The Cursed Ring That Kills Suitors - Alternative View

The Cursed Ring That Kills Suitors - Alternative View
The Cursed Ring That Kills Suitors - Alternative View

Video: The Cursed Ring That Kills Suitors - Alternative View

Video: The Cursed Ring That Kills Suitors - Alternative View
Video: Divinity: Original Sin 2 #21 - Lifting the Curse 2024, September

There are many stories about damned things that bring misfortune to their owners. The girl in question did not believe in witchcraft and curses, and she had to pay for it. The events took place in the early 90s.

That summer, a girl named Margarita, or simply Rita, first went to rest with her aunt in the country. Aunt Nadya now ran the house of her late parents, who were Rita's grandparents.

But many years ago, her father had a falling out with them. Relatives were against his upcoming marriage to a city girl - the future mother of Rita. Since then, the father has maintained a relationship only with her sister. Rita had never seen her grandparents.

Now the old people were no longer alive. My aunt lived here only in the summer, taking care of the garden. Rita did not intend to linger here for a long time: in the village there is mortal boredom. But my father asked to help Aunt Nadya with the garden - for this she promised to share potatoes and vegetables with them in the fall.

Somehow, while delving into old things, the girl discovered a box. It contained various trinkets, mostly cheap and nondescript. But one of them interested Rita. It was a copper ring with an engraved snake. The finest pattern, apparently, was applied to the metal by the hand of a skilled master.

When asked by the girl, Aunt Nadya replied that the ring belonged to her late mother. It turned out that my grandmother wore it instead of an engagement one - an old work, it was passed down through the grandfather's line from generation to generation. Usually the mother-in-law gave it to her daughter-in-law for the wedding. But Zoya, Rita's mother, was not accepted in the family, there was no time for traditions.

“Take it for yourself if you like,” said my aunt.

Rita liked the elegant little thing, and she did not refuse, she immediately put the ring on her finger.

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Upon arriving home, Rita met Oleg. She really liked him, and Rita was thinking about a serious relationship. Once, having invited him to visit, she put on her grandmother's ring. Oleg noticed him immediately. Seizing the moment, he pulled the ring off the girl's finger and put it on his:

- I'll return it only in exchange for the engagement!

Rita did not particularly insist that he return her aunt's gift: she was flattered that he spoke about wedding rings, which means that she will soon propose. And so it happened.

Oleg did not show up to apply to the registry office. In vain 'having waited for him more than an hour in the condition


Only the next day did the terrible news reach her - the groom was dead. On the way to the registry office, he drove past the place where two gangsters started to dismantle, and his car came under crossfire. Oleg was killed on the spot.

At the funeral, Rita saw her ring on the finger of the deceased. Oleg never parted with him until his death. The girl told his mother: “This is mine. Can I leave it as a keepsake? She waved her hand. So the ring returned to its former owner.

Soon a letter came from Aunt Nadia. After the usual greetings to relatives and all kinds of news, she wrote: “And that ring that I gave to Margarita, it is better to throw it away. The deceased mother, when Nikita got married, said that she would not give it to her daughter-in-law, she would rather curse it, and if it turns out to be in your family, then the curse will fall on your heads. I then forgot about it, but now I suddenly remembered."

After reading these lines, Rita grinned - she did not believe in such nonsense. And she continued to wear the ring.

Time passed, and a pretty classmate began to look after her. It was going to the wedding. But suddenly Volodya fell ill with leukemia. He was admitted to the hospital, and a few months later he died.

Rita was grieving, but life is going on as usual. She still wore the ring.

Once on the street a gypsy came up to her:

- Girl, let me tell fortunes!

Rita waved it off. But the gypsy screamed after her:

- Ring of copper, with a snake, drop it! There's a curse on him! Soon you will meet a handsome man, but you will not have happiness …

She met Igor at a friend's wedding. He looked like a handsome prince from a fairy tale - handsome, tall, dark-haired, in an expensive snow-white suit. And when Rita saw his gorgeous car, she just took her breath away. Igor was a friend of the groom. He was doing business successfully.

They started dating. Rita was not embarrassed by the fact that her chosen one was married. He claimed that he did not love his wife and was going to divorce. Everywhere he and Rita now appeared together.

Igor seemed smart, well-read. But Rita was annoyed by his superstition: he believed in extrasensory perception, magic and folk signs. He never put his keys on the table and shuddered in fright when he saw a black cat walking towards him. However, his beloved hoped to re-educate him.

On that winter day, they decided to go to Igor's dacha. He wove something to his wife, so he was sure that she would not suspect anything.

Going on a trip, Rita decided to put on her grandmother's ring, which she had not done before under Igor. Everything was going well until he noticed the ring. Igor turned terribly pale and almost let go of the steering wheel.

- Where did you get this?

The girl told the story of the ring without mentioning the curse.

- I was once introduced to a clairvoyant. He knew everything about me: both the past and the future. And he said that I will not live long and I will die on the day when I see the ring with the snake. Strange, isn't it?

Rita began to calm him down: what could happen to them? They drove on. At the dacha we had a full rest - we went skiing, watched videos, drank, had a snack. Finally went to bed.


Rita woke up from the smell of burning. The room was engulfed in flames. The flame drifted towards the bed. Without thinking twice, the girl rushed to the window and, jumping onto the windowsill that had not yet been touched by the fire, rushed down from the third floor. She only regained consciousness in the hospital with fractures of both legs. Igor could not be saved, only firebrands remained from the dacha.

His wife, and now Igor's widow, confessed to the arson. She said that she had long suspected her husband of treason and even hired private detectives to keep an eye on him. When she was told that her husband and his mistress were having fun at their dacha, she went there.

At night I entered the living room and, turning on the light, saw on the table a ring with a snake, clearly forgotten here by another woman. A clouding of her mind seemed to come over her. She brought a can of gasoline from the terrace and began to spray it everywhere, then struck a lighter. Her unfaithful husband and Rita, tired of drinking and love, did not even wake up.

Rita remained disabled for the rest of her life. There are no more men in her life. And after the fire, the ring with the snake disappeared no one knows where. True, no one was looking for him.

From the book “XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Curse of things and cursed places"