Caution, Gases! - Alternative View

Caution, Gases! - Alternative View
Caution, Gases! - Alternative View

Video: Caution, Gases! - Alternative View

Video: Caution, Gases! - Alternative View
Video: Batman! Caution! Gases! 2024, September

I assumed that everything was obvious on her. Even on the signature he did not accentuate the topic, but led him slightly towards the priest's obscurantism.

The discussion under the image also went there. And I checked it out, thinking that everyone understands everything. But it looks like it's not there. Probably, our good friend Dmitry, who is currently hiding under the nickname De Bil, is right when he says that nothing is visible on one half of my pictures, and nothing is clear on the other.

I would have remained in blissful ignorance if a friend had not come to me yesterday, to whom I also decided to show the picture. He threw a glance, chuckled, and turned the conversation off to one side. And then a worm of doubt bit me. What if it's really incomprehensible? With all the desire he could not see the comrade, because the picture flew to his forehead directly from 60 inches diagonally.

Through light inhuman torture, I found out that at first he thought that these were types of churches. After some of my refinements, he eventually identified the Pantheon. It took some more time to explain that in the foreground is not a cutaway church, but a gas holder. Then we moved on to their common features, and I was almost celebrating victory when my friend said:

- So what? If two buildings were built round, this does not mean that they should perform the same functions.

Before grabbing the knife and slaughtering the dumbass to hell, I asked, just in case, if he saw five more similar buildings in the picture? In response, a significant one sounded: “A-ah! That's the problem! . But I did not begin to find out whether my idea, which I was trying to depict in the picture, reached him or not, I just pushed him out of harm's way with the words that the time of visits had suddenly ended.

I am naturally sure that all members of our microscopic, but very intellectually gifted group, understood my idea at a glance and from any screen size, but just in case I decided to leave a more detailed description. Suddenly the guests will come in, but we do not have instructions for using the picture at hand.

This is the Pantheon
This is the Pantheon

This is the Pantheon.

Promotional video:

This is never a church, as my not very smart friend thought. this is - gas holder. It's written down there
This is never a church, as my not very smart friend thought. this is - gas holder. It's written down there

This is never a church, as my not very smart friend thought. this is - gas holder. It's written down there.


And these are all gas tanks too. Different types, volumes, ages and locations.


And yes, this is also a gas tank, but it has nothing to do with our history. They just broke off the territory and the remains of the gas plant in due time.


Our gas tank is a real gas tank. No rap. But with gas.

It can be dry or wet with a pool. This is a matter of personal taste of the customer. A great many of these gas holders were built, because gas was used, and is still used today, everywhere in production, and until the 20th century and everywhere in lighting and everywhere in general, where either light or heat was needed, or both.

So how are they similar to the Pantheon, except that, as my close friend aptly noted, they have a common cylindrical shape? I would say everyone.


I'm not sure that everyone immediately recognizes where the Pantheon is, and where the insides of ordinary gas holders are, so I marked the Roman barrel with a red rim.

One could argue that the Pantheon has columns. And then go to the forest, because the gas tanks also have columns.


They one to one resemble any ribbed palace columns with an Ionic order. The gas piston drives on them, if necessary.


They can be both inside and outside the gas tank. Here a balloon caught on them. Broke.


They like to depict the Pantheon with a round ball inside, as proof of an ingenious geometric design. Exactly the same geometric solution for a gas tank is called drop-shaped or spherical.


They like to point out that the Pantheon has a drainage system in case a lot of water comes through a hole in the ceiling. Come on? Cool how! It is not clear only why it was necessary to hammer holes in a normal gas tank like a “pig's patch”, if it can be either dry or wet.

I will not say now that I can list a million more signs according to which the Pantheon is a typical gas holder. Not because you are too lazy to search, but because that's enough! There's nothing else there!

A gas holder is a very simple, but at the same time effective barrel for storing, supplying, and sometimes mixing gases, liquids and other chemical substances useful for the production of goods and the life of the population.

But if you have only mythical gods in your forehead, then of course, I do not expect that you will compare two identical things and understand that if a building looks like a gas tank, corresponds to the parameters of a gas tank, and only that it does not grunt like a gas tank, then throughout apparently it is…. temple of all gods?


Some kind of unpresentable rear of the temple. How was Porthos with the garter, which was not enough for the back?

Well, go blur your forehead on the floor of the Pantheon in the name of the all-merciful methane. Aim only, please, at that pig drainage gap so that you can be recognized by the divine mark.

In general, it seems that various gases played a big role in that antediluvian society. I won't say anything here, but take a look at the pictures. Each, for sure, has a gas tank, but what, on the other hand, is up to you.


And there were also healthy horses.


In general, you understand the meaning. We have to roll up, otherwise we can come to the conclusion that the whole world is a gas tank, and the people in it … who?

Although looking at this photo you begin to suspect that not only places of public gatherings of little people hatched from the gasholder.

It looks like the story was made from what caught the eye))) Turn the picture
It looks like the story was made from what caught the eye))) Turn the picture

It looks like the story was made from what caught the eye))) Turn the picture.


We will continue soon. Save gas.

If you find anything funny here, I guarantee you a certain amount of good mood
If you find anything funny here, I guarantee you a certain amount of good mood

If you find anything funny here, I guarantee you a certain amount of good mood.

PS God forbid anyone, when I'm in Vienna, invite me to go and see the reconstruction of the Vienna Gas Tanks. I cannot vouch for myself. I can take a sin on my soul !!!