People, Pay Attention: Global Changes Are Coming! - Alternative View

People, Pay Attention: Global Changes Are Coming! - Alternative View
People, Pay Attention: Global Changes Are Coming! - Alternative View

Video: People, Pay Attention: Global Changes Are Coming! - Alternative View

Video: People, Pay Attention: Global Changes Are Coming! - Alternative View
Video: Here's how China's crackdown on tech could affect Chinese companies 2024, September

Now only the lazy does not know that both World Wars of the 20th century were prepared in the United States and carried out in Europe with one goal: to get out of the next "Depression" by selling weapons to the warring parties. And thus, reassert the hegemony of the American dollar, profiting from the post-war devastation. The Russians can add something else about the unsuccessful war for the Americans in Vietnam and the logical next round of the financial and economic crisis in the United States following this failure, from which they were able to deftly emerge due to the collapse of the USSR and the so-called “Perestroika” they organized in the post-Soviet space … In recent years, when the dollar finally lost its reputation, they managed to finally "kick" Russia with the war they inflated in Ukraine.

Nevertheless, the question remains - why are events similar and even, one might say, identical to European ones taking place in the United States? They have the same problems overseas as we have here in Eurasia:

- the collapse of education, the moronization of youth;

- the vulgarization of culture, the imposition of the cult of violence and debauchery;

- deprivation of parental rights, the abolition of the institution of family and marriage;

- programmatic change in consciousness and social behavior towards destructiveness, sexual pathology and degeneracy;

- planting speculation and parasitism, profanation of science and industry;

- industry of unhealthy and junk food, drug propaganda;

Promotional video:

- the lack of rights of the indigenous white population against the background of unlimited tolerance for the antics of black migrants, whom they themselves import …

It's too tricky to do it. Is the American government destroying the population and infrastructure of its country "so that strangers are afraid"? Or do they "pretend" so that no one would suspect them of militarism? Choking your rivals is logical. And where is the logic in strangling your own state? If they wanted to conquer and conquer the whole world, then their very first task would be the education of strong human resources, the development of healthy production forces. But in reality we see the opposite.

The presidents of states are not the main culprits of the general collapse, they are only TV artists who exist in order to “blow off the steam of popular discontent into the whistle of populism”. And bankers are also not the main reason for the destruction of the world, because we see how the world financial system is bursting at the seams and patching up with white threads on the fly. Who really rules the world? And the one who owns all the information rules. The main information tool is the Internet, at least today. We do not see the basic information, this is not for us. But control is carried out through the Network, unambiguously. We'll see.

Recently, anonymizers were banned in Russia. Before that, they could be free of charge, that is, popularly downloaded, installed and applied. And all the providers did not mind, because they kept records. How suddenly like this - bam! - and are prohibited. What is it for? The essence of the anonymizer is to spoof the user's IP. People who are simpler believe that the IP is really spoofed, and they become invisible and elusive Joe on the Internet. This is certainly not the case. It's just that for some time the owners of the Internet collected statistics on who goes where. Who are the owners of the Internet? Install the state anonymizer and launch it. On the monitor we see the animation of IP spoofing. Please note that on the presented map of the countries of the world, IP users are indicated by the flags of the countries in whose territory they are located. And your IP, in Russia,will be marked with a UK flag. Why? Because Russia is a country subject to Great Britain. We do not have our own government. Our government is in London. Well, let's say this: some clerk Jacob, sorting through the card index, looks at what Ivan Petrovich from Yekaterinburg has accumulated in business? And this is reflected in the American anonymizer. Recently, statistics have been minimized, anonymizers are prohibited, and that's fine. It is important to understand that all relations between Russia and America are programmed in Great Britain.what did Ivan Petrovich from Yekaterinburg have in business? And this is reflected in the American anonymizer. Recently, statistics have been minimized, anonymizers are prohibited, and that's fine. It is important to understand that all relations between Russia and America are programmed in Great Britain.what did Ivan Petrovich from Yekaterinburg have in business? And this is reflected in the American anonymizer. Recently, statistics have been minimized, anonymizers are prohibited, and that's fine. It is important to understand that all relations between Russia and America are programmed in Great Britain.

The Queen of England owns the full volume of the world drug traffic. If the Russian police operate drugs anyway, is it clear where the control comes from? Not only the Russian police, but the whole world police. This is no wonder, because drug distribution is the first item in the world's financial income. And only the second point is the sale of weapons. The logic is simple: who has the highest salary at the enterprise? At the CEO. This means that the Queen of England is considered the General Director of the world. Not an abstract World Government. And one responsible person, a specific person, in this case a woman, a Jew, of course. UTERUS.

However, if someone thinks that the United States is a state completely dependent on the British Crown, and therefore all the reasons for American failures must be sought in the British government, then this is also a delusion. In the UK, the same processes are taking place as elsewhere. England as a state of whites, apparently, will soon cease to exist. Throughout the Northern Hemisphere, the picture that we see in India, including in England itself, will be established. The President of the United States is the Executive Director. It is another category of the global power structure. His salary is the second highest. States own the world arms market.

