Mohenjo-Daro And Its Secrets - Alternative View

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Mohenjo-Daro And Its Secrets - Alternative View
Mohenjo-Daro And Its Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Mohenjo-Daro And Its Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Mohenjo-Daro And Its Secrets - Alternative View
Video: Indus Valley - Mohenjo Daro and Harappa 2024, September

In 1922, on one of the islands of the Indus River in Pakistan, archaeologists discovered the ruins of an ancient city under a layer of sand. This place was named Mohenjo-Daro, which in the local language means "Hill of the Dead".

It is believed that the city originated around 2600 BC and existed for about 900 years. It is believed that during its heyday it was the center of the Indus Valley civilization and one of the most developed cities in South Asia. It lived from 50 to 80 thousand people. Excavations in this area continued until 1980. Salty subsoil waters began to flood the area and corrode the burnt brick of the surviving fragments of buildings. And then, by decision of UNESCO, the excavations were mothballed. So far, we managed to unearth about a tenth of the city.

A city from ancient times

What did Mohenjo-Daro look like almost four thousand years ago? Houses of the same type were located literally along the line. In the center of the house building there was a courtyard, and around it there were 4-6 living rooms, a kitchen and a room for ablution. Staircase spans preserved in some houses suggest that two-storey houses were also built. The main streets were very wide. Some went strictly from north to south, others - from west to east.

Ditches flowed along the streets, from which water was supplied to some houses. There were also wells. Each house was connected to a sewerage system. Sewage was discharged outside the city through underground pipes made of baked bricks. For the first time, perhaps, archaeologists have discovered the oldest public toilets here. Among other buildings, attention is drawn to the granary, a pool for general ritual ablutions with an area of 83 square meters and a "citadel" on a hill, apparently to save the townspeople from floods. There were also inscriptions on the stone, which, however, have not yet been deciphered.


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What happened to this city and its inhabitants? In fact, Mohenjo Daro ceased to exist at once. There are many confirmations of this. The skeletons of thirteen adults and one child were found in one of the houses. People were not killed or robbed, before death they sat and ate something from bowls. Others just walked the streets. Their death was sudden. In some ways it reminded of the death of people in Pompeii.


Archaeologists had to discard one after another version of the death of the city and its inhabitants. One of these versions is that the city was suddenly captured by the enemy and burned. But at the excavations they did not find any weapons or traces of a battle. There are quite a few skeletons, but all these people did not die as a result of the struggle. On the other hand, skeletons for such a large city are clearly not enough. It seems that most of the residents left Mohenjo-Daro before the disaster. How could this happen? Solid riddles …

“I worked at the excavations in Mohenjo-Daro for four whole years,” recalled the Chinese archaeologist Jeremy Sen. - The main version that I heard before arriving there was that in 1528 BC this city was destroyed by an explosion of monstrous power. All our finds confirmed this assumption … Everywhere we came across "groups of skeletons" - at the time of the city's death, people were clearly taken by surprise. The analysis of the remains showed an amazing thing: the death of thousands of residents of Mohenjo-Daro came … from a sharp increase in the level of radiation.

The walls of the houses were melted down, and we found layers of green glass among the rubble. Such glass was seen after nuclear tests at a test site in the Nevada desert, when the sand melted. Both the location of the corpses and the nature of the destruction in Mohenjo-Daro resembled … the events of August 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki … Both I and many members of that expedition concluded: there is a possibility that Mohenjo-Daro became the first city in the history of the Earth to undergo a nuclear bombardment …

Molten layer


A similar point of view is shared by the English archaeologist D. Davenport and the Italian explorer E. Vincenti. Analysis of samples brought from the banks of the Indus showed that the melting of soil and bricks occurred at a temperature of 1400-1500 ° C. At that time, such a temperature could only be obtained in a forge, but not in a vast open area.

What the sacred books talk about

So it was a nuclear explosion. But is this possible four thousand years ago? However, let's not rush. Let's turn to the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata". Here's what happens when using the mysterious weapons of the pashupati gods:

“… The ground underfoot trembled, swayed together with the trees. The river shook, even the great seas were agitated, the mountains cracked, the winds rose. The fire dimmed, the radiant sun was eclipsed …

Hot white smoke that was a thousand times brighter than the sun rose in endless brilliance and burned the city to the ground. The water boiled … horses and chariots of war were burned by thousands … the bodies of the fallen were crippled by the terrible heat so that they no longer looked like humans …


Gurka (deity. - Author's note), who flew in on a fast and powerful vimaana, sent one projectile against three cities, charged with all the power of the Universe. A sparkling column of smoke and fire burst out like ten thousand suns … The dead people were impossible to recognize, and the survivors did not live long: their hair, teeth and nails fell out. The sun seemed to tremble in heaven. The earth trembled, scorched by the terrible heat of this weapon … The elephants burst into flames and fled in madness in different directions … All the animals, crushed to the ground, fell, and from all sides the tongues of flame rained continuously and mercilessly."

Well, one can only once again be amazed at the ancient Indian texts that have been carefully preserved for centuries and brought these terrible legends to us. Most of such texts were considered by translators and historians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to be just a terrible fairy tale. After all, missiles with nuclear warheads were still far away.

Desert instead of cities

In Mohenjo-Daro, many carved seals were found, which, as a rule, depicted animals and birds: monkeys, parrots, tigers, rhinos. Apparently, at that time the Indus Valley was covered with jungle. Now there is a desert. The great Sumer and Babylonia were buried under the sand drifts.

The ruins of ancient cities are hidden in the deserts of Egypt and Mongolia. Scientists are now finding traces of settlements in America in completely uninhabitable territories. According to ancient Chinese chronicles, highly developed states were once in the Gobi Desert. Traces of ancient buildings are found even in the Sahara.


In this regard, the question arises: why did the once flourishing cities turn into lifeless deserts? Has the weather gone mad or has the climate changed? Let's admit. But why did the sand melt at the same time? It is this kind of sand, which turned into a green glassy mass, that researchers found in the Chinese part of the Gobi Desert, and in the area of Lake Lop Nor, and in the Sahara, and in the deserts of New Mexico. The temperature required to turn sand into glass does not occur naturally on Earth.

But four thousand years ago, people could not have had nuclear weapons. This means that the gods had and used it, in other words, aliens, cruel guests from outer space.

Vasily MITSUROV, candidate of historical sciences
