The Third World Begins From A Test Tube - Alternative View

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The Third World Begins From A Test Tube - Alternative View
The Third World Begins From A Test Tube - Alternative View

Video: The Third World Begins From A Test Tube - Alternative View

Video: The Third World Begins From A Test Tube - Alternative View
Video: Святая, что хоронит россиян 2024, September

2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction" (Moscow - London - Washington, April 10, 1972).

However, wars cannot be banned, and biological science has only increased its military importance.

The message of the American New York Times that Dutch scientists, experimenting with the causative agent of bird flu, have created a genetically modified bird flu virus capable of killing hundreds of millions of people cannot pass the reader.

According to the newspaper, the research was carried out at the Erasmus Medical Center (Rotterdam) with funding from the US National Institutes of Health. Experimenting on ferrets, whose body reacts to the influenza virus as closely as possible to humans, scientists tried to figure out how quickly the A (H5N1) virus can mutate into a form that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The scientific results are impressive. It turned out that after only five mutations in the genome, the virus begins to be transmitted in this way from ferret to ferret, remaining just as lethal.

Interestingly, this major scientific discovery has led to unprecedented action in the scientific community. The US government's National Science Council on Biosafety has asked leading scientific journals Science and Nature not to disclose details of the scientific work so that this information cannot be used by terrorists to create a deadly virus and launch a devastating pandemic.


The military analyst has a number of questions to ask.

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First, the thought arises that information about the results of the work of Dutch scientists was specially transferred for public disclosure to one of the external intelligence services, for example, the Russian Federation or the PRC. Some developed countries claiming hegemony in the world could take their own protective measures. The strongest recommendation is for the rapid destruction of a new deadly virus, which is the ultimate dream of high military circles in several countries of the world, as well as in secret world terrorist structures.

Secondly, it is important to note that luck came not to military biologists, who are extremely concerned about some kind of "dual technologies" and, according to international agreements, have no right to develop and produce biological weapons, but to civilian biologists. Most likely, such Dutch specialists do not even have access to state secrets.

Advocates of the Rotterdam Science Experiment point to two important implications for health protection around the world. First, they said, the results of the study could be useful in monitoring virus samples taken from infected birds and animals. If genetic analysis finds a virus somewhere that only needs one or two mutations to start spreading by airborne droplets, health officials will know that drastic measures must be taken in the area to limit human contact with infected birds. and to increase the supply of vaccines and drugs.

The second putative positive outcome of the experiment is that a man-made virus can be used to determine how effective existing vaccines are against it. Next, you can create new protective drugs and vaccines that can neutralize the deadly virus.

Third, it is important that the work on the project was funded by the US National Institutes of Health. Although, perhaps, it was only a qualified intermediary for the military customers of the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Energy. The latter, with the participation of leading secret atomic laboratories, is actively working in the field of molecular biology and medicine, and also simulates scenarios of local and global bioterrorist attacks and their rapid elimination.

Unfortunately, in this very closed scientific field, defensive defense initiatives are being actively implemented with the participation of eminent scientists from around the world and on the territories of foreign countries. In this regard, Russia cannot but be concerned about the creation by the United States of a whole network of specialized biological centers in Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other states, which are looking for all kinds of deadly bacteria and viruses in their forests, fields and waters, in the flora and fauna. Further, these bacteria and viruses are carefully studied, and the results of the work are sent to the United States. All this increases the military biological potential of the United States.

At times, Russia hesitates in adopting adequate effective response measures, including diplomatic ones. It is noteworthy that on June 29, 2011, the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko, on the Hard Day's Night program on the Dozhd TV channel, said that the current swine plague epidemic that struck southern Russia came from Georgia. At the same time, supposedly we are not talking about bacteriological warfare, but just about a little dirty trick on the part of Georgia. African swine fever is not dangerous to humans, but it requires that all infected animals be destroyed. “I can say absolutely unambiguously that this swine fever came to us from Georgia,” Onishchenko said.

Fourth, the New York Times expresses fears that the invention will not be carefully stored and will be stolen by terrorists. It is necessary either to urgently destroy a new type of this virus, or to organize its reliable storage according to the highest 4th category of biosafety assurance.


It must be said that the recommendations in the newspaper article are amateurish in nature, since the adoption of the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction" (Moscow-London-Washington, April 10, 1972) led to the emergence of a set of effective international norms. It is important that many countries of the world, including the Russian Federation, have long ratified this Convention and, moreover, have reorganized their military biological complex, in particular, by banning the financing of R&D in this area by orders of the military ministries.

