The Life Of Mark Twain - Alternative View

The Life Of Mark Twain - Alternative View
The Life Of Mark Twain - Alternative View

Video: The Life Of Mark Twain - Alternative View

Video: The Life Of Mark Twain - Alternative View
Video: The Life Of Mark Twain 2024, September

A year before his death, he said: "I came into this world with Halley's comet and I will leave with it." Samuel Clemens, whom we know as Mark Twain, was born in the year of the comet's arrival, in 1835, and died in 1910, when the comet left … Many miracles happened in his life, and there is reason to believe that the writer had an unusual gift …

Samuel Lenghorn Clemens was born in Florida, Missouri. The boy was born prematurely, two months ahead of schedule, and until the age of four he was ill so often that he was forced to spend almost all the time in bed.

Even in early childhood, little Sam showed signs of sleepwalking. One night the baby came to the room of his sister Margaret, who was ill at the time, and pulled off the blanket from her. Sammy himself later did not remember anything, since he did all this in a dream. But a few days later, Margaret died, and Sam's mother Jane Lenghorn announced to everyone that her son was a medium … In Kentucky, where she grew up, there was a belief that someone who pulls the blanket off a person who is about to die has the ability to foresight.

Once, when the boy was already 14 years old, he was walking down the street, and a sheet of text, torn from a book, suddenly fell at his feet. It turned out that the book was about Jeanne d'Arc. The teenager then became very interested in this topic. Many years later, while traveling in Europe, he visited the home village of the Virgin of Orleans Domrémé and subsequently wrote the book "Personal memories of Jeanne d'Arc". It was her, and not the stories or stories that came out from under his pen, that Mark Twain considered his most important work …

In his youth, the writer served as a helmsman on the "Pennsylvania" cruising the Mississippi. By the way, his pseudonym Mark Twain literally means "a mark of two fathoms" - a mark that shows that the minimum depth has been reached, suitable for the passage of river vessels.


One day Sam had an ominous dream: in an iron coffin lay the body of his younger brother (who served with him at the time) with a bouquet of white flowers on his chest. The next morning, the future writer told the dream to his sister, but then forgot about it. Some time later, he quarreled with the captain and switched to another ship. A few days later, the Pennsylvania sank. Samuel's brother ended up in a Memphis hospital. Sam looked after him, but on the seventh day his brother died. Samuel, seeing that he could no longer help him, fell asleep from fatigue. When he woke up, he saw that his brother's body was already in an iron coffin. Before his eyes, a woman put a bouquet of white flowers on the chest of the deceased … So a dream came true.

Mark Twain's life was a series of strange coincidences. So, he earned a name in journalism thanks to a coincidence. Traveling the Sandwich Islands, he rode a lot in the saddle, and eventually he developed painful sores on his skin. While he was lying in a hotel in Honolulu, surviving passengers from the wrecked ship Hornet were brought there. Mark Twain managed to organize a press conference with them - and the sensational information under his name hit the front pages of all newspapers in the world.

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A happy (or unhappy, at first glance) coincidence helped the writer in his personal life. Arriving on a visit to the estate of his friend Charlie Langdon, Sam began to look after his sister Olivia. However, the girl did not reciprocate. When Clemens was leaving the estate, an accident happened: as soon as Charlie hit the horse with the whip, both he and Samuel fell out of the van onto the pavement. As it turned out, the seats in the van were badly bolted … Since Clemens was badly hurt, and it was late afternoon, he was offered to stay with the Langdons for one more day. Olivia was more sympathetic to him this time, and his courtship was a success. In the end, Olivia Langdon became the wife of Mark Twain …

At the age of 30, Samuel was searching for silver deposits in Nevada. On his first night at a local hotel, he dreamed of a storyteller named Jim Townsend, nicknamed the Inventor Jim for his ability to tell stories. In a dream, he showed Clemens the book he was about to write. Soon Clemens met in reality with the narrator Ben Coon, who told him a funny story about a jumping frog. This story formed the basis of the story "The Famous Jumping Frog of Calaveras", which began the brilliant writing career of Mark Twain …