Subway Killer Pushers: Myth Or Real Danger? - Alternative View

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Subway Killer Pushers: Myth Or Real Danger? - Alternative View
Subway Killer Pushers: Myth Or Real Danger? - Alternative View

Back in the 90s, there were terrible rumors about maniacs who push people in the subway under a rushing train. Then few believed in them, many laughed at these "horror stories". Recently, more and more people are dying under metro trains. Not so long ago, a video appeared on the network of a girl trying to push a woman under a carriage in the Moscow metro. Someone might say an accident, but in some cities in Japan there really were such maniacs. Maybe they are among us?

The underground is a really dangerous place, and if you think that the main danger is falling off the escalator, then you are wrong. Even if you don't think about suicide, you may end up under a speeding train by accident. Only because a madman maniac decided to kill you.

The myth of the existence of pusher maniacs probably appeared with the subways themselves. In the 90s, the myth suddenly turned into reality when a woman killed five people under a subway train. After the crime was committed, she was hid in a psychiatric hospital and everyone safely forgot about this case.

But only the maniacs have not gone anywhere.

Recently, a video appeared on the network of one woman pushing another under the train:

Fortunately, everything worked out. The woman was able not only to stay on her feet, but also to repulse the offender. In the comments, some users believe that this was not an attempted murder, but simply that the ladies did not share the space in front of the carriage. But if the one who pushed everything worked out, then the woman would have died under the train.

Unfortunately, such cases are becoming more and more.

Promotional video:


In February 2019, a mentally ill man pushed a complete stranger under a train, eyewitnesses said. The guy was lucky that the train had already arrived at the platform. The young man did not fall on the rails, but simply hit his head on a subway car, "Region Online" reports.

It is not only in Russia that mentally unhealthy people attempt to kill strangers. IN

In Germany, attacks on platforms in metro and train stations have become more frequent. In Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, several people were pushed onto the tracks under trains in just a couple of days, according to Nzz.

In December 2017, in Bucharest, a woman pushed a stranger under a train and kicked her in the head. The killer was detained, and despite an obvious psychological disorder, she was sentenced to life imprisonment.


According to psychologists, mentally ill people most often become pushers in the subway. Most often, mental illness is seasonal in nature, such as a spring flare-up. People in the spring suffer from hypovitaminosis, a surge in hormones, which in turn leads to personality disorder. But this does not apply to everyone. Those with a serious diagnosis are constantly out of balance.

How to avoid becoming a victim of the "pusher"?

Everything is extremely simple here. Follow the generally accepted rules of conduct on the subway, stand half-turned and do not come close to the edge of the platform. It is best located from the edge of the platform a couple of meters, even if you are pushed, you will not fall on the rails.