Angela Merkel Will Take Part In The Secret Meeting Of The Bilderberg Club In - Alternative View

Angela Merkel Will Take Part In The Secret Meeting Of The Bilderberg Club In - Alternative View
Angela Merkel Will Take Part In The Secret Meeting Of The Bilderberg Club In - Alternative View

Video: Angela Merkel Will Take Part In The Secret Meeting Of The Bilderberg Club In - Alternative View

Video: Angela Merkel Will Take Part In The Secret Meeting Of The Bilderberg Club In - Alternative View
Video: Inside Story - How powerful is the Bilderberg group? 2024, September

In Germany, this caused outrage on the left and right political forces, reports.

Chancellor Angela Merkel was invited to the 2016 Bilderberg conference in Dresden, Germany, the annual meeting of the elite, which some call the "secret get-together" that manipulates world events.

According to the German-language Huffington Post, Angela Merkel herself is on the guest list this year and will meet with over 100 globalists from business, banking, media and academia.

German Federal Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen will also attend the conference, along with Federal Minister for Special Affairs Peter Altmeier and Sigmar Gabriel, Vice Chancellor of Germany. They will be joined by Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German Foreign Minister.

German left-wing economist Axel Troost criticized Merkel's involvement, accusing her of giving in to lobbyists. Troost insists that "government officials should not in principle" be allowed to participate in the club.

Condemnation also came from the right, from the publisher Jürgen Elshasser. He made it clear that he would support the protests against the Bilderbergers.

The right-wing populist AFD, which is currently the third largest political party in Germany, has also expressed its opposition, arguing that the Bilderberg is pushing for "neoliberal globalization" that seeks to eliminate nation states and "undermine the democratic participation of national parliaments."

The visit to Merkel is noteworthy given that she controlled policies that resulted in a huge influx of migrants to Germany. A new poll shows that two-thirds of Germans think she should not be re-elected in 2017.

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Although the media generally refers to the Bilderberg as simply a “talking shop” with no actual power, there are countless examples of the group having an impact on world affairs.

In 2010, NATO Secretary General and former Bilderberg member Willy Klaas acknowledged that Bilderberg participants are empowered to implement the decisions made during the annual meeting of the bigwigs. If so, then it is a violation of the laws of many countries that prohibit politicians from secretly under the influence of foreign agents.

In 2009, the chairman of the Bilderberg Club, Etienne Davignon, even boasted that the euro, as the single currency, was the brainchild of the Bilderberg Club.