The Myth Of Christ Served Them Well - Alternative View

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The Myth Of Christ Served Them Well - Alternative View
The Myth Of Christ Served Them Well - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of Christ Served Them Well - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of Christ Served Them Well - Alternative View
Video: Why Elves Were Believed To Spread Deadly Diseases | Gods & Monsters | Parable 2024, September

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the weapons of parasites for the enslavement of all peoples

The entire Bible is woven from stolen pagan allegories that existed long before its appearance. A gang of "chosen ones" perverted all this in order to limit access to knowledge and use it to enslave all peoples …

A Christian who believes in lies, is saturated with lies and lives in lies, at the high levels of the Christian hierarchical ladder himself begins to look like a lie: the well-known "painted" smile on a lean face. Physical form absorbs lies.

“The united thought of many people is much more powerful than the sum of their separate thoughts. It has a better chance of becoming their reality.”- The Astral Body and Other Phenomena, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur E. Powell © 1927.

Below is evidence that the entire Bible and all Christian mythology is woven from stolen pagan allegories that have existed since time immemorial long before its appearance. The Bible has perverted these allegories in order to restrict access to the knowledge contained in them to a select few, namely, the Jewish elite, which uses them to enslave other nations.

Only a very sophisticated reader of the occult can fully understand the Bible. The mass consciousness is extraordinarily powerful. When someone reaches certain heights of knowledge in the occult, the truth that is revealed to him is simply shocking. The entire Judeo / Christian Bible is a hoax of catastrophic proportions with the very clear purpose of using subconscious means and channeling the psychic energy of believers.

Whatever country or region Christianity and its representatives received power over, all ancient sources and manuscripts in this territory were confiscated, and their carriers were massacred by the Inquisition. Thus, the occult knowledge found in these sources was out of the reach of the common population and was used by the "circle of the elect" to manipulate everyone else. The most important tool for such manipulation has become the Bible. For the most part, the people do not see this manipulation due to the lack of occult knowledge, power of thought and psychic energy. Those in power strive to strengthen the popular belief that the strength of mind and spirit is a fairy tale or just the delirium of a madman.

The elimination of ancient manuscripts made it possible to create pseudo-history and cut off humanity from its true roots. Manipulating history is extremely important because the way people see their past affects the present and the future.

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The entire Bible is a powerful subconscious instrument, full of occult numbers, messages, allegories, and stolen material from corrupted ancient religions. In addition, the Bible is imbued with psychic energy and the power of arousing fear and belief that it is real. Once the reader's eyes are open and he has the knowledge he needs, the biblical spell is powerless against him. The main idea behind the Judeo / Christian Bible is to plant the pseudo-history of the Jewish people in the minds of people.


What the masses believe in becomes reality, because thought is energy, and the thought of many people is the energy of unprecedented power.

In the Vatican library there are closed volts that keep thousands of esoteric books stolen from around the world for two thousand years from public circulation. The Catholic Church, the root of Christianity, is controlled by a secret society that uses these books to rule the masses. Its ultimate goal is the absolute enslavement of mankind, towards which it has gone inexorably and inexorably from the beginning of its inception.

This, one way or another, affected each of us. Humanity has endured so much unnecessary suffering by rejecting this knowledge. For centuries, people were forced to pay billions and billions of dollars for their own curse, and at their expense, this lie flourished and gained strength. In order for this hoax to continue to bloom in magnificent color, you only need one thing - LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!

Contrary to what we are taught, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are young religions. Humanity is rooted in tens of thousands of years. The aforementioned three are working tirelessly to keep us from learning and using the forces that are inherent in us by nature.


These so-called. "Religions" are built on torture, murder and lies, and the only way to survive for lies of such monstrous proportions is to constantly create new lies, destroying those who know the truth. Christianity is nothing more than a program. There is nothing spiritual or religious about it. A huge number of people suffer from depression, hopelessness and aimlessness of their existence. Humanity as a whole is under the spell and is programmed not to ask questions about these so-called. "Religions". This was backed up by centuries of duping and endless supplies of psychic energy from the souls of people, aimed at perpetuating this lie, which brings profit to the elect.



… Our Great Ancestors bequeathed to us to preserve the ancient KNOWLEDGE. And that's what we're here for. What we live for. We did not even save Christ at one time … Although we could. But we all loved him very much.

“Do you mean to say that one of you knew Christ?!.. But it was so long ago!.. Even you cannot live that long!

