March 19. Today Is The Start Of The Raised Flag Season - Season Of The Sacrifice - Alternative View

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March 19. Today Is The Start Of The Raised Flag Season - Season Of The Sacrifice - Alternative View
March 19. Today Is The Start Of The Raised Flag Season - Season Of The Sacrifice - Alternative View

Video: March 19. Today Is The Start Of The Raised Flag Season - Season Of The Sacrifice - Alternative View

Video: March 19. Today Is The Start Of The Raised Flag Season - Season Of The Sacrifice - Alternative View
Video: Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie HD English 2024, September

Stillnessinthestorm: Every year, starting on March 19 and ending roughly 40 days later on May 1, the dark elite hold the so-called Season of Sacrifice. This is when false flag attacks occur more frequently. This is the time for those brave enough to acknowledge these truths and this truth to be vigilant about what is likely to be a series of psychological warfare operations aimed at manipulating people's minds. In the next article, we'll look at the evidence and the historical basis for why this statement is true.

False Flags (False Flags)

The term false flag (false flag) is used by researchers of geopolitical events to refer to covert operations and psychological warfare tactics used by governments and other covert organizations to control political views, start wars, or change forces in society. Militarily, they are also known as misleading directives and warnings or covert operations.

Note: Although some researchers claim that all false flag attacks are wholly drafted or fabricated, this is not what this article is trying to convey. In fact, in most cases, it seems that almost all of the events marked with false flags involved real people who were injured or killed. However, there are several such attacks that appear to be completely fabricated. And in almost all cases, the media are complicit in propagating a storytelling that distorts the attack in such a way that it can be used to manipulate public opinion. An example is the recent Florida gunfire, which was used by most media and politicians to enact gun control measures. Fake flag attacks also exploit what is called an actor crisis.or people who “participate” in different events but use different names who play roles or participants or eyewitnesses and use them to help advance the agenda. Of course, this is a very complex and separate discussion - we are simply presenting you with a series of studies.

Main Suppression Line

While the mainstream media have gone to great lengths to suppress knowledge of false flags - and even coined the name “fake news,” in reality, these are well-known and accepted forms of warfare. Governments have recognized that these operations usually take place long after successful manipulation. See the 42 examples here.

Promotional video:


What is it?

While this issue is hotly contested, even in alternative media, anyone who honestly begins to investigate this issue can easily prove to themselves that false flags are real and exist. It is even more difficult to accept the fact that the psychopathic elites who rule the world are more or less promoting black ideology to the masses and themselves regard these massive manipulative events as a form of dark ritual.

Ancillary evidence

Mark Passio is a former dark priest who pursued what he called Dark Occultism in the late 1990s. Passio states that he was a teenager who rebelled against his Roman Catholic upbringing, gravitated towards LaVeyan Satanism and black darkness. Passio took over as priest in the Church of Satan on March 19, at the start of the season of sacrifice. Passio was placed on the lower end of what he calls the worldwide network of Dark Occultism, which has been openly declared by participants attending meetings where it was discussed that they would continue to enslave the planet using various methods.

While this all sounds like wild conspiracy theories, it only takes a few studies to prove what Passio claims. If you doubt him, I highly recommend that you watch the following video, where he painstakingly describes the religion of the dark elite and how it works.

All this is important to understand when considering the upcoming deadline, especially with regard to why the authorities should do what they do. According to Passio, whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. These people truly believe in these things, and they act with these beliefs to great effect.

Season of Sacrifice

The following is a detailed breakdown of why the next few weeks, between March 19th and May 1st, are called the Season of the Sacrifice. The bulk of this research is presented here by Justin Deschamps in a condensed form.

The fact is that every year since this article was published in 2016, false flags have been occurring for several days starting on March 19.

Please do your research and study this information carefully. By all accounts, what is presented in this article is a credible and compelling example of the reality of the hidden Cabal and how they use their power to manipulate people. Knowing this, we can be able to prepare.

Note: When disseminating this information, it is recommended that you avoid using it as a hammer. From a psychological point of view, the human mind believes in what it does because beliefs protect a person from the chaos of the unknown. The use of this information should be done with tact. No one should be forced to accept what they cannot understand during a short discussion. Those of us who have knowledge should share it with honor and respect for others.

“The only thing that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing.” - Edmund Burke.


Our world is awash with influences, suggestions, ideology, intimidation, blackmail, coercion and deception - all designed to make us feel powerless to become ready pawns for the global global elite.


As many people know, false flags have become all too common these days. The targets of these attacks are the minds of people through complex rituals, theater and illusion, in order to deceive the population into accepting a false version of reality. Once this is achieved, the person will become a volunteer participant in the control matrix.

