If The US Strikes At The Russians In Syria, America Will Be Hit By UFOs - Alternative View

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If The US Strikes At The Russians In Syria, America Will Be Hit By UFOs - Alternative View
If The US Strikes At The Russians In Syria, America Will Be Hit By UFOs - Alternative View

Video: If The US Strikes At The Russians In Syria, America Will Be Hit By UFOs - Alternative View

Video: If The US Strikes At The Russians In Syria, America Will Be Hit By UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Watch video of violent confrontation between U.S. and Russian troops in Syria. 2024, September

Since about the middle of last year, people around the world periodically report strange "explosions in the sky" for which there is no explanation. Local authorities blame everything on “flights of fighters” breaking the sound barrier, but people are not idiots. How is it that there is a roar from overcoming the sound barrier, but there is no plane in the sky at that moment?

And although such thunders are observed everywhere, most of them occur in the United States, where anomalous phenomena have become unusually frequent lately.

On March 14, residents of two US states, Oklahoma and Texas, report an incomprehensible thunder in the sky, accompanied by unusual flares. At the same time, NASA does not report any meteorites, and the USGS does not report any earthquakes.

Reports of a 'shaking boom' across central Oklahoma shortly after 4 pm today. Based on visual reports of meteor streaks in Oklahoma and Texas, and no earthquake reports from the USGS, it is possible the region experienced a 'bolide' or the breaking up of a meteor. - NWS Norman (@NWSNorman) March 13, 2018

Meteor flew over Oklahoma City today at about 16:20, with a sonic boom and some shaking in nearby Norman! Was beautiful green and orange streak in the daylight. - Orion Sirius (@ Orion_Sirius103) March 13, 2018

We do not include all posts from Texas and Oklahoma in order to save space, there are many of them and a link to the entire list will be given below. For now, let's look at other similar events: thunders in the sky, light performances and other "special effects":

Canada, City of London, Ontario, March 12:

Promotional video:

March 6, Utah, USA and North Yorkshire, Northeast UK:

Grace Harbor County, Washington:

In the latter case, there was a complete set of special effects: a crash in the sky and a bright orange light that illuminated the entire horizon. Grace Harbor County Sheriff Rick Scott writes that he was driving from Olympia to Grace Harbor County when he saw a giant flash:

"I saw a huge flash of what appeared to be orange light, illuminating the entire horizon to the west."

At the same time, the roar was such that even seismographs in the Pacific Ocean worked:


Mr MBB333 gave a good overview of all similar cases observed in the US in March:

A logical question arises: what is it?

While seismologists and meteorologists are wondering about this, the editorial staff of Veterans Today offers their version of the explanation of the situation, which, in our opinion, is worth listening to - given the past place of work (service) of these guys. However, to understand the situation, we should recall the events of October 1973, which are described in history textbooks as the Yom Kippur War.

Officially, it was a war between Egypt and Syria on the one hand and Israel on the other. It began on October 6 and ended on October 25, when the United States announced the highest combat readiness of all parts of its armed forces. So it is written in the history of the official. And here is what they write about this moment Veterans Today:

I just remember how the (bomber) pilot turned to me, dropped his cookies and said: “Looks like the Russian submarines hit us with their missiles” (I simply remember an airman turning to me before losing his cookies saying “It looks like the Russians are firing submarines at us”).

All this took place in October 1973 at the US Air Force Base "Wurtsmith", Michigan (Wurtsmith Air Force Base). At that time, it was the main base of the US strategic aviation, where the main part of the B 52 was based. And as Veterans Today write, with the beginning of the Yom Kippur War, a form of death began at the air base:

It was something about 300 feet long and 50 feet in diameter. It entered US airspace somewhere over Seattle (Washington state) and, moving at an altitude of about 4,000 feet, it flew strictly horizontally over Wurtsmeef. Then it seemed to enter Lake Huron. This was seen by many people at a distance of hundreds of miles, so the information could not be hushed up and the incident was announced on TV, telling about the “meteorite”.

Some of the people on the editorial board of Veterans Today served in the US military intelligence in 1973. At that time they were not in the highest ranks, however, unlike the writers of "Wikipedia" they saw everything with their own eyes.

In their opinion, in October 1973 there was such a nuclear crisis in the world that the well-known Caribbean crisis was a children's matinee against its background. It is very possible that it even came to the first exchange of nuclear strikes, but UFOs intervened and destroyed all the missiles launched by the USSR and the USA. At the same time, one of the UFOs rolled in full view of the entire United States, forcing the White House to somehow explain this end of the world to the public.

Now, according to Veterans Today, the situation is similar in the world. Again Israel and Syria are on the agenda, again the United States and Russia are threatening to exchange blows in the area. And then London joined in on errands. But as soon as the situation in Syria became quite tense, the end of the world began in the US sky and in the sky over England.

Comparing these events with the events of 1973, which they witnessed, Veterans Today believe that in this way the aliens somehow warned the Pentagon, the White House, and Mr Trump about excessive activity.

Having intervened in the situation in 1973, UFOs greatly cooled the hotheads who put the world under the threat of an all-out nuclear war. Today, a similar ladder of escalation could begin with an exchange of strikes between the US and Russia in Syria, so UFOs intervened this time too. Perhaps that is why a whole UFO fleet hung over Florida, personally informing Donald Trump of something, who has his personal residence in the area.

By the way, as recently as yesterday, Mr. Trump suddenly decided to establish a Space Corps in the United States, the recruitment of which definitely implies everyone and anyone who wants to, since the United States has long had comic troops dealing with satellites. That is, this Space Corps will in no way be an analogue of the Russian Aerospace Forces, we are talking about a real call of a mass of people into service.

The version of Veterans Today may seem pretty crazy at first glance, nevertheless, so far only she explains all these “heavenly special effects” somehow.

We are following the development of events with interest, because we do not exclude that the Pentagon did not understand the hint, therefore, as a result, America will have a full Independence Day. And this time, the brave curly black marines will not be able to save democracy because UFOs will not be cinematic, but real.