The Scientist Explained Why Hitler Was Unable To Create An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

The Scientist Explained Why Hitler Was Unable To Create An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View
The Scientist Explained Why Hitler Was Unable To Create An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

Video: The Scientist Explained Why Hitler Was Unable To Create An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

Video: The Scientist Explained Why Hitler Was Unable To Create An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View
Video: The Moment in Time: The Manhattan Project 2024, September

Hitlerite Germany was unable to create its own nuclear weapons, because its leadership did not consider this a priority, said Andrei Gagarinsky, advisor to the director of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center and the historian of the national atomic project.

According to him, the famous German scientist, Nobel laureate Werner Heisenberg conducted the last decisive, but failed experiment to launch a German nuclear reactor "in May 1945, already under the rumble of French tanks."

In addition, the historian noted, the German nuclear scientists did not ask for serious funding.

On Thursday, 70 years have passed since the test of the first Soviet atomic charge, which marked the beginning of the creation of a domestic nuclear shield. The Soviet atomic project began in 1942 in response to the development of nuclear weapons in the United States. The Americans, on the other hand, began to create their own atomic bomb out of fears that Hitler's Germany could make it, and thus wanting to ensure their victory in World War II.

According to veteran nuclear scientists and historians of the nuclear industry, the success of the USSR atomic project is due, among other things, to a clear statement by the country's leadership of the main tasks and problems that require urgent solutions, the concentration of intellectual, material and financial resources. The participants in the atomic project later recalled that they enjoyed the full confidence of the leadership of the country and the industry, and any requests were satisfied immediately.