Reptile Invasion, The Last Stage Of The New World Order - Alternative View

Reptile Invasion, The Last Stage Of The New World Order - Alternative View
Reptile Invasion, The Last Stage Of The New World Order - Alternative View

Video: Reptile Invasion, The Last Stage Of The New World Order - Alternative View

Video: Reptile Invasion, The Last Stage Of The New World Order - Alternative View
Video: Understanding the New World Order I Fortune 2024, September

Are we witnessing the final phase of the New World Order after the reptilian invasion? About five thousand five hundred years ago, our cosmic memory (the core of consciousness) was cleaned up by reptiles. Fortunately, memory, frequency and energy are starting to return and they cannot stop it. These creatures believe they have every right to be here. They think they have every right to enslave us because we cannot control ourselves.

They forgot that they too are part of the universe. Their invasion took place in the fifth dimension through a wormhole they created. And when they invaded, they rummaged through our cellular alphabet. This means that our DNA was turned off, the central source of energy, which was located in the center of our planet and in turn was connected with the Universe, was also turned off. Our planet is a conscious and living entity. The core of our planet has a power source inside, but it takes power from the Universe, from space. The fields of various energy networks were distorted by this invasion, they cut off this special source of energy from our planet, and if we look at today's world, we will see that humanity has lost its humanity. We live in an anti-human world.

How did we allow it and how can we continue to tolerate it? This is not a human agenda, this is a negative agenda of alien reptiles. This is not really about creating an enemy; you need to understand how to convey to the consciousness of reptiles that the time of their control on this planet is over.

When the Reptiles invaded us, they entered Saqqara, Egypt. They created a “trigger event,” which means that they created the successive events that led to what we see on our planet today. This is a choice that we ourselves made, as a species, due to a lack of understanding of what was happening at that time. Various religious texts posted on our planet are the creation of reptiles. These arrogant beings have created for us a certain program of thinking based on worship and redemption, thinking that we are small and lonely "worms" who must get out of sin, which is completely false.

And this is the negative reptilian alien program. This has delayed human evolution for about five thousand years. The teachings that are part of human history and that of the human race have been falsified and distorted, and it's no wonder many of us die with a broken heart. Because we have lived our lives with false truths invented for us. And the current agenda since this invasion is mind control. But when we really start to go beyond the mental program, they cannot control us because they do not know what conscience is and do not understand human emotions.

They only included mental programming, which was very successful when it was implemented in our society, in our lifestyle, when you can easily control us like robots, every day, at work, in the family, when you take out a mortgage.


This is part of the program to keep us in one cycle. But many of us are persecuted for trying to find another way, knowing that all we want is liberation. And mind control occurs on many levels: through television, movies, music, media and mind control technology, and even what we cannot see with the naked eye if our subconscious is silent.

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Now all mind control technology is serving the purpose of the reptiles. This is an anti-human program based on domination and slavery. Mind control has increased since November 2009 because reptiles believe they are losing control. Reptilian consciousness has created an anti-human structure on this planet that benefits only a privileged minority (elite). Reptiles believe in hierarchy.

Reptiles originated millions of years ago, on a planet near the constellation Draco. The reptile agenda is aimed at the moral decay of the inhabitants of our planet, the degradation of the mind and heart. By pushing humanity towards this goal, ego-oriented, reptiles gain more energy by absorbing our negative energy.

To separate ourselves from this control of consciousness, we must understand and understand that we used to be different and could maintain contact with other beings and entities living on other cosmic shores and in other dimensions. There are beings of light who have always been present and a few years before the main battle between light and reptilian darkness, between evil and good, they will appear on our side. Our challenge now is to make sure that we are awakening and can find a way to connect spirit, conscience and consciousness that will lead us to our core and open the door to the World.

Our task is to return everything that has been taken from us and that belongs to the human race.

Author: Jose D. Fuentes