All black intentions and goals of people were cursed, they became victims of black magic, which is always an attempt to force a person to act as an agent of the magician, usually without the conscious consent of that person.

But the good news is that with knowledge comes power, and with insight comes immunity to manipulation.

The following information is intended to provide a person with knowledge to avoid deception or manipulation. In all likelihood, a false flag will be committed against people in the coming days and weeks. Take the time to prepare.

What is Season of Sacrifice?

Season of Sacrifice is a 40 day period between March 19th and May 1st. This name was coined by the dark occultists of this world, otherwise known as the Cabal, Illuminati or NWO, who believe that the Earth must be drenched in the blood of innocent people in order to ensure a fruitful harvest and bring about the archetype of the destructive forces of the universe.

Historically, there have been many battles, wars, false flags and tragic events in this 40-day period of the year. And in most cases, humans were used as pawns in these generated events to continue the agenda of the despotic elite.

As a demonstration of this, look that governments have already committed over 42 false flags in the last century.

The Season of Sacrifice is closely related to astrology and its modern component, also known as Celestial Mechanics. Although the concept of astrology has been laughed at for centuries in mainstream circles and behind closed doors, the elite not only recognized these influences but included them in their agenda for global domination and power.

Mark Passio is a former dark priest and insider who leaked his experience several years ago. Since then, he has amassed a fascinating body of occult-related information, which he regularly presents in weekly podcasts and conferences. As Passio argues, although the term occult has become synonymous with evil, the word simply means hidden.

Below is a summary of the occult basis of the Season of Sacrifice as presented by Marc Passio in Podcast # 149, as well as some historical evidence that these things are actively happening in our world. This is important information to understand for those seeking to find freedom from the endless onslaught of social programming and brainwashing.

The masses were used as pawns as a result of endemic ignorance. Knowledge and understanding is the best way to instill yourself against manipulation.

12 signs and houses of the zodiac

The Season of Sacrifice is based on the 12 zodiac signs. The zodiac is a time measurement system used by ancient cultures as a method of tracking the movement of celestial bodies over time, with our planet as a central point. As the Earth moves around the Sun, the position of the planets and our star changes in the sky, and this can be tracked using the Zodiacal system.

This system can be used for short periods of time, such as one year, or much longer periods of time, such as the Great Cycle or Year (approximately 26,000 years). In any case, the constellation behind the Sun, when it rises, determines which house of the zodiac or earth sign is under or at. For example, on March 19 or 20, the Sun will rise in the constellation Aries, and everyone who was born under this sign will be associated with the constellation Aries, until April 17, when the Sun rises into the house of Taurus. (Note: In astrology, the actual sign that rises behind the sun has moved since the system was originally used centuries ago. But by and large, modern astrologers use a historical system that has shifted.)

In other words, every day of the year is associated with its zodiacal constellation, which, according to the ancients (and the Cabal), have a profound impact on human life, as well as on the entire planet.

Here is a picture of the 12 signs of the zodiac, during one annual cycle. In this image, there are two crosses at an angle of 45 degrees to each other, representing the four seasons and their midpoints, which have occult significance.


The Season of Sacrifice begins when the sign of Pisces transitions to Aries, around the same time as the vernal equinox on March 21st. May 1 is the middle of the sign of Taurus, marking the end of this sacrificial period with the holiday of Walpurgis Night.

Seasons are marked with vertical and horizontal lines

The zodiac also marks the seasons of the year using vertical and horizontal lines corresponding to the height of the sun in the sky as it moves throughout the year.

The term Equinox literally means equal to night. The angle that the Sun has relative to the Earth's equator during the equinoxes is zero; these two points of the zodiac are located on either side of the horizontal line. This is twice a year when day and night are equal, falling on seasonal transitions in spring and fall.


When the Sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky, it is known as the seasons of Winter or Summer, marked on the Zodiac at either end of the vertical line, respectively. The lowest position of the Sun, on the north side, represented by the lowest point of the zodiac, is between Sagittarius and Capricorn. The highest position of the Sun is represented by the highest point of the Zodiac, between Gemini and Cancer.


On the standard globe used in geography, you will find the lines marked Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. They represent the maximum southern and northern points of the Sun as it moves in the sky throughout the year. When the Sun reaches an angle of 23.5ºN relative to the equator, the Summer Solstice begins, entering the sign of Cancer. When the sun reaches an angle of 23.5ºS relative to the equator, the Winter Solstice begins, entering the house of Capricorn.

