Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 9 - Alternative View

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Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 9 - Alternative View
Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 9 - Alternative View

Video: Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 9 - Alternative View

Video: Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 9 - Alternative View
Video: Scary Stories | True Scary Horror Stories | Reddit Horror Stories 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 -

A homeless man read my mind

“I was in Detroit at a festival and stood in a crowd of people at a stop at a ground train, and a bum was sitting nearby. And this bum constantly repeated different words in a stereotypically insane voice. Words were like "What happened to him?", "What happened to this guy?", "What the fuck?", "What the hell?"

I thought he was a psycho, probably schizophrenic, and I felt sorry for him, maybe he was hallucinating or something like that, I thought.

"He must be crazy, possibly schizophrenic," said the bum right there.


I thought to myself, "Yes, you look like such a person" and immediately met the eyes of the bum who looked at me and repeated "Yes, you look like such a person."

I almost did it, sorry, because this guy exactly repeated the phrase I thought. It was as if you were thinking about something and this phrase immediately appears on the TV screen.

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The bum, meanwhile, turned away from me and looked at other people and I heard the phrases that he said: "I hope the hotel has a pool." “Where can I park?”, “Hmm, she’s cute,” and so on.

Maybe it was purely an accident, a schizophrenic delirium, but it seemed that this guy somehow hears the thoughts of people who were standing on the platform and waiting for the train and repeats them aloud. It was very creepy."

Something in the closet

“When I was a child, my two cousins, J. and R., aged 4 and 5, slept with me in my room. I was then 10 years old and I slept on the top bunk of a bunk bed, and they both on the bottom.

The sisters had a habit of waking up at 6 am and playing on their bottom bunk, which annoyed me wildly. And then this event happened. They were playing as usual that morning, and then the door of a closet nearby suddenly opened with a creak.

The sisters heard and saw this and immediately stopped playing. I saw it all from above. After a few seconds, the door closed by itself. And then it opened again and then closed again. And so it was repeated several times, and then it closed very slowly, and from there something began to knock on the door from the inside.

It died down after a few seconds. After a while, I cautiously climbed out of bed and spoke to the sisters. I told them that I didn’t know what to do, because the parents and all the adults were still asleep and that they wouldn’t believe us anyway.

J., meanwhile, was upset because her toys were in this closet. And then she got up and ran to the closet, although I tried to restrain her. She opened the door and there was nothing out of the ordinary, just our things.

My mother still doesn't believe me, and my sister J. since then seems to be constantly surrounded by some strange things."

Something is watching me

“I get a strange feeling when I sit in a chair at my computer desk and watch a movie or TV series on Netflix. It gives me a tingling sensation and goosebumps and a feeling like I'm not alone here.

It goes to my right, where the window is. And each time my feeling gets worse and worse. When I leave the room, this feeling disappears, but when I enter here. it appears again. I feel like something is watching me."

Ghost in the ice arena

“This place is located in the state of Arizona, but I will not name the ice rink, I do not want bad rumors to go there about it. So something paranormal lives on this ice rink, it is not a demon, just a little boy.

Personally, I did not see anything there except some shadows. According to the information revealed in the 1970s, one boy loved to ride on this rink, who later died in a terrible accident near the building. He was 10 or 12 years old.


After the skating rink is closed for the night, an employee remains in it, who is responsible for reloading the ice. Ice should be clean and fresh by morning. And so she was going about her business and then she heard noise from the benches on which hockey players were sitting. She turned around and saw a boy in an old-style hockey uniform and holding a wooden club. He also did not have face protection on his helmet, which is now not allowed for players under 18 years of age.

This boy stood on skates and skated a few laps on the rink, and then went to the bench and then to the locker room door. The employee figured that someone's rich dad had gotten permission to skate for his son at night, but then she went to check it out just in case. But she found no one in the dressing room.

In bewilderment, the woman went out to the rink again and realizes that it did not seem to her, there were visible fresh tracks from his skates on the ice. She panicked, called her friend and when he arrived, she told him that she had seen a ghost. Later, she checked the archives and found out that about the death of the boy in the 70s.

I personally saw strange shadows when I stayed there late at night, and I also saw the doors closing by themselves. In general, I was very creepy just from the fact that somewhere here a ghost boy was walking."

Pet ghost

“My parents' husky named Ziggy died a month ago from old age. He left peacefully in his sleep, lying on his beloved couch. Ziggy was very nice and everyone loved him.

Anyone who lives with a husky knows that they are very energetic dogs and love to run and make loud noises. I was in college when Ziggy died, and recently returned to my parents' house for the summer. And before I had time to arrive, I suddenly heard a noise in the house, as if a large dog was running on the floor. It sounded exactly like Ziggy running and jumping around me trying to lick my face.

At first I thought it was my imagination, but then I heard the ringing of a bell from his collar and felt his fur touch my feet. And then something climbed onto my bed and lay down next to me and I felt warm as if it were the real Ziggy.

I didn’t say anything to my parents, because I had some mental problems before and I didn’t want to scare them again. And I did not understand what was happening to me. Am I having a seizure again? Or is it all about exercise fatigue? Or is it all the play of my brain, which imagines a dog?

If it really is Ziggy's ghost, why didn't he go to his dog paradise? As much as I like to think that he is still with us, I understand that after his death he must wait for rest and chase after his favorite squirrels on the rainbow bridge."


Telepathic communication?

“I had a case when I was on the surgical table during the operation and somehow contacted my brother and father. Maybe it was telepathy or something else, I don't know.

I underwent a complex operation for 12 hours and probably during it I "left" my body.

A week after the operation, my brother called me and told me that while I was at the operation, he heard my frightened voice calling his name and asking for help.

The next day, my father also told about it and he heard my frightened voice at that moment when he was lying in bed and had already started to fall asleep. I don’t remember anything myself, I was under general anesthesia for the whole operation”.

Invisible in the kitchen

“I was sent on a business trip to Yantville, California. Usually in such cases I stay in hotels, but this time I stayed with a colleague at her house, since this was her hometown.

One evening I arrived home earlier than a colleague and was already getting ready to go to bed, wearing pajamas and brushing my teeth. The lights in the kitchen and bedroom were already turned off and I just lay there and rested.

And suddenly I heard a sound from the side of the kitchen, as if from a fork scratching a plate. It repeated itself as if someone was sitting there and having dinner. I was worried, but I tried to control myself. Then I plucked up my courage and went to the kitchen.

I went into the kitchen and looked at everything and there was no one there and there were no plates on the table. But as soon as I went into the room, these sounds began to be heard from the kitchen again, and so it continued until I turned on the lights in all the rooms and waited for my colleague to arrive."

Continued: Part 10