A New Kind Of YouTube Censorship. Why Would? - Alternative View

A New Kind Of YouTube Censorship. Why Would? - Alternative View
A New Kind Of YouTube Censorship. Why Would? - Alternative View

Video: A New Kind Of YouTube Censorship. Why Would? - Alternative View

Video: A New Kind Of YouTube Censorship. Why Would? - Alternative View
Video: There is a Lot of Censorship in Pokémon 2024, September

A few days ago, while searching for videos of events in New Zealand, we noticed that YouTube filters for videos by date stopped working.


Such adventures have already become the norm on the modern Internet, in which each software is updated 33 times a week, which is insanely annoying for all users. Who needs these updates is completely incomprehensible, as well as it is not clear why auto-typing and auto-correction of text have been introduced everywhere, but such is the given.

In general, faced with the problem of searching on YouTube, we chalked it up to a Bill Gates glitch: Windows was not updated, the browser did not find some very valuable and very modern script, so YouTube does not filter anything.

However, what was our surprise when we found out that the glitch became global:

Thus, it all comes down to the fact that the YouTube search engine does not raise new videos to the top, which practically stops any work related to this channel.

For example, every month we make a selection of “Trumpets of the Apocalypse” for our readers by searching the Strange Sounds tag. The search algorithm on YouTube was initially rather poor (which was strange for such a huge and not poor corporation), nevertheless, the filter of videos by date allowed for three or four hours to raise at least half of the videos uploaded by people for the selected period of time. The same applied to videos with the movements of armored vehicles, with UFOs and other events of interest to everyone. Now it became IMPOSSIBLE to find something.

Promotional video:

For the explanation of what is happening today, two options are offered.

The first option assumes that this is a local glitch of YouTube itself, whose programmers are changing something. Over time, the filter will work and everything will work out. However, this is an optimistic view of the situation.

Pessimists think that now such filters are forever. In this case, we are talking about an extremely arrogant and cynical censorship. That is, a person can upload anything to the Internet - but no one will see it anyway.

It is difficult to say which of the options is more correct, nevertheless, we have our own - not pessimistic, not optimistic, but completely realistic explanation for what is happening. Its essence boils down to the fact that YouTube turned off everything on its own and temporarily - in anticipation of certain events, information about which should be blocked.

If the globalists had a desire to shut their mouths to everyone and everything, there would be no video hosting. They would not have been allowed to appear. However, they are. Consequently - we are talking about the temporary blocking of information and the violation of user switching on the eve of something there.

Why is this done?

An example from September 11, 2001 will help answer this question. In those days, YouTube did not exist, so when the media gave people the version of the plane that fell on the Pentagon, everyone easily believed it. But if a video from the scene, filmed by eyewitnesses on the phone, appeared on September 12, the whole world would immediately ask the question: where is the wreckage of the plane? And the whole story would crumble like a house of cards.

In light of this, we believe that something similar will happen this time, and so that people do not ask questions - the information is preventively blocked and if something happens - only the TV will remain as an operational picture. But what event are the globalists preparing for and when will this event happen? We do not know the answer to these questions yet.