Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss - Alternative View

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Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss - Alternative View
Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss - Alternative View

Video: Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss - Alternative View

Video: Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss - Alternative View
Video: Social Zombie - (Full Album) 2024, September

The most offensive thing is that the one who speaks the truth always loses in an information war. He is limited by the truth, and a liar can carry anything.

Robert Sheckley.

A strange sensation has been experienced by many people lately. Feeling of surreal déjà vu. As if the temporal boundaries slowly melted, and incredible streams of forgotten reality poured into the streets of sleepy cities, towns and villages …

It so happened that I had to visit abnormal places where the equipment fails, the compass and cell phone do not work, and in order to find a way out of a small copse it takes several hours of hard work, concentration and peace of mind.

“Black places” - that's what the locals call them …

The abnormal sensations that you once felt in such places, you will never confuse with anything …

What is happening today with the mass consciousness of the inhabitants of the CIS countries cannot be called otherwise than a post-anomalous reaction.

As well as after getting into a geopathogenic zone, a person needs rehabilitation. Reality must stabilize. Mental processes - enter the channel of balanced functioning.

Promotional video:

One of these days I'm driving with a taxi driver. The conversation from the harmless topic of weather anomalies spilled over to political anomalies.

These are just a few episodes and a whole kaleidoscope of observations, dialogues and meetings. The feeling that the anomalous zone, like an invisible fog, has penetrated into shops, metro, entrances of houses, taxis, clinics, apartment kitchens and the heads of peaceful citizens …

How was the effect of the anomalous zone achieved on the scale of peoples and countries?

How to change, shift the consciousness of the masses towards a poisonous fog, behind which there is only an abyss of psychosis and the decay of the remnants of human beliefs and values?

Everything has already happened. And there is nothing new under the sun …

In 1922, Josef joined the National Socialist Party.

In 1926, he left Gregor Strasser and became part of the closest circle of Adolf Hitler. In the same year he was appointed Gauleiter of the NSDAP in Berlin.

In 1927-1933 he was the publisher of the Nazi newspaper "Angriff".

Since 1928, Goebbels was the head of the NSDAP propaganda service.

In 1933, he headed the newly created Imperial Propaganda Ministry. The principles of mass brainwashing that Goebbels formulated and applied were changing the reality of millions of Germans.

The whole of Germany has turned into an experimental laboratory of an unprecedented project for the use of psi-technologies

The technologies of mass consciousness change, created in Nazi Germany, are still used today.

Here are a few points from Paul Joseph Goebbels:

Goebbels created a matrix of principles, falling into the millstones of which, over time, a person began to think, feel and see life the way the monster of the Nazi propaganda machine needed.

Here are some of Goebbels' key principles for social zombification and anomalous zone creation right in the kitchen of the hapless media consumer:

1. Propaganda should be as simple and primitive as possible For example, all news today is based on simple bright pictures and primitive, superficial comments to them.

2. Propaganda should be the same Every day is the same. You can change phrases in places, but the essence of the message should not change: everything is very bad - kill the enemy and everything will become very good!

3. Propaganda must be unambiguous. No “guess”, “maybe”, “there is a different point of view”. Only black and white. Only real enemies and true friends. No semitones and no doubts about your correctness.

4. Propaganda should be aimed at feelings. Logic, analysis, reflection are dangerous for the propaganda machine. Critical thinking is the antipode of emotional "thinking". Non-critical thinking is achieved by the following point:

5. The propaganda must be shocking. To believe in a lie - it must be monstrous! Shock - opens the door to the subconscious of a person. In the moment of surprise, indignation or shock, a person is defenseless and absolutely inspiring.

It is enough to scare the media consumer and give a short instructional slogan. Such a slogan imperceptibly becomes a person's conviction. Moreover, the person himself will consider such beliefs the fruit of his own reflections.

6. There should be not a lot of propaganda, but defiantly a lot! Only a dense, continuous flow of information provides the effect of irradiating a person's subconsciousness.

Informational exposure is not registered by modern devices. However, the result of its impact is deeper and more durable than the consequences of radiation exposure.

Of course, the art of information impact has improved. Technology has made great strides today. Poor Josef never dreamed of such opportunities that modern media have today!

One thing is certain: a reasonable person easily becomes a controllable person if he thoughtlessly consumes concoctions from a muddy stream of information.

What is the safety precautions for working with information sources of constant exposure, television and the Internet, press and radio?

1. Include an internal critic: who benefits from this information? How proven is the authenticity of this information?

2. Learn to ask questions: How does this information relate to me and my loved ones? What can I really do? Why do I need this information? What would have happened if I had not known this?

3. Don't be identified. Do not "stick" to trendy informational topics. Switch your attention to active physical action, i.e. do not fall into an emotional stupor - move!

4. Contemplate nature more often. Take long walks

5. Have a hobby. Learn to give all your attention to what you love.

6. Practice meditation or auto-training. Get used to controlling the focus of your attention.

7. Take care of your neighbor (person, animal, flower). It sounds corny, but this is what helps people who find themselves in any extreme situation to survive.

In conclusion, a little story on this topic

One day, a tramp was walking through the forest and saw a huge boulder. The inscription was white on the stone:

"Turn me over and you will know the Great Secret!"

The tramp puffed for a long time and, with great difficulty, turned the block over. On the back of the boulder was written:

“Why are you looking for new knowledge if you don’t pay attention to what you already know? And why do you need to learn something new, if what you already know, you do not turn into action?"

Author: Alexander Kondratovich