The Original Name Of Shrovetide Is Komoeditsa - Alternative View

The Original Name Of Shrovetide Is Komoeditsa - Alternative View
The Original Name Of Shrovetide Is Komoeditsa - Alternative View

And the first pancake was given to comas, i.e. bears. Many of you will be surprised, but the well-known saying “the first pancake is lumpy” does not mean unsuccessful baking.

And think for yourself - in the old days in Russia, pancakes were baked in the oven, without turning, why should they crumple there? But when something doesn't work out the first time, we often say, "the first pancake is lumpy." In fact, this expression originally sounded differently: "First pancake coma." The difference is just one letter, but it changes the whole meaning! Our ancestors called "Komami" Bears.

Hence the well-known expression "Coma" or "Fall into Whom", that is, into hibernation, comes from here. In those ancient times, our favorite holiday Maslenitsa, which has pagan roots, was called Komoeditsa.


It was dedicated to the awakening of bears, who were revered as the progenitors of humans. The first pancakes baked by the hostess belonged to the den of bears, which were just waking up from hibernation and were terribly hungry.

The proverb that has come down to us is only a part of the proverb, moreover, distorted, but completely it sounds like this: "The first pancake is coma, the second pancake is familiar, the third pancake is for distant relatives, and the fourth is for me." Exactly so - "komam", through "a".

Who are these comas, you ask, and why are they cracking our pancakes, and in the first place !? In the old days, the cult of the bear existed among many peoples. The bear was revered by the ancient Slavs, the Celts, and the Scythians as the Lord of the forest, and among the Slavs, the cult of the Bear embodied in such an ancient deity as Veles. By the way, it is more correct to call the cult of the Brown, because Med, after all, (who knows where the honey is) is nothing more than a respectful allegory. It was impossible to pronounce the real name out loud, so as not to call it by chance. Or maybe the original name of this beast is contained in the name of the bear's house: "ber's lair" - a den. "Lump" is probably also allegorical: because of the apparent clumsiness, the bear really looks like a large woolen ball. In mythological representations, we see a bear acting as a deity, he is the founder of a tradition, an ancestor and progenitor, a totem,guardian spirit and healing spirit, the owner of the lower world and an element of the astral code, as well as the embodiment of the soul and the shaman's assistant. Komoeditsa over time, the proverb has undergone a change. In already Christian Russia, a pancake comAm becomes a comAm. The first pancake, which was baked during Oil Week, was traditionally given for the peace of the soul. And when a person remembered his dead parents or other relatives, this pancake should have gotten into a lump in his throat. And in cities, the first "Pancake week" pancake was given to the beggar, so that he remembered all the dead. Well, in our time, no one placates the club-footed bears, and they rarely remember the old custom. But the proverb stuck, slightly rebuilt in a new way, and lives its own separate life, indicating the failure of the first well as the embodiment of the soul and the shaman's assistant. Komoeditsa over time, the proverb has undergone a change. In already Christian Russia, a pancake comAm becomes a comAm. The first pancake, which was baked during Oil Week, was traditionally given for the peace of the soul. And when a person remembered his dead parents or other relatives, this pancake should have gotten into a lump in his throat. And in cities, the first "Pancake week" pancake was given to the beggar, so that he remembered all the dead. Well, in our time, no one placates the club-footed bears, and they rarely remember the old custom. But the proverb stuck, slightly rebuilt in a new way, and lives its own separate life, indicating the failure of the first well as the embodiment of the soul and the shaman's assistant. Komoeditsa over time, the proverb has undergone a change. In already Christian Russia, a pancake comAm becomes a comAm. The first pancake, which was baked during Oil Week, was traditionally given for the peace of the soul. And when a person remembered his dead parents or other relatives, this pancake should have gotten into a lump in his throat. And in cities, the first "Pancake week" pancake was given to the beggar, so that he remembered all the dead. Well, in our time, no one placates the club-footed bears, and they rarely remember the old custom. But the proverb stuck, slightly rebuilt in a new way, and lives its own separate life, indicating the failure of the first undertaking.which was baked during Oil Week, according to custom, was given for the peace of the soul. And when a person remembered his dead parents or other relatives, this pancake should have gotten into a lump in his throat. And in cities, the first "Pancake week" pancake was given to the beggar, so that he remembered all the dead. Well, in our time, no one placates the club-footed bears, and they rarely remember the old custom. But the proverb stuck, slightly rebuilt in a new way, and lives its own separate life, indicating the failure of the first undertaking.which was baked during Oil Week, according to custom, was given for the peace of the soul. And when a person remembered his dead parents or other relatives, this pancake should have gotten into a lump in his throat. And in cities, the first "Pancake week" pancake was given to the beggar, so that he remembered all the dead. Well, in our time, no one placates the club-footed bears, and they rarely remember the old custom. But the proverb stuck, slightly rebuilt in a new way, and lives its own separate life, indicating the failure of the first undertaking.and the old custom is not often remembered. But the proverb stuck, slightly rebuilt in a new way, and lives its own separate life, indicating the failure of the first undertaking.and the old custom is not often remembered. But the proverb stuck, slightly rebuilt in a new way, and lives its own separate life, indicating the failure of the first undertaking.


Promotional video:

That's how he is - the first pancake is lumpy!