Risking His Life, The Diver Took Pictures Of The Largest White Shark Photographed Near - Alternative View

Risking His Life, The Diver Took Pictures Of The Largest White Shark Photographed Near - Alternative View
Risking His Life, The Diver Took Pictures Of The Largest White Shark Photographed Near - Alternative View

Hawaiian diver Juan Oliphant and his assistant marine biologist Ocean Ramsey risked their lives when they came close to a huge white shark nicknamed "Deep Blue".

For the first time, people met this giant white shark 20 years ago off the coast of Mexico and since then it has become even larger.

At the moment, its weight is about 2.5 tons, and in length it reaches over 6 meters.

Fishermen from time to time met white sharks and larger, but either dead on the shore, or in fishing nets, but the "Dark Blue" filmed so close in the open sea is a unique phenomenon.

According to scientists, this shark is very old and at least 50 years old.


Oliphant managed to swim very close to the "Dark Blue", touch her hand and, together with Ramsey, shoot her in all its glory. Both were lucky that the shark at that moment was very carried away by the carcass of a dead sperm whale, which was already tormented by smaller sharks


Promotional video:


Previously, "Dark Blue" was spotted in the summer of 2018 near the island of Guadalupe, and even earlier in 2013 also off the coast of Mexico, where she apparently spends most of her life.

At the same time, divers managed to attach a special mark to her body in order to quickly identify the giant shark.


Discovery Channel also hosted a special Shark Week a few years ago, and Dark Blue has been the star of its programs all these few days.

According to Olyphant, these images should show people the beauty and importance of sharks, despite their bad reputation. Because sharks need to be protected and learned to coexist next to them.

Olyphant and Ramsey weren't the only daring divers who came up with the idea of photographing great white sharks near whale carcasses. The video below, captured by Kimberly Jeffries, shows another large white shark tearing chunks off a sperm whale with force.

It also inspires respect in size, but it is smaller than the "Dark Blue".