Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View

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Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View
Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View

Video: Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View

Video: Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View
Video: JFK's murder and the persistence of conspiracy theories 2024, September

The assassination of American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is perhaps the greatest mystery of the 20th century. The fact is that the man declared to be his murderer was himself soon killed. In this regard, the most incredible versions began to be put forward about the motives of the crime and the identity of the criminal.

Murder in Dallas

According to the official version, on November 22, 1963, at 12.30 a.m. in an open limousine with his wife Kennedy, during his visit to Dallas, a 24-year-old communist fanatic Lee Harvey Oswald, who had lived in the USSR for several years, fired a rifle from a rifle. The first bullet entered the back of the neck and exited the throat, the second hit in the head. They managed to drive the President to the hospital, where he died half an hour later. Texas Governor John Connelly, who was in the car with Kennedy, was wounded, but survived.

Conspiracy theory

Oswald was arrested, but he was shot dead on November 24 at the entrance to the police station by the owner of the nightclub, Jack Ruby. He was sentenced to death for this, but eventually died in 1967 of cancer in a prison hospital. Thus, the secret of the assassination of the president was carried to the grave. And then the conspiracy theorists got worried.

First of all, they tried to answer the question of why and for what they killed John F. Kennedy.

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According to some, the murder was for financial reasons. Kennedy began issuing US Treasury notes, which did not like the bosses who controlled the so-called Federal Reserve, managing financial flows not only in the United States, but throughout the world. Others believed that John F. Kennedy and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, were too active in the fight against organized crime, and the president was removed by order of the mafia godfathers Carlos Marcello, Santo Trafficante and Sam Giancana. Still others were convinced that the decision to withdraw American troops from Vietnam was the reason for the elimination of the president. Others were accused of the murder by the CIA, which the president threatened to "smash into a thousand pieces and scatter to the wind." And the threats were not empty: Kennedy managed to remove from the post of CIA Director Allen Dulles and fire his inner circle.

Quite popular is the version accusing of organizing the assassination of Kennedy then Vice-President Lyndon Johnson, who automatically headed the White House after the death of his predecessor. It is known that Kennedy planned to remove Johnson from his post. According to numerous testimonies, he brought corruption charges against his deputy. Then, they say, Johnson entered into an agreement with the mafia and the CIA and arranged a murder.

"Alien" version

In the 2000s, Cambridge professor Lawrence Merrick published the book "The Assassination of an Envoy: The Death of JF Kennedy," in which he reported that Kennedy planned to make public the fact of contacts of the US government with representatives of alien civilizations.

Former US naval intelligence officer William Milton Cooper spoke in detail about this. In his works, he argued that during the reign of the previous President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the US authorities entered into official contact with aliens and entered into an agreement with them on cooperation in the field of technology, in particular, related to the design of flying saucers. Of course, this information was carefully concealed from the general public. To fund joint projects with aliens, the Majestic 12 group, which is responsible for relations with humanoids, used the proceeds from the drug trade. Kennedy did not like this very much, and he demanded that the members of the group curtail the drug business, and also informed them of his plans to release information about the aliens.

Cooper allegedly became well aware of everything thanks to his participation in the construction of underground bases that were used by the military in conjunction with aliens, as well as access to classified documents.

According to Merrick, he got hold of excerpts from a planned speech by the president. Kennedy was going to start his speech with the words: "Inhabitants of the Earth, we are not alone in this world." Before getting into the car on that fateful day, the President turned over the tapes to Texas Governor John Connelly. After Kennedy was killed, Connelly, fearing for his own life (as we remember, he was also wounded in the attempted assassination of the president), allegedly put the papers in a bank safe. At the same time, he instructed his assistant to open the package with documents only after his death.

Connelly passed away thirty years later, in 1993. The clerk, who had access to the cache, opened the cell, read the documents and put them back in the safe. But, apparently, he nevertheless shared information with some trusted person. Several years later, the man contacted Merrick and gave him the papers, without giving his name. The professor showed the notes to several graphologists, and all of them confirmed that the handwriting really belonged to John F. Kennedy.

After investigating, Merrick found out that shortly before his trip to Dallas, Kennedy met with his predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and most likely informed him of his intention to disclose the facts about aliens.

It is not known whether Eisenhower himself was involved in this, but, in all likelihood, some people categorically did not want to spread such information. Therefore, it was decided to take drastic measures and remove the president.

Who is the killer?

Was Kennedy's killer Lee Harvey Oswald? In any case, the Warren Commission, which was commissioned to investigate the case, came to precisely this conclusion. In favor of the version of Oswald's guilt, the fact that he maintained contacts with Fabian Escalante, who later headed the Cuban intelligence service, also spoke, and the United States had strained relations with Cuba. It also became known that during a personal meeting at the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, Oswald told Escalante that he was ready to become a "soldier of the revolution" and kill Kennedy.

The main piece of evidence in the case was a 26-second amateur movie filmed by one of the eyewitnesses - Abraham Zapruder. However, the crime scene footage supposedly clearly shows that at least one bullet hit the president from the front, while Oswald fired from behind. Expert Jackson Kelly, who researched many sources, believes that the shots were not at all two, but five or six.

There is a fact that indicates that the murder was not planned by Oswald at all. The building of the book warehouse, from the sixth floor of which he fired, for some reason was not guarded by the police. In addition, the behavior of the driver of the presidential car, William Greer, is perplexing, who after the assassination attempt, instead of pressing the gas, according to the instructions, sharply pressed the brake. Finally, the bullet that smashed Kennedy's head, according to the examination, flew along a very strange, zigzag path.

The next version was born. The assassination was prepared by a group of CIA officers, which included, in addition to Oswald, Orlando Bosch, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis and Jack Ruby. Several people were shooting. The group had a coordinator who stood with an umbrella on a dais, from where the whole picture was clearly visible. Pictures of this man were subsequently published in many European newspapers. Lee Harvey Oswald's subsequent assassination was also planned, not spontaneous. By the way, Oswald, of course, shot, but he only wounded Governor Connelly, and did not hit the president.

The most incredible version says that Kennedy was killed … by his wife. Someone managed to make out in the frames of an amateur film how, after Oswald's shots, Jacqueline leans over to her husband, pulls out an object that looks like a revolver, and directs it at the president. Kennedy's head literally explodes, fragments of his skull with blood flying off to the sides. Having done her dirty work, Jacqueline throws out the revolver. But this version is absolutely, as they say, into any gate …

And why did the first lady need to kill her husband? Maybe because of his constant betrayal? Or was she also involved in the conspiracy?

Is Kennedy alive?

There is another simply killer conspiracy hypothesis: after the assassination attempt, the president survived, and the special services were hiding him. And the funeral was just staged.

So, a certain Sonia Feyron claims that from 1963 to 1989 she was Kennedy's personal physician. In January 1991, a photograph of the "aged Kennedy" was published in the press. A man similar to him was also photographed at the grave of the assassinated president in Arlington Cemetery, along with intelligence agents.

So I would like to believe in this tale of a miraculous resurrection! But, alas, the dead are rarely resurrected, even if they were presidents …