Know: The HIV Virus Simply Does Not Exist! - Alternative View

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Know: The HIV Virus Simply Does Not Exist! - Alternative View
Know: The HIV Virus Simply Does Not Exist! - Alternative View

Video: Know: The HIV Virus Simply Does Not Exist! - Alternative View

Video: Know: The HIV Virus Simply Does Not Exist! - Alternative View
Video: AIDS Science Day 2009 - Seth Kalichman, Ph.D. 2024, September

Associate professor of the Medical University of Irkutsk, Vladimir Ageev, who is the head of the department of pathology and an experienced pathologist-pathologist who has been opening the troupes of supposedly infected people with the HIV virus for more than twenty years, claims that there is no AIDS at all. It was invented by pharmacologists in order to sow panic among the world's population and thereby significantly increase their profits.

Ageev all these years tried to find the fantastic HIV virus, and … did not find it. As far as he knows, no one in the world has ever received the culture of this virus, not even those who were awarded the Nobel Prizes for the detection of AIDS. Today, many already understand why these pseudoscientists were encouraged by the powers that be with such high awards and titles.

People allegedly suffering from AIDS actually die in front of Ageev from anything, from drug addiction to cirrhosis of the liver, but all the attempts of an experienced doctor to detect this mythical HIV virus did not lead to anything - it simply does not exist.

Carriers of this "virus" (they are told about this in hospitals as a result of some fantastic tests), says the scientist, are dying from a depletion of the immune system (maybe it is this depletion that is identified as AIDS?). However, this is not a cause, but a consequence of drug use or, which most often happens, excessive drug addiction, in particular antibiotics. It is the pharmacologists who produce all these chemicals that practically plant the human immune system, and then declare: they have nothing to do with it, this is all the HIV virus, which again needs to be treated with increased intake of appropriate drugs, that is, finally destroy your immunity and … die …


Excessive enthusiasm for modern medicines leads to the fact that children are already born with partial or even complete lack of immunity - and they are immediately declared carriers of the HIV virus. And they begin to finish off with the same drugs that gave rise to all this horror. Naturally, the lack of immunity is defenselessness even from the most harmless infection, which is not only not harmful, but even needed by a normal person for the full functioning of the body, for example, to cleanse it of accumulated "dirt".

The HIV virus was invented by pharmacologists

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It turns out that modern pharmacologists are just criminals before humanity, ready to destroy it for the sake of their super profits! And what about the doctors? And they, most often bribed by pharmaceutical companies, simply follow their lead, because they themselves feed from the same source.

By the way, there is a fantastically simple, undeservedly forgotten drug - ASD fraction 2 (practically a folk remedy for all diseases), which can restore the human immune system in the shortest possible time. And in modern society, unfortunately, it is undermined by almost everyone, with rare exceptions, even among young people. Moreover, the aforementioned drug, invented by Professor Dorogov back in the middle of the last century, is sold only in veterinary pharmacies (it is allowed to treat only animals - do you understand why now?). However, hurry up, pharmacologists can remove it from there. However, not necessarily, they are well aware of how zombified a modern person is by pharmacies and doctors, and therefore he will not go anywhere from them, especially if he is also told that he is sick with AIDS …