Are Aliens Behind The Mass Fluorography In Russia And The USSR? - Alternative View

Are Aliens Behind The Mass Fluorography In Russia And The USSR? - Alternative View
Are Aliens Behind The Mass Fluorography In Russia And The USSR? - Alternative View

Video: Are Aliens Behind The Mass Fluorography In Russia And The USSR? - Alternative View

Video: Are Aliens Behind The Mass Fluorography In Russia And The USSR? - Alternative View
Video: Mikhail Gorbachev: World in ‘colossal danger’ - BBC News 2024, September

All our readers, especially readers of the older age group, many times in their lives have come across the so-called fluorography - a very dubious diagnostic procedure, during which millions of people are voluntarily forced through X-ray machines to obtain some kind of stump image of the chest.

The official declared goal of the event is the state's concern for the population by identifying various bad diseases in the early stages. However, not even a radiologist, but a simple housewife understands that it is impossible in principle to find any pathology in such a small picture, and something will appear there only when the patient is clinically dead rather than alive and the diagnosis is written on his face.

Nevertheless, having begun back in the USSR, this fluorography continues and continues, and everywhere - the democrats tried to introduce it in one form or another even in the United States as a “valuable Soviet experience”.

And from all sides about this execution, protests from doctors are heard, since there is no value in the study, but people are irradiated, and the state bears the costs. But none of the officials hears these protests.

To the general regret of the WHO, and now there, they explain everything by the stupidity of officials who do not understand anything in medicine, but understand well how to score points and frags in front of their superiors with various measures.

The version about officials seems very logical and convincing, however, as reports today, some international research group from Harvard University managed to harness an Artificial Intelligence into the study of fluorograms, which, by analyzing the information bits of X-ray images, was able to tell amazing things about people.

The technique was very simple. The AI first produced a database of tens of millions of digitized chest X-rays, each of which was linked to a patient's medical history. Further, the AI that exists in the virtual neural network was offered to compare the fluorograms of people with what is in the database pixel by pixel and give its forecast.

As it turned out, AI with a very high degree of reliability was able not only to diagnose people with diseases that they have (but invisible by doctors), but also to predict what diseases these people will have in the future (moreover, diseases that are not visible on X-ray in principle) and even name date of death.

Promotional video:

What is especially interesting and surprising is that similar studies were carried out earlier, and the AI for analysis was offered much more complete laboratory data - from MRI to computed tomography, that is, the same X-ray, but not direct, but processed. Nevertheless, the work did not bring much results, while some kind of fluorogram turned out to be a real treasure of information.

MRI scan:


The picture taken by the tomograph:




So far, the work is only in its infancy and scientists are working on the base, and on the algorithm, and on AI as well. But let's simulate the situation for 10, 100 and more years ahead.

If today’s AI is already able to tell about a person about a person from a picture of the chest that cannot be reflected in this picture in principle, then after a while the AI from this picture will know everything about a person in general. And how - even for the authors of the algorithm, this is a riddle, strongly reminiscent of fortune-telling on coffee grounds, only in this case fortune-telling takes place on pixels.

Based on the foregoing, one can think that Soviet party officials from the dark socialist Middle Ages turned their brilliant look into the future, obliging all Soviet citizens to make an annual fluorogram. They knew, foresaw, that in 100 years the capitalists would invent Artificial Intelligence, for which these small chest images would be just a storehouse of information that would tell everything, everything, everything about a person.

Probably, Lenin himself helped to see the future of the Soviet nomenklatura, and at the same time the spirits of Marx and Engels summoned from the other world. Such an explanation can, of course, be imagined to a certain extent, but it seems more likely that over the nomenclature of the USSR, as well as their colleagues from the United States and the WHO, there were some more advanced guys who clearly understood what they were doing.

That is, they collect a database on the world's population, which will then be analyzed by the Artificial Intelligence at their disposal. And not AI on neural networks, which the guys at Harvard are now indulging in, but real AI, which at Harvard can be built somewhere in a hundred or even a thousand years.

At first glance, such an idea may seem very strange and surprising, but the history of science in the XIX-XX centuries. full of similar precedents.

So, there are a lot of inventions that someone specifically did not give a go. In particular, computers, antibiotics, tanks and many other interesting things could appear in the arsenal of mankind two hundred years ago - but someone would not let them in, as today everyone who tries to engage in alternative energy is crushed and defamed, for example.

On the other hand, things like nuclear weapons, microprocessors and electronic technology in general are way ahead of their time.

For example, in the Mahabharata, which describes the antediluvian history of the world, it is reported that ancient people flew not just to other planets, but even to the stars - that is, very far into space. They had tanks, combat robots, and some kind of beam cannon, but there were no nuclear weapons. To get it, the heroes of the epic went somewhere far away in the Galaxy and there they were given warheads for painting with a solemn oath to use this only as a last resort. And against the background of these stories, it is very strange that the Papuans from Los Alamos, who did not know the word "computer" and did calculations on accounts and adding machines, could create an atomic bomb.

And now, to all these zigzags of technological development and incomprehensible questions of history, there is also added such a simple thing as a fluorogram, with the help of which the masters of this world, it seems, collected all the data on their serfs: who is who, who will live how long, whom and much better. send to work.

Moreover, neither the officials who carried out the commands of the owners, nor the doctors executing the orders of officials, nor even the serf miracle heroes standing under the X-ray machines even had a clue about the essence of the procedure - how the sheep completely does not understand why the owner measures its weight and height. Now, however, the situation seems to have cleared up, although - if a sheep realizes that it is a sheep and that there is a sausage factory somewhere in the world - it does not change anything at all.