The same logic applies to the salaries of subordinates. If the police operate with drugs (and this, I repeat, is the first point of world income), then the salary of the commander-in-chief of the internal troops and the Special Department is and will always be higher than the salary of the commander-in-chief of the regular army and the headquarters of the troops. Despite the fact that the soldiers sacrifice their lives for the freedom of their native land, and the special officers don’t sacrifice anything, they have clearly greater powers. The commander-in-chief of the Russian internal troops is subordinate to the Queen of Great Britain. The commander-in-chief of the Russian army is subordinate to the president of the United States. And you, of course, thought that both of them are subordinate to the President of Russia? No, the Russian president only adjusts his subordination, being, in fact, the plenipotentiary representative of Western politics in Russia. This position can actually be shared by several people,there are several equal plenipotentiaries (Russia is large, difficult to manage), and the brand is performed by one or several artists who meet the needs of the public … It would be interesting to hear the arguments of those who think otherwise. But I would like to hear deeper and more serious arguments and facts than the engaged chatter of political observers. And I have already heard the profound popular expression “we can repeat” many times. Alas, not once convincing. But with my own eyes I see how all and sundry every day "repeat" the former great victorious people, who have sunk to the level of development of starving monkeys in the zoo. What can these unfortunates do for their liberation if they are not able to realize even their present position?corresponding to the needs of the public … It would be interesting to listen to the arguments of those who think otherwise. But I would like to hear deeper and more serious arguments and facts than the engaged chatter of political observers. And I have already heard the profound popular expression “we can repeat” many times. Alas, not once convincing. But with my own eyes I see how all and sundry every day "repeat" the former great victorious people, who have sunk to the level of development of starving monkeys in the zoo. What can these unfortunates do for their liberation if they are not able to realize even their present position?corresponding to the needs of the public … It would be interesting to listen to the arguments of those who think otherwise. But I would like to hear deeper and more serious arguments and facts than the engaged chatter of political observers. And I have already heard the profound popular expression “we can repeat” many times. Alas, not once convincing. But with my own eyes I see how all and sundry every day "repeat" the former great victorious people, who have sunk to the level of development of starving monkeys in the zoo. What can these unfortunates do for their liberation if they are not able to realize even their present position?And I have already heard the profound popular expression “we can repeat” many times. Alas, not once convincing. But with my own eyes I see how all and sundry every day "repeat" the former great victorious people, who have sunk to the level of development of starving monkeys in the zoo. What can these unfortunates do for their liberation if they are not able to realize even their present position?And I have already heard the profound popular expression “we can repeat” many times. Alas, not once convincing. But with my own eyes I see how all and sundry every day "repeat" the former great victorious people, who have sunk to the level of development of starving monkeys in the zoo. What can these unfortunates do for their liberation if they are not able to realize even their present position?

At the same time, any adequate person understands: neither the executive director, nor the general director are the owners of the project. General director, as a rule, one and hereditary, so as not to divulge the secrets of the production of "family". The executive director is usually elected so that there is no temptation to pry into the secrets of the "family" production. And the Master is behind the scenes. He has dark goals of his own.

There, in the West, there are problems. And also an increase in the retirement age. Why do they have ?! Do they have a bad economy too? Someone will want to explain to me that it is black migrants who spoil the whole thing. Aren't the British and German rulers themselves inviting them? It’s a stupid situation: to invite hundreds of thousands of Arabs who do not want to work to their country, feed them, clothe them, provide them with money - and increase the retirement age of their citizens in order to “fix” the dragging economy. Absurd? Not. Not absurd, but a program for the destruction of the entire North - Russia, America, England, Germany, and all other countries with a white population. One and the same program for all white people, despite the economies of their states, racism directed against all whites.


Consider this scheme calmly and carefully. Here are the flags of the countries responsible for specific sectors of the Russian government. It is easy to see that England is responsible for the first-rate positions, and the USA for the minor ones. It is also striking that in the control system there is a third person who is in the first line of persons responsible for the Russian ministries of finance, economy and housing and communal services, that is, our main living space. And only then the flags of Great Britain and the USA follow. Whose flag is this, you know? I'm sure most readers don't even know that this is the Swiss flag. But why Switzerland? What has this "neutral state" to do with ?! Moreover, it is not neutral, but the most causal, only not intended for advertising. Behind the scenes. We see,that of all the Nordic countries, only one Switzerland remains inviolable in any case and avoids the shocks that befall our world. And Hitler did not touch Switzerland. And black migrants do not go to them. For some reason. However, not everything is going smoothly with them. For example, the “gender” policy, which is aggressively pursued throughout the northern hemisphere, is also being promoted in Switzerland. This means that Switzerland will soon lose its male population as well. There will be women and the "third sex". The Caucasoid race will cease to exist as a society of intelligent beings and will turn into what modern India is. These are the true goals of the invisible behind-the-scenes master. For example, the “gender” policy, which is aggressively pursued throughout the northern hemisphere, is also being promoted in Switzerland. This means that Switzerland will soon lose its male population as well. There will be women and the "third sex". The Caucasoid race will cease to exist as a society of intelligent beings and will turn into what modern India is. These are the true goals of the invisible behind-the-scenes master. For example, the “gender” policy, which is aggressively pursued throughout the northern hemisphere, is also being promoted in Switzerland. This means that Switzerland will soon lose its male population as well. There will be women and the "third sex". The Caucasoid race will cease to exist as a society of intelligent beings and will turn into what modern India is. These are the true goals of the invisible behind-the-scenes master.

But why? After all, only white people are engaged in production, science, economics, labor organization. No matter how squealed various home-grown "antifa", unable to distinguish Dostoevsky from cocaine delirium, it must be admitted that nations of color cannot independently solve global problems. Life shows that if they are not directed by one of the white organizers, they squat down and become overgrown with lice. If the whites disappear, they will die too. This means that all of humanity will die. Do you understand what the nonsense is? It is not beneficial for either governments or bankers to remain on earth alone with blacks - they do not want to work and do not know how to think. After all, this has already happened more than once, for example, in ancient Egypt. But that was, as they say, "in a single country." Separately taken and separately perished, although very powerful at first. And now destruction threatens the whole worldall countries at the same time. The owner is going up the hill!

Why would he? Then, in order to make room under the sun on our Earth for people like him who will come here later, on a territory completely cleared of humanity. I understand this sounds strange. And yet. As the same Munchausen used to say: “Okay, don't talk. Think. To be continued…