Conspiracy Theories Or Healthcare Today - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories Or Healthcare Today - Alternative View
Conspiracy Theories Or Healthcare Today - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theories Or Healthcare Today - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theories Or Healthcare Today - Alternative View
Video: COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED / Episode 18 - The Medical Futurist 2024, September

Since the appearance of the first state formations, such interesting phenomena as politics and ideology have entered human life. At first, their role and significance were insignificant, however, every year their influence on the life of the average man in the street grew and intensified.

In the first states, relations between people and the authorities were based on the principle “the people work and feed the ruler, and the ruler protects him from enemies,” and the functions of controlling the actions of the authorities were practically absent. However, over time, ordinary citizens more and more often asked questions: why does our leader (tsar, shaman, government, president, etc.) act this way and not otherwise? Is this what we want from him? And it often happened that the dissatisfied people simply threw some leaders off the throne, and others came to their place; the whole history of mankind is full of revolutions and power changes.

And in the same way, since the appearance of the first historical and journalistic works (sometimes that have come down to us either orally or several times rewritten by various people), the theme of the actions of governments that does not fit into the general picture of the usual course of things for that time runs through them. as well as attempts to explain these actions. So, in fact, the science of conspiracy theories appears - the science of conspiracies.

There was not a single system or government on our planet whose actions were not considered from the point of view of conspiracy theories. They described the masses of secret societies influencing all political and economic processes of a particular era. Levites, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Reptilians, and so on - in each era, these researchers will find their puppeteers, secretly influencing the course of history by extending their influence over governments. And not only governments! Any phenomenon that has a more or less global scale has always been considered by conspiracy theorists as an object of research.

In the era of advanced capitalism, when the economy is more and more globalized, conspiracy theorists have a colossal amount of material to build their theories. The branches of medicine and pharmacology have become one of the areas that provide fertile food for their research. At one time, any human settlement always used the services of such two specialists as a healer and a herbalist: the first one told how to treat an ailment, the second prepared the necessary decoction or tincture. In modern society, they have transformed into a doctor and a pharmacist, and their role and influence on society, thanks to the development of science, has become comparable to the influence of those in power. Why did this happen? The reason is very simple: before, the causes of most diseases were unknown, and the methods of their treatment, to put it mildly, are far from perfect; the mortality of patients was high,and nobody was surprised by this course of things. In modern society, the value of human life has become somewhat higher, there are more opportunities for its preservation and improvement. You could even say that a good and healthy life has become a kind of commodity that anyone with money can afford. Thus, health from the category of non-material concepts goes into quite practical ones, with all the ensuing consequences.with all the ensuing consequences.with all the ensuing consequences.

Naturally, any organization that controls medicine and pharmacology receives a powerful lever of pressure on people, the influence of which is much more important than any state institutions - after all, we are talking about human life. And here you can face one of the most unpleasant problems that modern medicine carries: and at what cost will this improvement in life be achieved? What is the organization ready to go to get profits and increase its influence?

Over the past 50 years, the world's population has doubled. There are several reasons for this: the emergence of modern farming methods, improved medical care, and so on. But one of the main ones is the reduction of child and infant mortality. This is undoubtedly a great merit of modern medicine, however, at what cost was it achieved? Now few people know how the first vaccines against plague or tularemia were derived. How many people were specially infected, how many human lives were crippled.

An interesting point in conspiracy theory in medicine is the illegal experiments that were carried out on people during the Second World War. German and Japanese doctors had a huge amount of material in the form of captured enemy soldiers or unreliable own citizens. Until now, all normal people are horrified by the personalities of the German Joseph Mengele and the Japanese Shiro Ishii - two leaders of inhuman research. But what is most striking is the fact that neither they nor their subordinates suffered practically any serious punishment for their actions. Moreover, most of the German companies that tested their drugs on prisoners of war also miraculously escaped not only criminal prosecution, but also any kind of financial pressure.

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These people and organizations, by their absolutely inhumane actions, have advanced medicine and pharmacology far ahead; if there were no war, humanity would not have been able to find ways to solve many diseases for a long time. But do we have the right to make such deals with our conscience?

However, in the modern world, phenomena are no less terrifying. It is alarming that over the past 30-40 years the number of mutated viruses and bacteria that cause diseases has increased dramatically. Most of the "old" drugs (the old ones are invented only 15-20 years ago by modern standards) cannot cope with modern diseases, new ones come to replace them. Antibiotics alone survive the sixth generation, and penicillin no longer kills virtually any bacteria.

Some see the reason for the fact that viruses and bacteria have adapted, mutated. However, the majority is inclined to think that everything is not so simple: it is possible that somewhere in secret laboratories, modern "doctors Mengele" not only produce new generations of drugs, but also independently modify the causative agents of new diseases that are still unknown to mankind.