The Tragedy Of Four Civilizations - Alternative View

The Tragedy Of Four Civilizations - Alternative View
The Tragedy Of Four Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: The Tragedy Of Four Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: The Tragedy Of Four Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

We are accustomed to treating myths, legends, legends as fiction. But if you look more closely at the cultural heritage of the peoples inhabiting our planet, you can see amazing things. For example, that among different peoples living completely apart from each other, legends describe the same events, perhaps with slight differences. Paying attention to this peculiarity of folklore, and also comparing facts from the history of our planet with these observations, Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk got the following picture of life on Earth over the past several tens of thousands of years.

The Bible brought to us the legend that once there was a Golden Age on Earth, then the Silver Age came, which was replaced by the Bronze Age, which ended with the present Iron Age. We find similar messages also in Vedic sources, where our time corresponding to the Iron Age is called Kali-Yuga. In the legends of the American Indians, African and Australian peoples, in the Rig Veda, Puranas and other sources, it is reported that at first there were demigods - “asuras” (titans) on Earth. Then they were replaced by the Atlanteans. After the death of the Atlanteans, who were shorter than the titans, a civilization of giants arose, and then the Boreans.

We are accustomed to judging ancient civilizations as underdeveloped and primitive. However, some material finds in the mines suggest that the ancient civilization mined coal, had electricity and produced plastics.

In the ancient biosphere, people were enormous. In all the ancient written sources that have come down to us: in the Bible, Avesta, Vedas, Edda, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles - everywhere we come across reports of giants. Most likely, such an abundance of written and oral legends about them gives a good reason to believe that they lived on Earth in ancient times. From this point of view, “useless” cyclopean structures, for example, menhirs, giant dolmens, terraces of Baalbek, huge houses, twenty-meter fortress walls, etc. become understandable. It was not a whim, just the growth of ancient people did not allow the construction of structures of a smaller size.

In an Afghan village, near the city of Kabul, five stone figures have survived: one is two meters in height, the other is 6 meters, the third is 18, the fourth is 38 and the last is 54 meters. The locals are unaware of the origin of these statues and speculate that they are guards protecting their village. However, according to the calculations of V. A. Shemshuk, the length of each statue corresponds to the natural growth of representatives of past civilizations and modern ones.

In a rarefied atmosphere compared to ancient times, the asuras could not exist, because, according to a number of physicists, they would crush themselves with their own weight. Based on the goniometry of the human body, with an increase of 50 meters, the weight was 30 tons, the span at the shoulders was 12 meters, and the body thickness was 5 meters. From the epics about Svyatogor, we learn that he mainly lay, because it was difficult for him to wear his body.

The life expectancy of our ancestors was unusually long. According to H. P. Blavatsky, Alapar, the second divine ruler of Babylonia, ruled for 10,800 years, while the first ruler, Alor, ruled for 36,000 years. From these figures it follows that the average age of the asuras reached 50,000-100,000 years. The enormous life span of the asuras was due to the presence of their accipital growth, i.e. growth that did not stop throughout life. Our biologists and gerontologists have long ago determined that there are no senile changes during the period of growth and development of the human body. Using simple calculations, V. A. Shemshuk shows that, having a height of 50 meters, you can really live tens of thousands of years!

The Asura civilization existed for about ten million years, i.e. 100-200 generations. This duration was due to the fact that long-lived people are not prone to "progressive" changes either in their lives or in their society. Therefore, their civilization was distinguished by enviable stability and longevity.

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However, the asuras were not only giants and centenarians. Their developed psychophysical abilities allowed them to influence the processes taking place in the Universe.

The plasma of the Sun and the plasma of human thought have the same nature, therefore the main source and supplier of plasma in the Solar System are living organisms that inhabited in the past and inhabited today the planets closest to the Sun, and, above all, our Earth. The asuras, due to tremendous psychophysical achievements, had a high-frequency, violet glow of the aura, so the Sun had to be violet and even ultraviolet, since many asuras were superior in their level to the gods. Indeed, the ultraviolet component is not the last in the solar spectrum. It is known that in space, in addition to yellow stars, there are red, greenish and blue stars. Their color is determined by the color of thought forms that people with yellow, green and blue aura emit. Our astronomers have not yet found purple and blue stars in the nearest space.

The reason for today's sad state of people is that apparently our ancestors tried to restore order in the Universe (in particular, to eliminate slavery), and for this they were overthrown and turned into slaves themselves. Some less advanced civilizations cannot imagine life without slavery. Therefore, they did everything to destroy our ancestors.

In 1965, the Italian scientist Colossimo summarized the data of all known archaeological expeditions and ancient written sources and concluded that in the past, the Earth was the arena of military operations with the use of nuclear weapons. Many ancient sources describe weapons that resemble nuclear weapons. Here is how they say about Brahma's weapon in the Ramayana: “Huge and spewing streams of flame, the explosion from it was as bright as ten thousand suns. The flame, devoid of smoke, spread in all directions and was intended to kill the entire people. Survivors lose their hair and nails …”.

Traces of thermal exposure - melted stones - were discovered by researchers in the Gobi Desert, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America. In those places where now deserts, semi-deserts and almost lifeless spaces blazed a fire that covered almost 70 million square kilometers of area (70% of the entire land area of the planet).

VA Shemshuk gives a number of proofs that the catastrophe on Earth was precisely nuclear. This is the presence of mutations in animals and humans (remember the Greek legends about cyclops - creatures with one eye on the bridge of the nose?), Polyploidy - doubling of the chromosome set, which leads to gigantism and duplication of some organs. Such finds were among archaeologists - giant skeletons with two rows of teeth. Another direction of radioactive mutagenesis is Mongoloid. Currently, the Mongoloid race is the most common on our planet.

Numerous nuclear explosions provoked torrential rains that caused the worldwide flood mentioned in many ancient sources. It was followed by a nuclear winter, known to science as the worldwide glaciation, and Humanity was thrown back into the Stone Age.

As a result of the fires, the Earth's atmosphere became more rarefied, and those giant life forms that lived on the planet before the disaster could no longer exist in it. The first catastrophe that destroyed the civilization of the Asuras happened 25,000-30,000 years ago. It was followed by a series of global cataclysms, as a result of which a person became “shallow”, living conditions worsened.

But what caused the nuclear catastrophe? The author of the book claims, citing numerous evidences, that this was a war imposed on Earth by a civilization of aliens from Orion.

There is, perhaps, not a single people on earth that would not have a myth or a fairy tale about the dragon, who had to sacrifice not only domestic animals, but also people. The North American Indians have preserved legends about the invasion of the earth by monster dragons, which destroyed the civilization of our ancestors.

It can be assumed that after the space war, our planet was captured by the dragon gods (in the modern interpretation - aliens). Morphologically, they look like upright reptiles, very similar to humans. Today we learn about dragons as "people in black" who interfere in all important events of human society. They are especially active when it comes to epoch-making discoveries. Then these gentlemen go from simple intimidation of the authors of the discoveries to their physical destruction.

If civilization does not set itself the goal of its own immortality, sooner or later it will turn to dust. The author of the book speaks about ten conditions of such immortality, which are successfully violated by the inhabitants of planet Earth, thanks to the activities of invaders on Earth. The moment is ripe when it is necessary to pay serious attention to the problems of the ecology of the planet and man, the development of the psychophysical abilities of people. Only this will be able to stop a new catastrophe on Earth, which we are already preparing for ourselves under the “sensitive guidance” of alien conquerors. All research of V. A. Shemshuk is subordinated to one goal - to convey the truth to humanity in order to take timely measures to prevent the collapse of our civilization.