off women and men. In fact, feminization leads to a deterioration in the position of women, to their self-destruction, deprivation of the joys of motherhood, family, mental illness and breakdowns. Instead of being girlfriends, wives and mothers, women pursue "careers" and fight for illusory "equality." On the other hand, men are suppressed, masculinity. They stop bringing up normal men and women. In particular, in kindergartens, schools and in general in the system of upbringing and education, women predominate, and there are almost no men left. There is no one to educate men. At the exit, the mass turns out to be an infantile, relaxed human individual, unable to protect himself, his family,family and homeland, create a full-fledged family, give birth and raise children, a worthy change of generations.

Among other methods of genocide, one can also highlight: the creation of various epidemics in biological laboratories and the artificial spread of various epidemics; the actual destruction of healthcare, when hospitals-hospitals in a capitalist, consumer system become a place for siphoning money out of people, when it becomes profitable for medicine to have a large number of patients, the more patients - the higher the profit; socio-economic genocide - the destruction of the Russian village, the growth of large cities, "optimization" - the destruction of rural schools, the system of medical services for the population, the constant increase in taxation, tariffs, food security violations, etc. Resettlement to endangered countries of the global North, including Russia, millions of migrants from the South, allegedly for humane reasons, and to compensate for the "natural" population decline. And in fact, to replace the indigenous population with uncomplaining and cheaper slaves, assimilation, dissolution of white peoples in the "gray" mass of new humanity, without racial, civilizational, national, cultural and linguistic roots. That is the process of creating the ideal consumer slave.

This is not a complete list of methods for exterminating humanity. The listed and other methods of genocide of humanity are not accidental, some kind of shortcomings, mistakes of the authorities, governments and transnational corporations. All processes are controlled. All social diseases, ulcers and vices of humanity are treatable. States have all the tools to end the genocide of their peoples. For example, at one time the Chinese communists stopped the drug genocide of the people and to this day China is generally free of drugs. The Soviet Union was also free from the mass consumption of drugs before its destruction.

Thus, the global mafia-"elite", ruling the world, systematically, purposefully and consistently "cleans" the planet from humanity. The global mafia is thinking about its own salvation and survival, about the prolongation of parasitism on the planet in the face of an impending biosphere catastrophe. People are considered a "virus" that destroys the planet by its behavior. Instead of educating man in man (along the path of the great teachers of mankind), the global mafia international, due to its degenerate, egoistic and individualistic psyche, chose the path of eliminating most of the "extra" population of the planet.

Everything that stands in the way of the global mafia, which wants to survive at any cost, is mercilessly destroyed. It was for this purpose that the Soviet civilization was destroyed, which ensured the national interests and population growth of great Russia (USSR), and also proposed to mankind a project to create a society of the future, a society of creation and service, in which all people are in demand and are brought up as creators, creators and teachers. A society of social justice and ethics of conscience, where there is no place for social parasites. The last Russian empire, which gave a chance to all mankind for a decent life, leaping forward into the "sunny world", was killed and dismembered.

Therefore, the main question of the survival of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos is whether today's Russia will be able to break out of the degrading and dying Western system, the system of capitalism and the society of consumption and extermination, the clutches of a global parasite and become a bulwark of a new development project. Thus, giving a chance to the entire white race, the global North and all of humanity for survival, for the creation of a new just world order.

Author: Samsonov Alexander