The year can be further broken down into the Season of Life, marked by the appearance of the Sun from the Southern Hemisphere at the Spring Equinox, and the Season of Death, marked by the decline of the Sun in the Southern Hemisphere at the Autumn Equinox. During these two seasons, the primary story of the zodiac is told as an allegorical tale of symbolic creatures associated with each of the 12 signs. The movement of the Zodiac is a symbolic system that represents the evolution of consciousness for a person and the planet as a whole.

Small and large crosses of the Zodiac

The Lesser Zodiac Cross is created by the four quadrants of the Zodiac, marked by the beginning of the four seasons, forming four transverse sections:

- March 21 (Spring);

- June 21 (Summer);

- September 21 (Autumn);

- December 21 (Winter).

The Grand or Galactic Cross is created by the four quadrants of the zodiac, marked by the mid-seasons. These times were marked by sabbats or times of sacred rites:

- May 1 (Walpurgis Night - symbolizes fertility, the birth of life, and some kind of sacrifice to ensure a bountiful harvest);

- August 1 (Lammas - Thanksgiving time, pre-harvest thanksgiving, celebration of generosity and life);

- October 31 (Samhain - representing the time of reflection and self-respect, the veneration of the dead, reflections on impermanence and death, and the time to prepare for winter);

- February 2 (Candlamas - the time to make predictions, the waiting time, planning the future, making decisions and the time when the darkest and coldest winter ends, winter is coming to an end).

By combining the point of the Small Cross on March 19 with the point of the Grand Cross on May 1, a 40-day period is designated, defining a period of time known as the "Season of Sacrifice".

The movement of the Sun in the sky produces seasonal changes and affects life as a result. These cycles were highly revered and studied by the ancients, who attached great importance to the harmonization of human life with the stars.

Modern society has been made to lose touch with these allegorical systems of death and rebirth, which represent the evolution of consciousness in the universe, but the elite undoubtedly know about these things and use them to their advantage.

Masonic Signs and Zodiac Signs

The zodiac signs and Masonic signs are closely related. They are symbolic expressions of the movement and transformation of the Sun as it progresses throughout the year. Masonic symbolism, despite claims by some that it is negative because of its ties to Freemasonry, can be positively interpreted as it represents the evolution of consciousness.

The following image compares the symbolic correspondences between the zodiac signs and the first degree Masonic signs.


Note that if you rotate the First Degree Masonic plaque 90º to the right, each of the three columns corresponds to the position of the Sun in the sky throughout the year. If you place the rotated Masonic image next to the Zodiac, the intensity of the Sun is represented in both images with the highest peak position and the lowest intensity point at the bottom:

- The main column, depicted by the Sun, represents the longest day of the year, June 21.

- The middle column, depicted as the Eye of Horus, represents the days of the equinox (balance and harmony), March 21 and September 21.

- The bottom column is depicted by the moon surrounded by stars, representing the longest night of the year, December 21st.

Both the zodiac and Masonic symbolism represent the principle of rhythm or cycle, one of the seven alchemical laws of nature. In mathematics, it is possible to plot the intensity of the Sun as a sinusoid if the year starts at the equinox or cosine if the year starts at the solstice.

In the following image, the Season of Life is represented by a curve above the x-axis and the Season of Death is represented by a curve below the x-axis. Notice how the solstices are at the high and low points of the sine wave; Summer is at the peak of the wave and winter is at the bottom of the wave.


The sun rises from the grave

March 22 is a day of special significance, as it is celebrated on the third day after the beginning of the rise of the Sun from the Southern Hemisphere on March 19. This symbolizes the resurrection from death, which is the astrological theme of many world religions dating back to ancient times.

When the Sun crosses the equator on March 19, it is said to rise from a grave or rise from a grave in the Southern Hemisphere. On the third day after this, Sunday begins, which is celebrated on March 22. The number 22 also symbolizes rebirth in the Kabbalistic tradition.

To further emphasize the three-day allegory of resurrection, the 12 houses of the zodiac can also be considered 12 great days in a calendar year. When the Sun dies on the cross, it spends three days in the grave on December 21, and then spends three large days or months after the Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere. Sunrise on March 22 is the first day after the three great days in the zodiacal calendar, symbolizing the end of the Season of Death.

March 22nd and Season of Sacrifice

The exact day for the start of the Season of Sacrifice is disputed among occult researchers. Some argue that since the Sun begins to rise on March 19, this is the beginning of the Season, while others argue that since the resurrection takes three days, it should begin on March 22. Using this last interpretation, if you add the nine remaining days in March to the 30 days of April and add the first day of May, a 40-day period is defined - another great occult meaning.

The 40-day cycle symbolizes spiritual transformation, manifestation and initiation into higher consciousness. See this article for an extensive list of links from this time period.

