The Most Unlucky House In Barnaul - Alternative View

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The Most Unlucky House In Barnaul - Alternative View
The Most Unlucky House In Barnaul - Alternative View

Video: The Most Unlucky House In Barnaul - Alternative View

Video: The Most Unlucky House In Barnaul - Alternative View
Video: Один в чистом поле - ПОЧЕМУ ??Заброшенный дом/Dead House/Abandoned house 2024, September

Even researchers-ufologists from the Altai-Cosmopoisk organization visited the "emergency-dangerous" house. And we found out - here is an "energy pool"

This house in Barnaul on Vlasikhinskaya street could be entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the most unlucky house that attracts reckless drivers like a magnet, and they get into an accident here. Recently, the inhabitants of this house celebrated a kind of "anniversary": the 35th car drove into it at full speed.

The house of Lydia Ivantsova is like a medieval fortress: concrete blocks, a reinforced fence. Arrivals happen every two months. There is even a “week of records” in the history of the long-suffering house, when it was entered twice.

The owners moved to this house in Barnaul from the Irkutsk region. The road to the cemetery ran near the house. The hostess recalls that 15-20 dead people were carried past her windows during the day. Then she thought that nothing could be worse. Now he understands: the deceased are a peaceful people, no harm from them.

“It all started five years ago, with the opening of a new bypass road,” says Lydia Ivantsova. - Having dispersed there, the drivers do not slow down and near my house. The nearby entertainment facility adds to the headache. At two o'clock in the morning it closes, and our sleep is over. Most of the arrivals happen at this time. Hot drivers get behind the wheel, and when they crash, they do not immediately realize where they are and what "famous" house they have entered. But one day they "arrived" in the afternoon. On the eve of my birthday, January 26th. Returning from the bazaar - it's worth it, my dear, it was even strange somehow. I also told him that he "arrived" a little early. And the last time the driver of the Mazda was absolutely sober. He just quarreled with his wife, freaked out, and rushed like a madman … The usual "apology" for a ruined tree or a fence is discontent: they built,they say, here. Sometimes they are indignant: “What the hell a fence! You can't see, I crashed the car!"

- But at least compensate for the damage?

- Sometimes they are reimbursed - with money or with a brick to restore the destroyed. Surprisingly, no driver was seriously injured. Like some unknown force! We go out and are afraid: we think that there is a corpse. We approach the car, and the driver has already escaped! - adds Lydia.

"Niva", a masterpiece of the domestic auto industry, smashed their coal storage shed to pieces. The broken corner of the house is the memory of the "flying" motorcycle. The motorcyclist, healthy and healthy, then disappeared from the investigation to our friendly Kazakhstan. While they were trying to get him out of there, the statute of limitations for punishment expired.

Not only motorcycles, but also foreign cars are able to "fly". It is only necessary to thoroughly disperse it first - the mistress of the house now knows for sure. Having demolished a row of curb stones, the next racer took off high, flew 18 meters above the ground and landed on the roof of the house, damaging it considerably. Now, under the snow, the dents are not visible, but the owners are wondering what will be cheaper - concreting the roof or repairing it routinely?

Even researchers-ufologists from the Altai-Cosmopoisk organization visited the "emergency-dangerous" house. And we found out - here is an "energy pool".

“You can't see anything from the outside, but when you go inside, you feel it, and the equipment shows it,” says Viktor Pavlukhin. - The place is quiet, the energy from a person flows somewhere to the center of the Earth. When a driver drives through here at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, and this is the peak of fatigue, then his body simply automatically rushes here, as if from a mountain into a hole. The place is absolutely abnormal, but only this anomaly with a plus sign, or something. No accident victims. In addition, there is an old icon in the house, and a very powerful, strong stream flows from it …. The place is very clean, calm, absorbing human vanity, all evil and bad thoughts. Here the person automatically calms down. If you spend another hour and a half here, you'll just fall asleep on the couch. The place hypnotizes, the person falls into a state of half-drowsiness, and this is precisely the anomaly.

Here you can treat overexcited people, - the ufologists concluded.