Mysteries Of History: Agricov Sword - Alternative View

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Mysteries Of History: Agricov Sword - Alternative View
Mysteries Of History: Agricov Sword - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of History: Agricov Sword - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of History: Agricov Sword - Alternative View
Video: Finding Of Ancient Sword Sparks Mystery | Time Team 2024, September

On December 1, 1941, the commander of the Wehrmacht Army Group Center, Field Marshal von Bock, received a strange dispatch from Berlin. He was instructed, firstly, to stop hostilities in the territory from Ryazan to Murom, and secondly, to assist the head of the Sonderkommando Ahnenerbe in organizing the work.

“Anenerbe” was looking for an ancient Jewish shrine in Murom?

Sonderkommandos in the Third Reich were called not only the SS units involved in repressions against the civilian population. Such units were formed depending on the tasks assigned to other ministries. For example, the assessment of mineral reserves in the occupied territories or the export of cultural property to Germany. The secret organization "Ahnenerbe", created in the late 30s of the last century under the leadership of the Minister of National Affairs Dr. Alfred Rosenberg and subordinate directly to the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler, was no exception.

Two tasks

Ahnenerbe was given two tasks. First, to get evidence that the ancient Germanic tribes in distant times lived not only on the territory of the Third Reich, but also in the regions of the Eurasian continent. Secondly, significant forces were thrown into the search for artifacts that allegedly gave their owners power over the world. These included, for example, the Grail, Longinus's spear, or, for example, the sacred book of Shambhala.

But there were other goals in the plans of the Nazi pseudo-scientists. For example, find traces of ancestors in Latin America. And not only there. Particular attention was paid to two regions of the USSR - this is the area in Karelia, where the state of Hyperborea, founded by the Aryans, was probably located in antiquity, and the Crimea, on the territory of which the kingdom of the Goths was allegedly located. Moreover, the Goths, seeking to expand the boundaries of their possessions, at the beginning of the 1st millennium began to expand to the north, subjugating the tribes that lived in the territories of modern Central Russia. Apparently, this really took place, since in the ancient chronicles there is a mention of the conquest of the Erzya (Erzyan) and Mordovian (Mordes) peoples by the Gothic king Germanarich. However, due to some nuances in foreign policy relations between the USSR and Germany, it was not possible to organize an expedition. And only after the beginning of the aggression against the Soviet Union, the Sonderkommando "Ahnenerbe" began to form.

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Formidable weapon

Historians believe that the mission was tasked with trying to find the so-called Agrik sword, which once belonged to King Germanarich. And indeed, in the ancient chronicles the legend about the existence of a certain sword, the owner of which becomes unbeatable, has been preserved. It was forged by Agric, the son of King Herod, a cruel tyrant known from the biblical texts and works of the Roman historian Flavius Josephus. And the legend says the following.

There lived a Murom prince Pavel. And now his wife took a fancy to the flying Serpent, who took the guise of his betrothed. But Paul's wife was not simple either. She managed to find out how to send the tempter to the next world: "From Petrov's shoulder, from Agricov's sword." The identity of the executor of the death penalty left no doubt - the younger brother of Pavel, Peter. But he only knew that the sword belonged to the hero Agric, who, in turn, received it as a trophy after a fight with the king of the Goths. But where is he now? Nevertheless, after a long search, Peter found a weapon in a cache of one of the churches and went out to mortal combat. And he, as soon as he saw his death in the hands of the enemy, took on his usual appearance, although he could not escape the reprisal, tk. Prince Peter cut it in half. However, even after his death, the Serpent continued his tricks. His blood, which got on the body of Peter,began to turn into scabs, no procedures prescribed by the healers helped to get rid of the disease.

And only the healer Efrosinya (Fevronya) from a remote Erzya village helped Peter to cope with his illness. In the guise of Fevronya, the girl was an omnipotent sorceress, and in the guise of Euphrosyne she was a real beauty. So she liked Prince Peter. In the end, it came to the wedding. After the death of Paul, Peter ascended the throne, but he did not manage to rule for a long time. According to one of the versions, the influential inhabitants of Murom were unhappy with the marriage of the prince with a village girl, and Peter was forced to resign. Moreover, the hostile atmosphere around the young forced the couple to retire to a monastery, and later they became saints. This, most likely, was such a task, connected with the search for Agricov's sword, and was given to the Sonderkommando "Ahnenerbe". But it is not known whether the search expedition took place. A week after Field Marshal von Bock received the order, the Red Army began an offensive near Moscow, and the commander of the Center group was no longer up to ethnographic expeditions. And the archives of the Ahnenerbe after the end of the Second World War, having ended up in the hands of the Americans, were classified. And the secrecy label has not yet been removed.

Sergey Uranov