Who Benefits From Human Disease? - Alternative View

Who Benefits From Human Disease? - Alternative View
Who Benefits From Human Disease? - Alternative View

Video: Who Benefits From Human Disease? - Alternative View

Video: Who Benefits From Human Disease? - Alternative View
Video: An evolutionary perspective on human health and disease | Lara Durgavich 2024, September

Most people today are firmly convinced that the issue of health lies entirely on the conscience of doctors. But scientists have long proved that human health depends only on 7% of health care. It depends primarily on proper nutrition, and on the right lifestyle. The health of any person depends on himself.

Many doctors try to convince people that vitamins and other natural substances are a kind of throwback to the Middle Ages. Convincing patients to agree to dangerous and costly surgery. People are allowing the pharmaceutical industry to spread misinformation about the alleged side effects of natural substances and question their beneficial effects. This confusion in the public mind is not an accident, it is deliberately exploited by the pharmaceutical industry and other groups with common interests.

By manipulating mass consciousness, such groups hide from people the true causes of their health and illnesses. A deceitful dependence on the pharmaceutical industry is created, which deprives people of the opportunity to take responsibility for their own health. This dependence creates the necessary conditions for the development and prosperity of a multi-billion dollar business that subsists on disease. The pharmaceutical industry controls society. Her interests also control the conduct of medical research. They make all professions that are related to health care addictive. Pharmaceutical companies manipulate the media and legislation in order to maintain their dominant position. In the course of large-scale advertising campaigns in the media, they create the so-called "smoke screen"which hides the true interests of the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical companies say they have a vested interest in eradicating disease in a humane way. However, the opposite is true - they are trying to save the disease in order for the drug market to expand. The pharmaceutical market is growing rapidly around the world. Over the past 30 years, profits for pharmaceutical companies have outstripped those of all other industries by about 500%. Such super-profits, one way or another, are paid for by millions of people. It turns out that the disease business is the most profitable business in the world.

The Roman Church 500 years ago earned billions of thalers by selling indulgences to its believers, the so-called "keys to the gates of paradise." After a while, the scheme of deception, and with it the power of the church, collapsed. The pharmaceutical industry uses the same deception scheme today. She tries to sell the "keys to health" to millions of people, and in return takes billions of dollars from them, creating only the illusion that she is extremely interested in preserving their health.

Pharmaceutical companies are mainly interested in increasing profits. And this can only be achieved by increasing the number of sales. Manufacturers actively convince people that they are suffering from one disease or another. And patients, independently or through doctors, buy drugs in pharmacies that pharmacists have imposed on them. European pharmaceutical companies spend twice as much on marketing as they do on research. Approximately 5 million medicines of various names are produced annually in the world. The sale of these drugs generates more than a trillion dollars a year for pharmaceutical companies.

In France, a book called "The Black Dossier of Synthetic Drugs" by Louis Brouwer became very famous. On the basis of indisputable facts, Louis proved that modern medicine is governed by an omnipotent group of oligarchs that are at the head of large chemical and pharmaceutical companies. They are the ones who select the right teams of politicians, governments and heads of hospitals. In his book, Brower drew a stunning conclusion - the leaders of the pharmaceutical, chemical and agro-industrial sectors are in a conspiracy, the result of which was a real genocide. The more people get sick, the more the business of the oligarchs who run the medicine of the West flourishes. According to the World Health Organization, 150-200 drugs would be enough to treat all diseases. At the same time, there are 10 thousand drugs in circulation in each EU country,which bring rather dubious benefits, and often harm. The elimination or cure of a disease can lead to the collapse of the multi-billion dollar market for pharmaceutical companies.

The pharmaceutical business in the entire history of the world has led to the death of many more people than from all world wars combined. Basically, drugs are of synthetic origin. None of these drugs completely eliminate the disease. They are all aimed at the symptoms of diseases, eliminating or reducing them, and in no way eliminate the problems associated with the cause of their occurrence. Medicines have 70% of the side effect, and only 30% of the therapeutic.

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Mortality from such side effects ranks 4th after cancer, strokes and heart attacks. Moreover, it is drugs that have caused a number of diseases. Almost 80% of the diseases that people are suffering from now have absolutely no reason. In other words, these are degenerative diseases. People by nature should not get sick with endocrine, cardiovascular, skin diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are caused by a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the human body. That is why natural and natural vitamins are simply not compatible with the pharmaceutical business of corporations that base their activities on the "exploitation of diseases." Since these are natural substances, they cannot be patented, therefore, they will not be able to bring any significant income. It is beneficial for the pharmaceutical industry for people to get sick and for diseases to become chronic. This will ensure the further development and prosperity of the pharmaceutical markets.