Promotion &Ldquo; Storming Area 51 &Rdquo; - These Are Revolutionary Technologies Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

Promotion &Ldquo; Storming Area 51 &Rdquo; - These Are Revolutionary Technologies Of The 21st Century - Alternative View
Promotion &Ldquo; Storming Area 51 &Rdquo; - These Are Revolutionary Technologies Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

Video: Promotion &Ldquo; Storming Area 51 &Rdquo; - These Are Revolutionary Technologies Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

Video: Promotion &Ldquo; Storming Area 51 &Rdquo; - These Are Revolutionary Technologies Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

As we have already informed our readers, in the USA the action Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us has begun and continues to gain momentum, the task of which is the Volkssturm of the mysterious “Area 51”.

Initially, it was not very clear: is this flash mob a genius move by Facebook managers, who decided to attract people to their dying platform in this way, or is it about some kind of global project? For example, testing the technologies of the 21st century revolutions. Burning tires, fireworks and kids in masks are already a little tired of viewers, so the world definitely needs something new.

And now, after some time, the situation with what is happening has become somewhat clearer and everything suggests that behind the Storm Area 51 action there is not Facebook, but some serious people who are preparing some serious things.

So, about two million people have already expressed their desire to take part in the Storm Area 51 campaign, which, of course, does not mean anything - pressing buttons on social networks cannot change this world.

However, as it turned out, a whole team of lodgers had already gone to the Nevada desert, who began to prepare the infrastructure for the action and even entered into some kind of confrontation with the security of the military base.

In addition, a serious media campaign of the action has begun on the network - hundreds of blogs write about it, special websites and YouTube channels dedicated to the flash mob are being created. Along the way, there is a brisk trade in the attributes of the action, for which some kind of hymn has already been written.

There is even a secret outline map of the offensive against a military facility:


Promotional video:

However, the most interesting events are now taking place in Scotland, where a similar action is planned to storm Loch Ness.

The flash mob is called Storm Loch Ness, Nessie can't hide from us all and so far about 20,000 people have decided to join the project. The event is scheduled for September 21, that is, exactly one day after the battle for Area 51:


Thus, everything suggests that the Storm Area 51 project was organized by some very serious people, and most likely with far-reaching goals. With which?

Usually, the revolutions of the last decades have been planned according to the same scenario: “elections” are taking place in this or that country, and several tens of thousands of “dissenting” come out to protest. They build tent camps, pound pots with sticks, burn tires and express their protest by other available means.

Further, seeing such a thing, the real dissenters, that is, the citizens of this or that country, who are a little tired of playing the "elections", also take available equipment and take to the streets. Some just come to see all this from afar, but one way or another a crowd of a million or more people gathers and demands some kind of change. And this million can already be shown on TV.

However, the new technology, involving the assault on various kinds of incomprehensible objects, opens up much more room for the organizers to maneuver.

First, there is no need to wait for “elections” - a flash mob can be scheduled for any convenient day.

Secondly, potential participants in the action do not have to adhere to certain general political views. The main idea of the action is to see what the authorities are hiding from the people. Much more people will always come to such an exciting show than to protests, after which, as people know from experience, nothing will change in the country anyway. That is, other glorified leaders will simply come to power who will do the same. In the event of an assault on one or another object, the people have a completely different interest.

Thirdly, various kinds of riot police defending this or that object do not have a special legal basis for this. For example, if tomorrow a certain number of people come out in Moscow to protest against this or that law, the police officers have a certain kind of statutory right to disperse the rally.

But what will the riot policemen do if a million Muscovites come to Red Square to visit, so to speak, Lenin's grandfather? There are different rumors. The media write that Lenin gets out of his coffin at night and walks, but the “academicians” do not explain the whole truth. Therefore, people are interested in how everything really is there.

Legally, checking the condition of Vladimir Ilyich will be like an excursion, so the OMON has no right to beat a person in the head with a club for wanting to look at the leader of the world proletariat.

On the other hand, if you look at Lenin's grandfather, a million people come at the same time, the case will inevitably end in a pogrom. So, the monarchists will rush to break everything there, and the communists will tear the mummy to pieces and take them apart into precious relics.


Ultimately, the situation may develop according to a completely unpredictable scenario and it will be very difficult for a TV announcer to explain why riot police dispersed people who came on an excursion.

Thus, we believe that Storm Area 51 is an action planned by some very serious guys to test the revolutionary new generation technologies that will be actively and successfully applied around the world soon. So we are following the development of events.
