The Conspiracy Against The Titanic: Who Set The Trap For The Millionaires? - Alternative View

The Conspiracy Against The Titanic: Who Set The Trap For The Millionaires? - Alternative View
The Conspiracy Against The Titanic: Who Set The Trap For The Millionaires? - Alternative View

For more than a century, the legendary ship has been resting on the ocean floor, but theories about this disaster continue to appear. In this article we will tell you about one of the most interesting theories of the sinking of the Titanic liner, which seems logical and justified.

Some researchers believe the sinking of the Titanic was only part of a carefully planned trap. And the reason for everything was, of course, money, and the founding of the Federal Reserve System - the organization that is the central bank of the United States to this day. And the story began much earlier than the date of the disaster, on the evening of November 1910, when the most influential people of that time gathered in the hunting lodge of the largest businessman John Morgan. They all possessed multimillion-dollar fortunes, among them were the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgan, Kuhn, Guggenheim, Strauss and others. On the agenda was the founding of the Federal Reserve System, which would place the management of the country's finances in the hands of powerful bankers. Some millionaires did not agree with this decision, as they understood the danger that all the money would be concentrated in private individuals.


How does this relate to the Titanic? In 1912, the glory of the unsinkable liner with luxurious apartments reached unprecedented heights. The richest people of that time boarded the ship - John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidore Strauss, Margaret Brown and others. The total wealth of these people is more than $ 11 billion (in modern terms), and by coincidence, it was they who opposed the organization of the Fed. Curiously, John Morgan was also supposed to sail on the ship, but refused at the last moment. Now we trace the chain - the White Star Line was part of the international maritime company, which belonged to Morgan.


Almost all the millionaires who were on board died nobly, giving up their places in the boats to women and children. The next year was organized by the Fed, with the participation of the Rockefellers, Morgan, Rothschilds and other bankers.

As we have already noted, this theory has a meaning that makes us think about the reasons for the death of the unsinkable liner. However, of course, this version is not officially considered.