In terms of theology, although the name Lucifer has become synonymous with evil, the earliest meaning of the word was positive. If the Creator is everywhere, in all things and beings equally, then the being who personifies the Creator by creations in the universe will be a bearer of light, a teacher, hence the term Lucifer, which originally means Lucifer, Lux = Light and Fer = light and darkness = carrier or empty. Therefore, the one who brings light is considered positive Lucifer, and the one who brings darkness is negative Lucifer. Dark occultists worship the latter as they seek to promote suffering, chaos, and bondage by fostering ignorance in humanity. The ideal of the Dark Occultist is symbolically represented as darkness, hence the symbol of the Black Sun.

Symbol of the Order of the Black Sun
Symbol of the Order of the Black Sun

Symbol of the Order of the Black Sun.

Many occult societies throughout history have used this symbol to refer to dark occultism. Here is one from the Thule Society during the reign of Nazi Germany.


In dark occult circles, this 40-day period is a time of special significance, because this is exactly the time when the dark archetype of Lucifer rises from the grave, as long as it is invoked by the right rites. It is their belief and conviction that any dark magical ritual must be commenced during this period for the agenda of the dark occultists to be fulfilled this year.

The Dark Sun or Black Sun is a symbolic representation of those forces that oppose creation. Dark occultists believe that in order for darkness to manifest in the world, they must make a sacrifice so that the negative archetype of Lucifer becomes active on the earthly planes. This helps explain why so many false flags, wars and man-made events occur during this 40-day period.

The Order of the Death, or the Skull and Bones Society, is also associated with March 22, a representative of the dark sun. The number 322 is used in their skull and bones symbol. Their symbol represents the dark occult consciousness of intelligence and action, divorced from compassion. This is symbolically represented by the skull (intelligence) and thigh bones (action) with no heart in the image.


The use of knowledge as a weapon or tool to enslave and oppress others is what the interpretation of the above symbol is. The Nazi German secret police, the SS, also used this symbol, once again emphasizing that the fulfillment of plans of darkness makes a person an assistant to the Black Sun or negative Lucifer, making him an agent or pawn of darkness.

And it should be noted that blind devotion or adherence to dogma also makes puppets, whether good or evil.

False flags are modern day black magic

False flags, Psy-ops or psychological warfare operations are now the modern equivalents of massive black magic rituals and sacrificial rites. Dark occultists instill in the minds of the masses, so that they willingly participate in the implementation of the nefarious goals of the Cabal, not knowing exactly the true meaning of what is happening. In other words, the vast majority of the population, thanks to their blind faith and lack of critical thinking, become unwilling pawns on the chessboard of society. This is why being able to think critically and developing your intuition and your own knowledge is arguably one of the most important things you can do.

Probably the best example of a massive black magic ritual was the September 11, 2001 false flag. This ritual took place during the harvest season (closer to Autumn), which suggests that the ritual was the result of magical work that began in the Season of Sacrifice, although no explicit rituals were known during this time.

People came to believe in the false belief that 19 hijackers had gained control of five commercial aircraft and aimed them at targets in the United States. And with this false belief deeply rooted in the minds of the people, they called for the war on terror, which rages across the planet to this day. This is a prime example of how humans became pawns for the Cabal.

To make it clear: the main purpose of black magic rituals is not to harm people themselves, but the main goal is to force them to become agents of darkness. Any harm, trauma or chaos created in the ritual is intended for the main purpose of manipulating consciousness in accepting a false version of reality, deception or fraud, despite the very real harm and damage done to those who need it, but the main thing is to convince the primary goals - the audience.

Taking deception at face value, one becomes an initiate of darkness and an agent of the Cabal. Once someone is deceived, all sorts of plans can be implemented, including depopulation, fear, and pandemic harmful acts committed by people against themselves. As an example, consider what the illusionist does with his assistant on stage, such as cutting him in half using a trick. Viewers believe that the illusionist has real power by influencing his assistant. But in the case of black magic, the "helper" is real people who are often brutally killed, for example, during the September 11 attack, while the audience, the world, believes in the play played for them and gives the illusionists (with powers) their consent do things like start wars.

The harsh truth: When the War on Terror was triggered, shortly after the false flag of 9/11, anyone who silently agreed became an agent of darkness, which was the main goal of the false flag or mass ritual of black magic. It is only when we stand up and say no, and come together to make change, that we can free ourselves from the burden of tacit consent.


Since black magic depends on deception, the greater our ability to acquire our own knowledge, the greater our resistance to manipulation.

Dark Occultists rely on our fear and, as a result, ignorance to advance their plans. And by paying attention to this Season of Sacrifice, we can prepare ourselves for any attempts to deceive us.

Eventually, history will look back at this time and wonder how people could allow themselves to be deceived so much.