- Why - long ago, Isidora? - Sever was sincerely surprised. - It was only a few hundred ago! And we live much longer, you know. How could you live if you wanted …

- Several hundred ?!

Sever nodded.

- But what about the legend?!.. After all, one and a half thousand years have passed since his death?!..

- That is why she is a "legend" and is … - Sever shrugged his shoulders, - After all, if she were the Truth, she would not need the custom "fantasies" of Paul, Matthew, Peter and the like?.. With all that, these " holy "people have never even seen the living Christ! And he never taught them. History repeats itself, Isidora … So it was, and so it will always be, until people finally begin to think for themselves. And while Dark Minds think for them - only struggle will always rule on Earth …

Sever fell silent, as if deciding whether to continue. But after thinking a little, he spoke again …

- The "Thinking Dark" from time to time give humanity a new God, always choosing him from the best, brightest and purest, but precisely those who are surely no longer in the Circle of the Living. Since, you see, it is much easier to “dress” a false “story of his Life” on a dead person, and let her into the world, so that she would bring to humanity only what was “approved” by the “Thinking Dark”, forcing people to plunge even deeper into the ignorance of Mind, swaddling their Souls more and more in fear of inevitable death, and putting on the same fetters on their free and proud Life …

- Who are the Thinking Dark Ones, Sever? - I could not resist.

- This is the Dark Circle, which includes the "gray" Magi, "black" magicians, money geniuses (their own for each new period of time) and much more. Easier is the Earthly (and not only) unification of "dark" forces.

A still from the feature film: The Jews-High Priests and Christ
A still from the feature film: The Jews-High Priests and Christ

A still from the feature film: The Jews-High Priests and Christ.

- And you are not fighting them? !!! You talk about it so calmly, as if it does not concern you!.. But you, too, live on Earth, Sever!

A deadly melancholy appeared in his eyes, as if I had inadvertently touched something deeply sad and unbearably sick.

- Oh, we fought, Isidora!.. How we fought! That was a long time ago … I, like you now, was too naive and thought that it was only necessary for people to show where the truth is and where the lie, and they will immediately rush into the attack for a "just cause." These are just "dreams of the future", Isidora … Man, you see, a creature is easily vulnerable … Too easily succumbing to flattery and greed. And other different "human vices" … People first of all think about their needs and benefits, and only then - about the "rest" living.

Those who are stronger - thirst for Power. Well, the weak are looking for strong defenders, not at all interested in their "cleanliness". And this has been going on for centuries. That is why in any war the brightest and the best die first. And the rest of the "remaining" join the "winner" … And so it goes in a circle. The earth is not ready to think, Isidora. I know you do not agree, because you yourself are too pure and bright. But one person is not capable of overthrowing the common EVIL, even one as strong as you. Earthly Evil is too big and free. We tried once … and lost the best. That is why we will wait for the right time. There are too few of us, Isidora.

- But then why don't you try to fight differently? A war that doesn't require your lives? You have such a weapon! And why do you allow to defile people like Jesus? Why don't you tell people the truth?..

- Because no one will listen to this, Isidora … People prefer a beautiful and calm lie, exciting the soul to the truth … And yet they do not want to think. Look, even the stories about the "life of the gods" and the messiahs, created by the "dark", are too similar to one another, down to the details, from their birth to the very death. This is so that a person is not worried about the "new", so that he is always surrounded by the "familiar and familiar."

Once, when I was like you - a convinced, true Warrior - these "stories" struck me with open lies and the stinginess of the diversity of thought of their "creators". I thought it was a great mistake of the "dark" … But now I have long understood that this is how they were created deliberately. And it really was a genius … Thinking Dark ones know too well the nature of the "led" person and therefore are absolutely sure that a Man will always readily follow someone who is similar to what he already knows, but will strongly resist and will hardly accept the one who will be new to him and make him think.


That is why, probably, people are still blindly following “similar” Gods, Isidora, without hesitation and without thinking, without bothering to ask themselves at least one question …

I lowered my head - he was absolutely right. People still had too strong a "crowd instinct" that easily controlled their pliant souls …

- But each of those whom people called Gods had very bright and very different their own unique Lives, which would wonderfully adorn the True Chronicle of Humanity, if people knew about them, - the North continued sadly. - Tell me, Isidora, has anyone on Earth read the records of Christ himself?.. But he was a wonderful Teacher, who, moreover, wrote wonderfully! And he left much more than the Thinking Dark Ones, who created his fake story, could even imagine …

Excerpt from the book of Svetlana de Rogan-Levashova "Revelation"

Author: Erlan Esenaliev