Demon Possession: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

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Demon Possession: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Demon Possession: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Demon Possession: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Demon Possession: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: The myth of demonic possession | Hassaan Tohid | TEDxUAlberta 2024, September

The introduction of a devil, demon or other dark entity into a person is a favorite topic of foreign horror films. Such films are quite popular, because some of the viewers are sure that the obsession with the devil or demon is quite real. And what do scientists and clergymen think about this? Can a person actually become a victim of such a phenomenon?

If a demon has possessed

Orthodox clergy point out that the main sign of demonic possession is a person's acute rejection of everything that is related to the Lord and the Church. The possessed avoid priests, it is even difficult for them to be dragged into the temple by force, they cannot touch the consecrated objects, church relics, even talking about faith makes them angry. From icons, candles and holy water, their body begins to convulse. The ringing of a church bell gives them a sharp headache. In their presence, the smell of sulfur is often felt.


According to believers, demonic possession is also manifested in various mental deviations, since demons negatively affect the mind of a person. Demons can make a person make animal roars, use his mouth to curse believers and call them to renounce the Lord. They give the possessed superhuman strength, he breaks iron chains, scatters strong men trying to hold him, and moves heavy objects.


A possessed person is able to levitate (rise into the air), utter prophecies, see representatives of the other world. He is often struck by fits of hysterical laughter. The habitation of a demon directly affects the appearance and physical condition of a person. His eyes become cloudy, although visual acuity does not decrease. A depressing impression is caused by a change in skin color, in the possessed it noticeably darkens. A person almost does not eat or completely refuses food, because of this, he quickly loses weight, sometimes it even comes to dystrophy.

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Sleep disorders are observed, the possessed often has nightmares. He is characterized by a hunted and wary behavior. People who have experienced the habit of a demon tell that they felt the presence of a certain entity inside the body, trying to suppress their thoughts and will. They heard a voice that subjugated their minds and ordered them to do things that were unacceptable to them. Sometimes they felt an unprecedented surge of strength or, conversely, their complete decline, reaching the feeling of impending death.

Very often people experienced weakness, dizziness, fatigue, and suffered from headaches. the demon pulled out their vital energy from people. A possessed person always causes pain and suffering to their loved ones. He is unable to resist sinful desires, the family begins to collapse due to his betrayals and outrageous behavior. Problems arise in his communication with children and parents. At work, instead of looking for a rational solution to the problems that have arisen, he conflicts with colleagues and breaks into a binge.

By his behavior and actions, he greatly weakens the energy protection of loved ones, and they also become vulnerable to the devil. How can a demon or some other dark entity be settled? Sometimes this is the result of someone else's evil will, in this case, obsession is considered deliberate damage. Resetting can cause an incorrectly performed ritual or the stay of an energetically weakened person in some cursed place. For example, spiritualistic seances and some types of fortune-telling are very fraught with the risk of getting hooked on a dark entity.

How not to fall into the "arms" of the devil?

It is worth noting that demons are not able to just suddenly subdue a person. The resettlement of a dark entity is possible only if he already has a weak spot and is subject to some kind of vice. It is believed that envy, greed, debauchery, narcissism, anger, alcoholism, drug addiction can attract disembodied creatures to a person who can turn his future life into a real hell.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, more and more people are possessed by demons. Alas, many have decided that the main thing in this life is money, they are ready to sell both their Motherland and their mother, it all depends on the amount they will be offered. Spiritual emptiness is growing, which, alas, is largely fueled by the media with their empty reality shows, soulless films and constant propaganda of a beautiful life.


Of course, there are many good films and programs, but they are often shown after midnight, while various "TV gossips" are given the best airtime. What can we say about the bloody computer "shooters" for which modern teenagers sit for hours, about millions of alcoholics and drug addicts, the growth of the number of satanic sects, the increase in the number of divorces, early sexual life and other "achievements" of modern civilization.

Many now carry demons in themselves, sometimes without even knowing it. In order to prevent the penetration of dark entities into oneself, one must fight with one's vices, control one's emotions, avoiding anger, fear, envy, negative thoughts and experiences. We need to go to church, give up the cult of money, devote more time to our loved ones, read good books, relax in nature, play sports, and help people.

If a loved one is possessed by a demon, it is not worth it, as some advise, to independently carry out any rituals, trying to drive him out. It is very difficult: if everything were that simple, then there would be no problem with it. However, there are not so many people capable of expelling a dark entity, there are literally only a few of them.

Since ancient times, this was done by clergymen who performed rituals of exorcism. There are special church schools where exorcists are trained. There are also clergy in Russia who are capable of driving out the devil, you just have to try to find them.

Let's give the floor to scientists

It would probably be surprising if scientists suddenly recognized the reality of demons and advised people with problems of a similar nature to turn to exorcists. No, they have their own pills and tablets for this evil, and no demons can resist the power of modern chemistry.

So, let us state a fact: modern official science categorically denies the possibility of "settling" in a person of any demons, demons and other "homeless" entities. Her explanation is simple: obsession is a mental illness with a rather curious name "kakodemonoia".

According to scientists, vulnerable, impressionable, passive people with various addictions are susceptible to attacks of this disease. They are usually easily influenced by other people, they lack self-esteem to remain independent and self-sufficient in this life.

Not without the creator of psychoanalysis, grandfather Freud: in his opinion, man himself "gives birth" to demons, which are only the result of suppression of desires, and kakodemonomania is just a neurosis. Scientists explain various symptoms of obsession with one or another disease. It is believed that obsession is a manifestation of epilepsy, during an attack of which a person loses consciousness, and his body is shaken by convulsions. Turep's syndrome is another illness that can raise suspicions of possession.

In this syndrome, due to a disorder of the nervous system, multiple motor tics are noted. You can also remember such a disease as personality split, when several personalities coexist in one body. In different periods, one or the other takes possession of the body, as a result, before us, as it were, several people with their own characters and tastes, and all in one body. Creepy, isn't it?

It is known that the peak of demonic content fell on the Middle Ages. It was then that the emerging belief in the possibility of the devil's instillation in a person, according to scientists, due to self-hypnosis and mutual suggestion characteristic of psychopathic individuals, led to the emergence of the most real mental epidemics.

Academician V. M. Bekhterev in his book "Suggestion and its role in public life" wrote: "A widespread belief among the people, in the Middle Ages and the subsequent period of time, is the so-called demonic content. Thanks to self-hypnosis about the instilling of the devil in the body, this idea is often the source of a number of convulsive and other manifestations of great hysteria, which are capable of epidemic spread."

It would seem that everything is clear, there is no possession by demons, and, as Freud said, people themselves invent demons for themselves. However, not all so simple. Oftentimes, those who can be considered possessed are diagnosed with hysteria or schizophrenia. However, their treatment, as ordinary mental patients, does not bring positive results, periodically attacks of obsession continue to occur.

Curiously, these people, in the absence of seizures, do not have symptoms characteristic of hysteria or schizophrenia. At the same time, the exorcists' lectures are yielding positive results: people's behavior and well-being become normal!

Curious fact

One of the real cases of demon possession is described at the beginning of the 20th century in South America. A certain 16-year-old Klara Cele in 1906 told her confession that a demon was hiding inside her. The girl was not believed at first, but her condition was constantly deteriorating. Relatives and friends told about her inappropriate behavior, about how she speaks in someone else's voice. They turned to the priest. After a two-day ritual of exorcism, Clara recovered, all behavior anomalies disappeared.