Invincible Monster - Alternative View

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Invincible Monster - Alternative View
Invincible Monster - Alternative View

Video: Invincible Monster - Alternative View

Video: Invincible Monster - Alternative View
Video: Monster Girl Comic History Explained | Invincible 2024, September

The discrepancy between the image of an animal in world culture and its real nature is a more than common phenomenon. Someone, like foxes and lions, gets too many positive qualities, someone, like snakes and hyenas - a carriage of negative ones. Hippos are perceived as completely different creatures! This is not only wrong, but also extremely dangerous - if, of course, you meet a live hippopotamus in its natural habitat …


Children's books and animation paint a clear picture in front of us. Lazy, clumsy, charming kind-hearted hippos, acting in main or secondary roles, are simply not capable of posing any serious threat. They may be cowardly, like the protagonist of the cartoon "About the hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations" or brave like Gloria from "Madagascar", but in principle they are not capable of aggressiveness and cruelty. By the way, have you ever wondered why such peace-loving creatures in Russian were named after the biblical monster?

Simple statistics - in Kenya alone, between 1997 and 2008, there were almost 4,500 cases of attacks by hippos on people, many of which were fatal for the latter. In subsequent years, frightening numbers only increased due to the growth of the population of the region and the active development of agricultural land on the banks of reservoirs. Surprisingly, many consider hippos to be safe solely because they are herbivores, although this logic does not apply to rhinos, for example. If you compare the number of people killed in a collision with "good-natured lazy", it is easy to understand: the hippopotamus is one of the deadliest animals in Africa. Mostly a terrifying reputation is provided by mature males defending their territory as if possessed. The bite force of the hippopotamus is so great that it leaves deep wounds on the bodies of offenders,and those that are smaller, simply bite in half. This is not only about people - there are cases when hardened hippos killed Nile crocodiles, rhinos, several hyenas and lions at the same time, especially if they could drag them into the water. Often, hippos broke boats with fishermen and tourists, then trying to drown the survivors. If on land you can still flee from an angry hippopotamus, then in water the chances are almost zero.


The Latin name is Hippopotamus, i.e. hippopotamus, more neutral - it means only a slightly modified Greek word for "river horse". The famous English writer Mine Reid was perplexed about this, because in his opinion, "there is hardly any other four-legged in the world that is so different from a horse." And he was right - pigs were considered the closest relatives of hippos for a long time, and recently it turned out that cetaceans are even closer. The common ancestor of hippos and whales lived a long time ago, about sixty million years ago. Nevertheless, some traits - the absence of hair and sebaceous glands, the seminal glands hidden inside the body, the birth and feeding of young in water, the exchange of signals under water - very accurately indicate their relationship, apart from genetic proximity.

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Most likely, everyone has a rough idea that there is a hippopotamus. A hefty, hairless carcass with short, thick legs, a huge rectangular head, decorated with tiny eyes and equally small ears. The wide mouth of a hippopotamus usually expresses a threat, but not always - the females thus show a readiness for courtship or simply beg for a treat from familiar people. To distinguish a male from a female, however, is quite difficult - the ladies are not as sharp-toothed as the gentlemen and are slightly easier. Despite the fact that adults weigh from one and a half to four and a half tons, being one of the largest mammals on the planet. The hippopotamus gains weight all its life and at the age of forty is quite capable of comparing in weight with a small African elephant. One of the main contradictions in the habits of the hippopotamus is the need for a semi-aquatic lifestyle. It cannot stay on land for too long, since such a large-scale organism very quickly loses moisture, but it never eats aquatic vegetation, invariably going ashore in search of succulent grass. Perhaps nature in this way limits the population of voracious animals - after all, in its element, the hippo is practically invulnerable.


Clashes with people do not affect the population of hippos in the best way, but they still remain in a good position relative to other large fauna in Africa. Although some seven thousand years ago, in the humid climate of the Sahara, they felt much more at ease. The local population, unfamiliar with firearms, had little to oppose to the big river men. For the ancient Egyptians, hunting a hippopotamus was considered sacred - like the animal itself. Considering that hippos ravaged fields and devoured crops without reverence, they were simultaneously hated and tried to appease. One of the main antagonists of Egyptian mythology, Seth, and also his minions, turned into a hippopotamus. At the same time, with the head of a hippopotamus, they depicted the good goddess Taurt, who was responsible for fertility and protection from evil spirits. Hippopotamuses were sacrificed and sacrificed themselves - in those cases, of course, when the hunt was successful. Many African tribes, less developed than the ancient Egyptians, did not raise a hand on powerful creatures at all. The hippopotamus was, depending on the area: a totem animal, a patron of crops, or a demonic spawn from the depths of the underworld. In some parts of Sudan, locals are still trying to scare away hippos from the fields not only by shouting and shooting, but also by quoting the Koran. With varied success. In some parts of Sudan, locals are still trying to scare away hippos from the fields not only by shouting and shooting, but also by quoting the Koran. With varied success. In some parts of Sudan, locals are still trying to scare away hippos from the fields not only by shouting and shooting, but also by quoting the Koran. With varied success.

The biblical "prototype" of the hippopotamus was mentioned in the book of Job as one of two monsters created by God to prove his power. He is described as an invincible creature with "legs like copper pipes", "bones like iron rods" and, oddly enough, "a tail like a cedar," which is difficult to correlate with real hippos. The rest of the image can be called quite neat.


If the Egyptians in particular and Africans in general feared and revered hippos, already in ancient Rome they were treated without the slightest respect. Hippos were released into the arenas for entertaining fights and were valued as the rarest exotic, which did not prevent them from killing along with thousands of other animals, especially on big holidays. After the fall of the great empire, hippos were left alone for a fairly long period, although climate change has steadily reduced the population. In the middle of the 19th century, a live hippopotamus was unexpectedly sent to London Zoo - and this caused an incredible influx of visitors. In the 50s of the last century, Soviet zoologists seriously considered the possibility of economic breeding of hippos for the food needs of African countries, but, alas, this very promising program did not go far. Hippopotamuses are eaten within the framework of the traditions of a number of peoples, although this is associated with a high risk even today.

Hippos remained in their niche, unconquered by humans and not even aware of the problems associated with people. Adored by children around the world and hated by African farmers, hippos continue to quietly splash in rivers and lakes, trample crops and nibble on crocodiles in half. It is for the best - after all, if there is no hippopotamus in the world, where can we see such a magnificent monster?

Sergey Evtushenko