Millions Of Americans Are Preparing For World War III - Alternative View

Millions Of Americans Are Preparing For World War III - Alternative View
Millions Of Americans Are Preparing For World War III - Alternative View

Video: Millions Of Americans Are Preparing For World War III - Alternative View

Video: Millions Of Americans Are Preparing For World War III - Alternative View
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In the United States, rescue goods are raking from store shelves. One gets the impression that millions of Americans are seriously preparing for World War III.

After the North Korean crisis, sales of the radiation antidote, potassium iodide, increased significantly.

The second popular commodity is gas masks, which are becoming scarce.

Ed Thomas, a spokesman for TopTierGearUSA, a company that offers high-quality protective equipment for nuclear, biological and chemical emergencies, says their website jumped 1200% last week. To cope with the unexpected influx of orders, employees are forced to work in two shifts. People take apart literally everything - antibacterial pills, gas masks, protective suits and respiratory filters and so on.

If this continues, then manufacturers simply will not be able to cope with the unexpected demand for protective products.

In addition, bunker sales are skyrocketing across the country.

“This is crazy, I've never seen anything like it,” said Ron Hubbard, president of Atlas Survival Shelters. “This is happening all over the country. Today I sold shelters in North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, California."

The situation is so serious that Guam issued a nuclear disaster guide warning residents not to look at the flash or fireball following a nuclear explosion.

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As the panic increases, and it's just a matter of time, the prices of such goods will skyrocket.