At the same time, both terrorist and covert military threats are clearly growing in the world. According to a number of estimates, secret allocations for military biology are increasing within the framework of world military budgets. What was at the beginning of the atomic era in the 1940s – 1950s is being repeated again, but not in atomic physics, but in molecular biology and medicine. The configuration of the military-industrial complex of many countries is changing again, which quietly and secretly acquires a "biological appearance". At the same time, "dual technologies" play a role, since civilian biomedical R&D is not prohibited. The observed shifts in the military-technical priorities of a number of countries force us to take a closer look at the achievements of the latest molecular biology and genetic engineering.

Traditionally, the military and special services seek to increase their secret power based on the latest scientific and technological advances in order to effectively solve new planetary problems by military and special means. It is important that periodically major scientific revolutions occur in fundamental science, which are not always adequately assessed by national security specialists. And only in the rarest cases among the military scientists of the world does the very paradigm of modern war change. That is why one should pay attention to the growing interest of the security officials in genocidal wars for the geopolitical clearing of certain regions, countries and even continents. Hence the increase in military spending on the development of new biological weapons of mass destruction and new mobilization strategies.

It seems that military-oriented science reaches the peak of its development, when it is the science of life that becomes the science of death and, accordingly, the most important means of war. The historical and civilizational meaning of the imminent secret or open genocidal wars lies in the growing need to reduce the industrial and anthropogenic load on the Earth's natural environment. At the same time, a sudden nuclear war should become only the initial stage of further genocidal biological wars, having fulfilled the initial mission of destabilizing power and the armed forces and the rapid destruction of industrial centers.

Due to the bio-sabotage specifics of such a war, a new role falls to the national security, intelligence and counterintelligence services. New protective functions are being given to national health authorities.

As noted in the press, back in 2004, the Pentagon sent a secret message to George W. Bush, warning of catastrophic climate change in the next 15 years. Europe will be flooded, a Siberian climate will be established in England by 2020. A nuclear war will begin on the planet over food and water. Then - mega-drought, hunger and anarchy around the world. Former meteorological chief John Houghton, who likened the threat of climate change to international terrorism, said: "If the Pentagon sends such a message, then this is a really important document."

However, we are talking not only about climatic threats, but also about the threats of excessive pollution of the environment with harmful chemical and transgenic substances.


By mid-March 2010, the largest scandal erupted in the world media due to the February speech of the American informationist and billionaire Bill Gates at the TED-2010 (Technology, Entertainment and Dising) conference. Here is a quote from his speech: “There are 6.8 billion people in the world right now, and this number will soon increase to 9 billion. And if we do great work with new vaccines, health care systems, reproductive services, we can reduce the population by perhaps 10-15%.” This task is proposed to be solved by the largest US corporations from among the manufacturers of transgenic food products and medicines. For these purposes, in 2006, with the participation of several American billionaires, in particular, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, a special fund of $ 60 billion was created,exempt from taxes. There is reason to believe that Gates himself has already invested his money in the secret development of new vaccines that could start a secret process of a sharp decline in the world's population.

In turn, in 2008, billionaire and founder of the television corporation CNN Ted Turner spoke about the expediency of reducing the world's population to 2 billion people. This figure, by the way, corresponds to the personal assessments of the author of this article as an analyst with experience of work in the secret structures of the military-industrial complex of the USSR.

In essence, we are talking about lobbying in the United States by a group of influential individuals for a series of large-scale bioterrorist attacks against large regions of the world. In this regard, the concern of the authorities and the military in the PRC and other countries with a large population is understandable.

At the closing of the International Scientific Conference on Climate Change held in March 2009 in Copenhagen, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, Hans Joachim Schölnhuber, said that with an increase in the average annual temperature on Earth by 5 degrees Celsius, the question of reducing the number of inhabitants of the Earth should be raised. “This, of course, is a very cynical statement, but the real triumph of science and its real achievement lies in the fact that we were able to name the acceptable limits for the Earth's capacity,” said Shelnhuber. “It turned out that no more than a billion people should live on our planet.” Many scientists, politicians and the military think so.

According to the Global Footprint Network (2009), if all of humanity lives like the people of the United States, it will need five such planets as Earth. But even with the current GDP growth strategy, two planets will be needed by the early 2030s. Back in 1961, the entire population of the Earth used just over half of the total "biological potential" of the planet. Overall, 80% of countries consume more than their own territory can provide.

The facts are that the industrial world is required to urgently reduce global GDP, and classical economic and business theory needs a quick revision of their basic axioms. It is clear that in the event of a delay in changing value norms and the growth trend of the industrial world, the military and special services should undertake their military initiatives.

In general, the observed scientific and technological process in the field of applied biology and medicine poses a number of new questions for the professional military and intelligence services.