Archeology - The Most Secret And Dangerous Science - Alternative View

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Archeology - The Most Secret And Dangerous Science - Alternative View
Archeology - The Most Secret And Dangerous Science - Alternative View

Video: Archeology - The Most Secret And Dangerous Science - Alternative View

Video: Archeology - The Most Secret And Dangerous Science - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Mysterious Recent Archaeological Finds And Artifacts Scientists Still Can't Explain 2024, September

For most people, the statement that archeology is the most secret science may cause surprise or even a condescending smile. Remember, for example, Eldar Ryazanov's ironic comedy "Garage", where the son of Academician Miloserdov (played by actor Igor Kostolevsky) emphasizes that he chose archeology, not diplomacy and the prestigious MGIMO, because this profession meets his need to be outside politics and outside the attention of the general public … In archeology, they say, everything is peacefully archaic and understandable …

In reality, nothing is hidden with such care (neither military, nor diplomatic secrets, nor even information about UFOs) in our world as archaeological finds, because many of them completely refute everything that is hammered into our heads from school, starting with Darwin's theory of evolution and the origin of man and ending with what our solar system, space and the universe as a whole are.


Despite the fact that some so-called "inconvenient artifacts" still become the property of the general public, for example, the mysterious structures of the ancient world (the same pyramids scattered all over the world), a stainless iron "London hammer", which is 100 million years old, found in the sixties of the last century, the flashlight of a "primitive man" operating on atomic energy, the bulk of the dirt (hundreds of thousands of objectionable archaeological finds) are carefully classified.


For example, in Germany, the Archives of the Society of Merchants who once traded with medieval Novgorod are considered top secret. Why? Yes, because it describes a huge and strongest empire, which was at that time on the territory of modern Russia, which has nothing to do with the so-called princely Russia.

In Russia itself, in its National Library, there is no access to the runic documents collected by the once Russian scientist Sulakadzev and transferred at one time to the state by the Neustroyevs. You won't even be able to get a list of these manuscripts. And such a picture is observed throughout our "amazing" world.


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Why are ancient knowledge hidden, the true history of the Earth? Because this knowledge contradicts the materialistic doctrine of modern society, where even religions have long since turned into servants of the golden calf and demonic forces. The powerful of this world do not need spiritual and free personalities, they need slaves to their passions and desires, which are so easy to control.

Archeology is the most dangerous science

But archeology is also a dangerous science, since ignorance of the truly spiritual laws of this world can lead to tragic consequences, and not only for the archaeologist himself, for example, who opened the tomb of Tutankhamun, but also for all mankind as a whole. There are many examples of this:

the destructive Masonic revolution in France, later called by historians for some reason great, began immediately after the desecration of the grave of Michel Nostradamus;

before the First World War, archaeologists uncovered the tombs of the rulers of the ancient Sumerian city of Ur (in particular, King Meskalamdug), although spiritual people warned that this should never be done;

approximately the same thing happened before the Great Patriotic War in the USSR, when scientists, in spite of the warning of local elders, excavated the grave of Tamerlane;

the ongoing Arab-Israeli war began in the sixties of the last century as soon as Israeli diggers opened the "Tower of Babel" and opened the sarcophagi of the ancient rulers.


No less serious "archaeological violations" occurred before the massacre in Yugoslavia, before the start of the current confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, and so on.

Independent researchers who are trying to link all these events together, as well as those who advocate the disclosure of all archaeological secrets, are immediately declared charlatans and instantly banished from science. This is at best, at worst - they are simply destroyed.

So, a very sophisticated thought sounded through the mouth of Miloserdov's son in the famous picture of Ryazanov: where are diplomats, politicians and even more so actors before the profession of an archaeologist, in whose hands are often not only secrets, but also the fate of the whole world …
