Grandiose Projects Of The Future In Space - Alternative View

Grandiose Projects Of The Future In Space - Alternative View
Grandiose Projects Of The Future In Space - Alternative View

Video: Grandiose Projects Of The Future In Space - Alternative View

Video: Grandiose Projects Of The Future In Space - Alternative View
Video: Elon Musk's future projects 2024, September

I must say that space flights of automatic or manned vehicles have long become something commonplace for us. Many years later from the moment when a man went into outer space, it ceased to be a sensation. The first human-controlled station, photographing Mars and the Moon, American astronauts walking on the Moon, soft landing of spacecraft on the surface of Mars and Venus, as well as direct exploration of the atmosphere on these planets - all this no longer captures a person as before. Everyone has long been accustomed to this kind of news. And if astronauts could fly to Mars or Saturn, or maybe Jupiter and its satellites, discover some new form of life, or a planet with the subsequent possible settlement of people - this would really become a sensation and for a long time amazed the imagination of earthlings.

From the moment of the first flight into space, a person was seriously determined to completely conquer space in a few decades, colonize the Moon and Mars, and possibly planets that are much further away, for example, in another Galaxy. But as we can judge today, these forecasts were too optimistic. However, today large private companies and some countries are carrying out serious developments in the space industry to implement ambitious projects. One of these is the mission to Mars.

The launch of the spacecraft to Mars is scheduled for January 5, 2018. Dennis Tito, an American multimillionaire, will become the world's first space tourist. He created a program to launch a private mission to the planet Mars. And it is the date 2018-05-01 that is unique, because it provides the possibility of a space flight to Mars along the minimum trajectory. The next such opportunity will fall out only after 13 years.

Another idea bordering on fantasy is the use of asteroids. Thus, American producer and filmmaker James Cameron became the founder of a fund that will be engaged in mining on asteroids. According to the director, space objects such as asteroids are simply abundant in rare earth chemical elements. For example, there is more metal such as platinum on an asteroid 500 meters in diameter than has been mined on Earth in the entire history of mankind. Now the Cameron Foundation, along with Hillwood, The Perot Group and Google, will try to mine these resources.

Russia also keeps up with the rest of the world. So a little over a year ago, namely in early April 2015, the Space Agency of the Russian Federation announced plans that involve the construction of habitable bases on the surface of the Moon and Mars. According to Russian forecasts, completion of this project is already planned by 2050. Launches to the Earth satellite and Mars will be carried out from the Vostochny cosmodrome, which is located in the Far East. In addition, a project has already been launched to create a hotel for tourists who have decided to visit space. The first building module on the moon should be sent by the end of this 2016.

However, according to experts, the most promising development for space exploration is the idea of a space elevator. Its purpose is to lift objects from Earth into orbit via a cable. The American company Liftport Group plans to complete the construction of the first elevator into space by early 2031. The structure will move at a speed of over 200 kilometers per hour and will be able to carry 30 people at once.

Since the beginning of space flights, the colonization of other planets and their satellites has always attracted the attention of scientists and specialists, but not as widely as travel in space. Now, in connection with the growing needs of the planet's growing population and the catastrophically shrinking resource base of the Earth, there is a need for similar ideas - the colonization of other planets. The statistics on the disappearance of many species of animals, fish, birds, deforestation, and the drying up of some seas and lakes have become very alarming. The world community is trying to fix everything somehow, adopting declarations, but this does not solve the problem. Therefore, seeing the impending catastrophe and the death of human civilization, many scientists are trying to create projects that can help in the colonization of space. However, the vital question of combating space debris arises again.which is dangerous to all living things …