The Worst Fears Of Scientists About The Larsen Glacier Of Antarctica Are Coming True - Alternative View

The Worst Fears Of Scientists About The Larsen Glacier Of Antarctica Are Coming True - Alternative View
The Worst Fears Of Scientists About The Larsen Glacier Of Antarctica Are Coming True - Alternative View

Video: The Worst Fears Of Scientists About The Larsen Glacier Of Antarctica Are Coming True - Alternative View

Video: The Worst Fears Of Scientists About The Larsen Glacier Of Antarctica Are Coming True - Alternative View
Video: Why scientists are so worried about this glacier 2024, September

As we have already reported, from July 10 to 12 of this year, a huge iceberg broke away from the Larsen Glacier in Antarctica, weighing more than a trillion tons and the size of the American state of Delaware - about two Moscow.

After that, scientists began to make predictions, what threatens our planet with this greatest iceberg in history, what kind of misfortunes can it do when sailing to the shores of South America?

However, Antarctica researchers feared something more: how will events develop on the Larsen glacier itself, which has lost a large piece of ice (iceberg A68, as scientists dubbed it)?

The latest images from satellites confirm the most terrible fears of scientists: the instability of the ice shelf is manifested more and more, other ice blocks are preparing for separation, which may soon break away from the "mother", turning into icebergs, significantly exceeding the A68.

To date, a new crack has formed, it seems to have "pushed off" the old one and is now confidently heading towards the Bawden Ice Rise (see diagram), which Antarctic researchers consider a critical anchor point for the entire Larsen Glacier. If the crack reaches this point, a catastrophe will occur, the consequences of which scientists do not even undertake to predict yet, and therefore they are watching with fear the development of events …