Is The Moon Part Of Mars? - Alternative View

Is The Moon Part Of Mars? - Alternative View
Is The Moon Part Of Mars? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Moon Part Of Mars? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Moon Part Of Mars? - Alternative View
Video: The Moon vs Mars 2024, September

One of the most interesting and controversial news sources in the world has long been Donald Trump's Twitter account, whose posts are a constant topic of discussion among conspiracy theorists. And today, June 7, Donald Trump did not disappoint again:


This tweet from the President of the United States caused a certain shock at the ameroblogodrome, where rumors have long been circulating about a Flat Earth, a hologram of the Moon and the like. However, the fact that the moon is actually part of Mars became a revelation even for seasoned conspiracy theorists and now everyone is puzzling over how to interpret this.

Since everyone understands perfectly well that Donald Trump is a very busy person, he hardly has time to sit with his tablet and post something on Twitter, most likely this is done by a special employee like a press secretary. And since there have long been rumors about Jen Psaki's return to the White House, many people think that it is she who writes for the president on Twitter from time to time.


In 2014, Mrs. Psaki already noted that "If Belarus invades Ukraine, the US Sixth Fleet will be immediately deployed to the shores of Belarus." In the light of this information, many fully admit that the Moon may well be part of Mars as well.

However, in addition to this assumption, there is also a very serious version, which is based on rumors of insiders about the existence on the moon and on Mars of some secret bases built by the Americans with the assistance of aliens. And since all this is part of a single secret project, Trump, by chance or not by accident, just hinted at this project.

Finally, there is a more prosaic explanation of this thesis. So, according to NASA's plans, before a flight to Mars, an intermediate base with a developed space infrastructure will be built on the Moon, which will be used for a flight to Mars.

Promotional video:


In this case, if we bear in mind this base, then we can quite say that the Moon (that is, the lunar program is a part of Mars (that is, the program for a flight to Mars).

Nobody knows which of the proposed versions is more correct yet, but everyone is following the development of events with interest.